Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 3:11
Video Thumbnails: Above
$29.95 $14.95
93 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 3:11
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Awesome! This is a must buy! I’m also willing to pay this much for Isabella’s return! oh please please
I’d pay that for Isabella’s return.
OMFG! Thank you Sarah!
Thank you Sarah instant buy
If she’s willing to get even more brave, i think we’re all willing to spend a little more money.
Totally worth it. She looks amazing.
definitely an instant buy for Sarah. Many thanks
Well worth the wait. Sarah looks fantastic
A 9 or 10 year wait (approximately)?
I’m sure the cure to “Sarah Blue Balls Syndrome” never felt so good. 😉
It feels like the wait of a lifetime, but it was worth every second of the wait and she deserves every cent for being so brave (and being so beautiful). Thank you Sarah. It will be hard to top this in the future, but I’m sure you’ll manage.
Well worth the price,thanx MC and THANX Sarah for your bravery and sharing yourself with us.
Worth… EVERY… Penny!!! Didn’t even glance at the previews, and I was pleasantly surprised… Full topless from the very first image!!! Sarah’s bravery is commendable (and VERY much appreciated)… and her jubblies are SPECTACULAR!!! “Thanks” is NOT enough… Eternal gratitude to Sarah and MC!!! Can’t wait to see Alice’s *ahem* bravery… If you can get the girls to be, maybe say like Valensia/Gabriella brave… I’ll send you my tax return… you’re probably gonna end up getting it eventually either way, lol…
WOW. three weeks into new year and already, Sarah’s best set ever (duh), Sarah and Alice’s best duo set, and Lena’s second best solo set (ladder still my favorite), and Kayley keeps getting better with maybe a set with her friend , Ira in the future . Not sure how Marvel is going to maintain this pace of awesomeness. Other stuff I’ll pay more for, Nika with like set, Kayley with like set and Gabi and Lena getting together for a retro set.
This set is well worth the money…Thanks to all
I appreciate the unfortunate need for the security marks, but it would be nice if they were kept to the upper corner of the image. In some cases they fall across her head.
Please alice netx!!!!
Okay. 😉
Don’t play with my emotions. Many of us have been waiting for these 2 to grace us with their natural beauty unencumbered by fashion. We’re halfway there. And I just ordered, so I still have some time to wait for the download.
I’d be juuuuust fine paying $30 for that! For Alissa, I always want to buy them twice since they’re so good. Time to allow donations to the models direct? O:)
Ooooo. Shots fired. Gauntlet laid. Awesome, awesome set. Not just topless, but topless for every pic. No messing around here. Kudos.
Alice and Nika, consider yourselves put on notice. 😀 😛
Big thanks to all! Bravo.
Just as I hoped…firm, perky, and fun-size…perfect!
wow, jaw on floor. finally she’s done it! and well worth the price. Bravo Sarah, I will be getting this must have set soon! OXOX
It’s gonna have to wait until pay day, dammit!
But, thanx MC and bless you so very, very, very much, My Sarah!!
While we are all wishing how about Alissa and Kayley
29.95 USD = 160.31 TURKISH LIRA ( TL ) :((((
The most expensive set ever and just 93 pics. C’mon MarvelCharm, I know editing pics to release them is labour intensive and therefore expensive, but don’t be so greedy. A set like this should have at least 125 pics, if not 150 or more. People wouldn’t complain, you know.
Did u forget there is a video too…
Yeah, 3:11 instead of 8 minutes!
There are other sets with videos at the regular price. If you ask more, so do I. I am disappointed, so I didn’t buy the set. In the end, it’s about the way I feel as a customer. I do not expect some charging me 3 times the usual price and not taking care of every single detail. If anything, this set should be on the long side, like 150 pics, plus a collection of out-takes, for those who like them. Plus a 10 minute long video.
Still worth it.
I’d be curious to know where this ranks in the “Fastest selling set” category
If these comments are anything to go by, it would take the top spot. Even for people who have to wait for pay day, it would still be the most sales in the least time.
Valensia’s latest Christmas update was the fastest, I think.
Let’s add Rikki to this list as well!
Would pay $100 for a Rikki set like this.. Maybe more if need be
Don’t give ’em any ideas. Though Calvin is perfectly free to. 😀
$ 29.95 for a topless?
You’re kidding.
what an abusive price
Kira, Marissa, Rebbeca, Karin, Violet, Stella, Ariana, Valensia, Lena, Nika, Nicolette, Mila all photograph naked for $ 10.95
Why a Topless for $ 29.95?
Please marvel team, justify this abusive price.
Topless $ 29.95 ?????
Nude set $ 10.95 ?????
Read the first comment on this page.
Edit: Actually, just read our comment about pricing further down.
$ 29.95 for topless?
the other nude models are working for free for $ 10.95.
Simple solution,don’t buy it. Hopefully the watermark will stop the file sharing sites from posting this set so you’ll just have to do without. Is that why you’re angry?
