Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:39
Video Thumbnails: Above
105 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:39
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Sarah to keep me warm on a cold and snowy winters night,could not be happier.
Sarah, thank you for being a bright light in a otherwise dim year. I was waiting for this set since I got the tribute. You are a very beautiful women and I look forward to your next sets.❤
Thank you, I’ll pass it along. 😉
Sarah>All mcgirls 😉
sarah alice and kayley how can i get a favorite set of 3 please help
Slowly getting there babygirl… love it…
i want to kiss that bubble butt
i just hope for a bit longer vid maybe
I’d get in that line to kiss her there! In fact, my tongue would eventually go numb!
Pure beauty
Is it just me or is Masha steadily improving her photography skill even further?
Either that or I’m getting more and more hooked on Sarah
She is improving lots. Plus when she implements our ideas, this is the result.
We are the perfect combo.
Next time you talk with her please let her know we need more shots of Alice and Sarah’s bums, and not just from the side and get Alice to stop doing that signature move of hers when she does show her bum she always throws her arm over it. They both have amazing bums,and thanx for my tribute pics.
We are trying to implement more TM style posing with them. Please be patient, we do our best to not disappoint.
MC – you never disappoint!
I have to disagree with you on that one, boss… You two are the second perfect combo. Alice and Sarah take the #1 spot there! But, seriously, their sets do keep getting better and better. It’s amazing
I love that Sarah didn’t start this set off topless… There were some great shots of her in very sexy lingerie before she got to that part. Plus, she’s using green contacts in this set, which I think look quite nice on her. I thought the blue ones made her stare mesmerizing, but a lot of others didn’t seem to be fans of them. Let’s meet in the middle here! Green eyes (along with blue or brown) are sexy on Sarah
I agree and my favorite photo was #85, I love that pose especially with Sarah.
Even though she’s covered, I thought 84 was even better! Any view of that backside is always wonderful, though!
That is a good point about not being topless from start that convince me to buy now. I planned to wait until next level was reached and then *for sure* buy Sarah and but also possibly next set at same time but now I got convinced to buy instantly 😀 darn. Also thank to the photographer and of course Sarah you both have improved lately
Sarah is my love – the core of my passion. She is so extraordinarily beautiful. This set is mesmerizing. ~ but I am waiting for her to show her holiest of holies. She covered that up too much in this otherwise amazing set
Sarah just keeps getting more beautiful. She shines in the white lingerie!
Just Bought set, In my opinion its one of the best sets so far she has done I hope she continues the excellent work.
sarah is the greatest
One of the hottest sets yet. Number 68 is really close to I want to see most.
The contacts she’s wearing are much better than the blue ones, they look natural. Loving all these shots of Sarah’s amazing back too.
Lovely set with some really nice facial expressions of Sarah and lovely side shots of her magnificent bottom!
Looking forward to upcoming sets with her. Thank you Sarah!
Happy new year Sarah and photographer.
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nice, will be buying this Friday tho I take it since its only $10.95 she does not show all and its like previous sets where its side shots and covers “private” parts with hands regardless tho its Sarah and a must buy