Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:16
Video Thumbnails: Above
105 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:16
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Something looks a little different about her face in that preview. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sarah look so hot.
Kenny guessed this one, the back drop had me going the Nika route.
Kenny bought it two minutes after he saw it. Sarah is amazing, and Alice’s is set with her friend is just as good
Whoo Hoo!!
I like her natural eyes better, but she’s the one who decides how to be so we can’t complain about that. She’s making great strides in her sets and that’s what matters
truly a vision, love that it is unobstructed. Thank you Sarah.
I have to admit I got played by admin,there is a set in the future which is fantastic that uses the same backdrop. Sarah is right up there with Alice for me,I would buy her sets no matter how hot or tame. Unlike some here who do not like her blue contacts,for me personally a blue eyed brunette is hot and in Sarah’s case they really work well. Last Butt most of all I love that Sarah knows we all love her bum and she makes sure we get some nice looks at hers. Thanx MC,Masha and Sarah this is a great start to my day.
Sarah is always beautiful no matter what she wears or doesn’t wear. :))
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t buy another set of Sarah with the blue lenses. They really diminish her beauty in my opinion. But, I bought this and am posting a comment BECAUSE I can’t wait for Kayley’s return to MC in unlock #9. And, hey, even though Sarah looks much more beautiful (to me) with the natural color of her eyes, that body is still an exceptional turn on.
It’s actually a great set– especially the video (even though too short).
well, i’ll join in on the “nitpick”, don’t care the blue contacts. BUTT, i will say that Sarah’s best ASSet is always something my eyes focuses on anyway. at least she didn’t drown her skin in tatoos or dye her hair like it was soaked in blood (i keep telling myelf). but the blue contacts still bug me. BUTT it’s Sarah, and she’s awesome anyway. just bring back the baby browns. peace!
Really hate to be a downer on anything Sarah, but this set =(
The blue eyes are distracting. I’ve got the last 3 or 4 MCTM sets with the blue contacts, I won’t buy anymore going forward. I can ignore the dirty feet to a point but her eyes I cannot.
Can i get an official report on how long she is in the video showing off her bareass to the camera in plain view? Or is the preview the extent of her doing that?
The whole video is only 2 minutes and 15 seconds. She takes the bottoms off for the last 25 seconds. Like all her videos, this one is way too short. BUTT, those last 25 seconds are well worth the price for the whole set. No Sarah Fan would want to miss it.
She’s been topless pretty much ever since she came to Marvel. The bottoms came off first time last week. Her and Alice both are at their best yet
Lovely Sarah. She puts the AWE in awesome! BTW, I bought 2 tributes this morning but haven’t received them yet. Just a friendly reminder
Sarah is amazing. Her best Marvel set yet, I’m not saying that because she’s nude the girl is smoking hot. You go girl!!!!
Looking at her side nude I’m not sure whether I wanted her to turn left or turn right
I’m really liking the natural look on her. GORGEOUS!
These Sara’s sets are getting better.
Love you since I first laid eyes on you babygirl, all those years ago…
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Such a gorgeous girl but I’m not a fan of the blue contacts….much prettier with brown eyes. That’s just me……
I agree, but I still think this one is a nitpick of a critique. Tattoos… we all agree on. Hair color change I understand. Contact color is so low on the list that I honestly don’t mind the change even if I’d like it more with no contacts. The contacts give her a piercing gaze… it’s a little strange since we’ve seen her natural eyes for so long. Just my opinion though. I have seen a few comments on it since the last few sets.
Nitpicky? Really? 17 other people agreed so I can’t be that off. Moving the needle from 92% to 97% instead of just releasing a set….now that’s nitpicky.