SPOILER ALERT !!!! Sarah is sexy as all hell.
Keep sets like this coming, kind sir. My only is concern is that you’re going to make so much money that you’l be able to retire by mid March.
Any chance that all your models will have videos sometime this year??
Is a third site still in the plans??
Great job by Masha (as usual) .
I don’t know that I would call it brave. I seriously doubt if she had any qualms about posing topless. She sure didn’t look like it bothered her. Most of these girls would do just about anything if the money was right.
So, you know about ‘these girls’ and what they would do for money? I think you are unjustly generalising and thinking ‘these girls’ don’t deserve your respect. I’m inclined to say that I do have more respect for our models than for people who make comments like this.
Can’t wait for this set. Still waiting on the links, hopefully not too long. Thank you Sarah and thank you MC!
Ohhhh my….. YOU NAILED this one for ALL the Sarah fans. She is and has been my model crush for EVER… Great job MC and Sarah you are as incredible as they get. You are a QUEEN. <3
WOW!!!!! already purchased and am waiting for email with download link. Even at $29 this will be a top seller…and imagine if you had a set like this for Rikki youd set records, even for $50!
All I can say is….nothing. I’m speechless right now. I’ve been waiting for this for sooo long now. Sarah doesn’t disappoint one bit. She’s just as cute as she’s ever been. Now comes the wait for the first Alice set like this
I am going to try to explain pricing again, hopefully I can be more clear for those who keep asking.
First, I personally have not earned any profit from the Sarah/Alice sets on this site yet. The models make the profit first. Nobody else is paid until the talents are paid. I can only hope that people understand that we are mainly doing this because we want to make your dreams come true. In exchange, a higher price has to be made for this to happen. Selling a set like this for $10 would be the rough equivalent of us selling a standard $10 set for $2. We would lose money fast. The models are setting the price. We then decide the best price for the customer to cover our upkeep and to hopefully make more sets like this and move on.
We know that people will eventually see sets like this as the new Sarah standard, and so we cannot just put all future sets at this price. So yes, the price will be evaluated in future sets. It will be my job as the boss is to communicate this to the models and bring everyone to an understanding. I know that we could set prices at $100 and (judging by the comments) people would still buy. However, setting a price that high would in the long term potentially set a bad precedent.
We want to eventually make videos longer, have more pics, etc. Those are all things that can be worked on. Be fair in your judgments and base us on our track record. I think our library of models, rebirths, and tons of models being unleashed can do more speaking than anything I can say.
Thanks for your support.
You’ve got my vote
Bravo sir! Well said! Sarah is amazing and is worth 10 times this price!
Is $29.95 too much ?? Of course it is but in this case , I gladly paid it. I looked at it that it was muuuuuch better than three more taped or hand bra sets which would have run over $30 (sorry I lose interest after one such set ).
Sarah has been an modeling icon for years now so yeah it was worth it. I won’t pay this much for another Sarah set unless new boundaries crossed.
Boss saw the demand and I assume correctly predicted it. I guess alienating some though I reckon he will make it up to them in the future with the high quality of content on the site. I admit that there are some models I would pay extra for Sarah obviously, Kayley, Nika, of course Lena.
I assume a contributing factor for Alice and Sarah was the significant loss of income I assume that occured at the Masha’s Models sites due to pirating. All sets there were pirated within a week and widely available for free thanks to the lowlifes who released them (basically killing the site) . So yeah, Sarah was due for some type of payday due to the pirating miscreants who ruin it for all of us (thus the current security codes on sets).
Anyway thanks Sarah. Hope there are such sets to come.
A week? There were times they were posted the same day they came out,so yes I’ll pay the 30 dollars to keep my favorite models posing. Valencias Christmas and bonus set were underpriced,the model raises her game she gets rewarded.
Yeah, you’re right it was 24-36 hours often. Not exactly sure what the assholes were thinking other than closing of the site by their actions.
Dear Marvel,
I fully support the new price of £23.19 (i translated ur price in £’s), this is the first time this model has done a topless set everyone should expect to pay more for it. tho, I also fully support the added security i have lost count how many times i have bought a set only for someone to post the set for free on other sites, its not fair to people like me who spend money too buy them or fair for the models who lose out on money.
Also I look forward too you longer videos and sets, one more thing as much as I like Sarah, i prefer alice more when will alice topless be released
Is it pricey?
Is it too much?
Not if you really want it.
If its too much for some, then they have decided its not something they want.
I bought it, and it exceeded my expectations. I am excited for the next one, if there is one.
Alice will be an instant buy if and when it arrives, ( soon I hope )
Life is all about decisions.
There has to be a next one! I’m willing it to happen! LOL
The only complain I have had is the set is on the short side. Only 93 pics. This is something you should never do when charging more than usual for a set. It can be average long (say 110-115 pics) but never shorter. It’s a bit like buying this extra exotic special edition super car and getting it delivered with an empty fuel tank. You don’t expect that. No one does.
