
Past & Present Bundle



788 Pictures in ZIP Format + 1 VIDEO

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Product Description

Includes a bonus Ariana video (young and daring)!

Downloadable photo albums in zip format + Video
Resolution: Various

Got something to discuss?

Marvel Administrator
5 years 9 months ago

If you enjoyed this type of bundle, be sure to let us know! :)

5 years 9 months ago

Hello MC people.Slightly off-topic question:
Can we expect any summer-sale this year?

5 years 9 months ago

Wouldn’t mind seeing a first time topless/nude set for all the girls, like the one that was released last year (I think) for Rebecca!

Many thanks!

5 years 9 months ago

I would be very much interested in some Marissa, Kira, Nancy(!) Jess and Katrin (and Izzy if there were any) shots from the earlier years as they got me fixed for MC. Gabby, Lena, and Nicolette have changed so much over the years, too.

What about models that didn’t receive an update for ages (e.g. Anita, Linsey, Gema, Candy, Sabrina(solo) Hanna(?)) or went ‘out of print': (Rita, Lola, Foxy, Stasya, Janie), I am sure the latter bunch gathered some hardcore fans who would be happy to top up their collection. Foxy was unique.
A voting poll could make things clearer?

Marvel Administrator
5 years 9 months ago

I can look to see if we have some older sets from some of the models. You mentioned like a dozen models though, so understand that it’s probably not possible to update them all or find sets for all of them.

5 years 9 months ago


5 years 9 months ago

Yes, absolutely. I would love more bundles like this. Keep the throwbacks coming. What else do you have collecting dust in the archives?

5 years 9 months ago

If we’re discussing “the past”, PLEASE release any sets you have in the vaults for Katrin and/or Stella. Katrin is my ALL TIME favorite!!!

5 years 9 months ago

Yes, very nice bundle. And OMG! ❤ Ariana ❤ in so incredibly cute in the video with her original hair color. And ❤ Becca ❤as long as I remember she has also been incredible in front of camera. In top of that ❤ Stella ❤ yees. Well worth collection. And yes I am sure we more like this.

Solid Snake
5 years 9 months ago

Yes pls,would love to see classic TM models like this.Not interested in this one but it look really good and its double update of every of those models :).

5 years 9 months ago

Yep, “Past and Present” bundles would be great…hint, hint – Daria.

5 years 9 months ago

Love this type of bundle. Maybe you can find some old duo sets in the recesses of your archives.
Here’s a vote for Lena and her crew (Gabi, Nicolette, and Nika)

5 years 9 months ago

Apart from the higher price, I think the only drawback is that there will always be a model that you are not particularly interested in. But that’s the same with almost every kind of bundle you can think of.
I think, though, that also the second Ariana set is rather dusty, dating back to the time that she dyed her hair that shade of red. And also the settee looks kind of familiar (an old Rebecca set?).

5 years 9 months ago

I am enjoying the previews already. Six ‘retro’ sets and a video are a very generous offer. Once you are done using your time machine… may i borrow it? There was this krypto thingy a few years back…^^

5 years 9 months ago

Great bundle at a great price. The video of Ariana is my main reason for buying this. This is just a suggestion and I’m not trying to be mean or disrespectful but please no more sets of Ariana with the clown hair. She is a cute young woman and that hair is a horror show,I wont be d/l that set.

5 years 9 months ago

I can think of a few other models who definitely need this same sort of bundle.

5 years 9 months ago

This is a great way to bring us the throwback sets, 6 sets and a video for such a price is really great value.
I definitely enjoyed this type of bundle and would enjoy more like it for sure!

Some thoughts, if nothing else, then I hope it’s just inspiration.
Past and Present on a per model basis is nice, very nice in fact, but perhaps you could also consider a Past and Present bundle on MC basis, one or a few throwback sets from model(s) who were here in the early days of MC but haven’t updated in some/ a long time combined with one or a few sets from model(s) who have joined MC more recently. I guess it’s a bit (ok a lot) early but perhaps you could consider something like this for the MC anniversary in October?
With summer here now a “Seasons bundle” or “Winter & Summer bundle” with throwback sets with a fall / winter -ish theme and new sets with a spring / summer -ish theme.
This obviously provided you even have such throwback sets and it all works out with the price of such a bundle.

Marvel Administrator
5 years 9 months ago

Thanks! This is probably our best value bundle, less than $4 per set/video.

All of your ideas are good for bundles (Hot/Cold, Seasons, etc). We’ll see if we have anything to do this with. We are also in the process of getting some brand new models that (IMO) will bring new life to the NN scene. :)

5 years 9 months ago

I’d love to see any and all the old Melissa sets hiding in your vault

70's Man, man
5 years 9 months ago

Wha’s up Marvel Adminman??
Love these sets and this far out concept. Sets are most tasty and Bitch’n.
It would be wicked cool to have models recreate sets from the past, though it may be hard for some of the models to fit in some of their past costumes (see the incredibly bodacious Lena and Marissa).
It’d be the bomb to see old Silver reliables Katrin, Marissa, Nika, Lena, Becca and OF Course, Alice and Sarah.

Peace, Man

Marvel Administrator
5 years 9 months ago

Alright dude, thanks for your input.

Steve P
5 years 9 months ago

Yes yes and more yes I love these. I do find it peculiar how some of those camera flashes didn’t end up as pictures in Ariana’s Bunny set though, a classic nonetheless. Is it possible for a special updated version of it like you had with one of Rebecca’s old sets adding the never before seen pics? I’m also hoping for more Ariana in general because it did seem like she quit at some point and that would be heartbreaking. Past sets are overall a great idea for any of these lovely ladies, it’s like finding a long lost treasure chest. Another model I would love to see if there are sets or videos like this of is the beautiful Valensia.

5 years 9 months ago

I mostly enjoyed the Ariana bonus video and the Becca sets! Becca is always great!
The sets from Stella were also very nice and although she is a gorgous young lady she just ain’t my type. Sorry 😉
I was a bit disappointed by the Ariana sets as her last sets were so great and these were just simply nice…..
Looking forward to whatever this cute Minx is up to in the future. She has the potential to outshine a lot of your other models!
Thanks to those lovely girls and the photographers.

5 years 9 months ago

I miss Isabella hope she comes backnor any set from the past shoots will do

5 years 8 months ago

Please do a past and present set for Mila

5 years 8 months ago

Holy moly! That Ariana video is worth the price of this bundle alone!!!
Having compared her poses in the video and the actual set, is there any chance we will get to see the outtakes of that session?