Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 3:14
Video Thumbnails: Above
95 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 3:14
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
I really wish you guys would just stop playing around and give us what we want. Sarah is a beautiful girl and has been blessed with many gifts. But you never want to show them off. As we see in the preview gif here, she shows her butt in one spin and from her other sets in the past, that is all you show of her butt one spin. Every video is like this and you never spend enough time showing off her glorious shapely firm BIG BUTT. Please focus on her butt way more, like you can make a video of sarah just laying down on the bed with her butt up and make an entire video of just her laying down showing her butt and everyone will buy it right away(I will).PLEASE FOCUS ON SARAH’S BUTT 1000% MORE
I had a similar discussion over at Amber’s Models and was shot down. Sarah’s Bedazzled set is about as close as we’ll get.
Am I the only one who’s never been able to figure out how to find that site?
Not sure if I’m allowed to post (if so you’ll see it. If not this post won’t exist) but it’s and search for “AmberModels” once you reach site. They’ve been victims of a lot of theft and fraud and have had to go with a new “trust period” to try to prevent it. Not sure why a “fan” would rip them off like that for the benefit of anonymous strangers.
Anyway Marvel Admin is correct, best to let the professionals negotiate whatever (just don’t complain about the price).
Probably Marvel’s doing that we’ve moved on from the granny panties.
Great start to the month, Sir Marvel.
I think the trust thing will do more harm than good. It won’t stop the current user pirating – also one of the problems with subscription services.
As for the rest of your message – thanks.
I agree with u Marvel, the trust thing is a bad idea, I have been subscribing with mashasmodels since they were made, you cannot really prevent piracy but a good way to see who is doing it is do what MarvelCham did when Alice and Sarah first did a topless set and do that hidden code thing.
You’re going to have to let us do the talking. They’re probably a bit jaded from fan requests / demands.
I would love for Sarah to have an Astonishing set, but that’s not in my control.
I am not even asking for an “Astonishing” level set. I am very content with Sarah in thongs and tiny panties and lingerie. It is just that everything revolves around her boobs. Every shoot even before her ground breaking “Topless” set, its all about boobs and boobs and more boobs and maybe 1-2 butt pics and a 2 second butt spin per video. We would love Sarah at her current comfort level right now, but the photographer needs to be informed that Sarah has an AMAZING BIG BUTT and that all of her fans need way more of it in her content. Half boobs half butt would be a great start
Yes, I know and agree.
If she’s dressed like this during a cold Russian winter, I wonder what she’ll be wearing during a hot Russian summer.
can we see that ass close-up?
I love Sarah.
The previews show a beauty Sarah, another must have set 😛
you only kept Sarah up for 1 day? What’s going on MC?
We’re doing updates every day…for now…
admin, I want to see Sarah and Alice naked. I would pay up to $30,00 for one set!
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
I have a feeling this December will be incredible! I bet MC will have us exhausted by the end!
Sarah starts the month off in style with a sexy set and video, showing us how it’s done. Delightful from the first picture till the last, accompanied by a equally enjoyable video.