Hey, I don’t mind if you need to charge more. But if you are about to release the most expensive set on the site, and maybe the most expensive set on the whole internet, maybe you should take care of the details. The higher the price, the higher the expectations.
True, the picture set was on the short side, but there was also no teasing either. Just 90+ pics of everything we’ve wanted to see for a while. Plus a video where her most prized assets are on a wonderful display. I’m not saying everyone NEEDS to buy this set since the price has obviously upset some people, but if you’re a fan of hers you absolutely won’t be disappointed. I spent the $30 on this, and, after seeing it, I’d happily do it again
First person that is paid are the photographers 😉
Talent comes and goes, there will always be better talent a better looking girl. Talent are pretty much expendable. The only thing that keeps talent are the demands. Good photographer are important. To hear talent gets paid first, kind of had a little laugh… just my two cents.
If you are a photographer, you can’t just contact a model and schedule a shoot without first negotiating their pay.
Also if the photographer does a shoot with a model and pays themselves first before paying the model, they are dicks and will ruin their reputation. Bad reputation eventually leads to no money and being out of business.
I think everybody is needed. Photographers are important, but every photographer we work with requests that models are paid first, because you can’t talk about shoots without first guaranteeing the model is paid. We pay our models what they deserve, and that’s why they love TM and MC as their home!
OMG…. Sarah….!!
i give you $50.
Next Kayley,Alice… Please.. Please..
Have to agree with some others on here. A poor choice of location for the `security marks`, some even covering her beautiful breasts. Place them in a top corner somewhere next time please.
Based on the replys, I will wait for her second topless set. It will likely be cheaper and longer. I can wait, especially if the watermarks are badly placed. I would rather see Alice, Rikki or Kayley topless first anyhow.for that money..
Ok so this set has been on my list for what 10 years now! I want it super bad but the buying securty makes it so hard to buy sets. Always kicks back my orders to cancelled. If buying was less a pain on here id be super fine with the 30 dollar price for breakout sets like this! P.s. still havent been able to put through an order.
Use the contact page on this site and I’ll see what I can do for you.
Reference this comment so I remember.
For me personally, and this is just me, pics do little for me. I only care for the videos. So, if it were one of my favorite models, I’d consider paying that price for an 8 minute + video, but I’d never pay that price for a short 2-3 minute video. OK, maybe not never, because I don’t think I’d ever pass on anything Alissa.
WOW thank you Sarah you are amazing. I will be your fan forever
Lots of discussion about the price… but did somebody mention she’s got very nice assets?
BTW somebody mentionned the annoying watermark, to be completely honest, that’s not what captured the most my eyes in the video
got to love that their is over 70 comments on a sarah set, i have not seen that many before for one of her sets
I know this is a historic set, but looking at that video preview, that black g string looks rather yummy, is there some focus on her booty as well?
$30 for a topless set??… Don’t get me wrong I love all the girls. But at TM $30 got you Madison fingering herself. Sorry but spending money on this set seems a little to much.
Okay, so I haven’t gotten the set yet, but will be tomorrow after I get paid! With that said, Sarah, and any other model that hasn’t had their “breakout” moment yet (especially those we are all wanting and dreaming to see) deserve every penny they ask for. I’m sure it would scale back down as they do it more regularly, and they are gracing us with their goods. Not trying to sound like a pig, because these ladies are absolutely beautiful and they wouldn’t be doing this if they didn’t want to. I’m proud to say I’m helping them through school, or pay for their rent/home, etc lol. As for the MC Admin: You are great! Your comments alone make me respect you more as a moderator, and as a supporter for these fine women. To be able to manage this site, a sister site, and still defend the positions of the ladies is what every person in your field should be doing. Sadly that is not the case, and many of them are dicks for taking a profit from the model first. I give you, the wonderful ladies from both sites, and in this particular case, SARAH!!!, thank you very, very, very much for your bravery, expressionism, and your time!
Thank you.
Will Sarah’s next set be completely bare butt showing off her plentiful butt? I’d pay $100 for that set and video(maybe 5minutes long)?
worth every moment of the last few years waiting
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
Looks like we did it again.
A few things:
Yes, this is more expensive. The girls are wanting more pay for their bravery, so it’s necessary for this first set.
The set also has some more clear security. Please support the models or we cannot produce future sets like this.
We hope you enjoy Sarah’s bravest set in years!
Thank you for this amazing set! Also what does “more clear security” mean?
thanks brilliant, just bought it,
Yes we like to see more sets like this and of course nude. And the price is ok.
Thanks. I have made a comment about pricing further below for those who wish to know more.
Definitely worth the wait. Can’t wait for her Valentine sets.
if you could get Candy back. I’m sure people would pay her whatever she wants lol.
Wonderful job MC!! I’m just sad that it is too much money for me right now
(if you convert 30 bucks in local currency, it’s more than 10% of minimum wage), I will buy it in a future promotion… 😀