
Five Year Anniversary Bundle



693 Pictures in ZIP Format + 4 VIDEOS

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Resolution: Various

Got something to discuss?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

Thanks everybody, old and new, for your support! :)
We are forever thankful for all the great years together. I hope you will enjoy our new and old talents in this bundle!

3 years 9 months ago

Happy birthday MC!

3 years 9 months ago

We couldn’t have done it withoutcha MC… it’s totally our pleasure :p Seriously though… TM and MC are hands down, the best modeling sites ever… No contest! The models are the best too… and when necessary… you snatch the best models from the competition and somehow groom them to make them even better :) It’s been a great 5 years! Happy Anniversary MC… here’s to 50 more!!! Can’t wait to dive into this bundle… THANKS MC!!!

Joseph Blowee
3 years 9 months ago

Great bundle and a sale to boot. Val, Stella and Lena were all there when you opened shop in October of 2015. Yeah, I bought me some Val and Lena (gotten all of Lena’s her sets since)
Not a big fan of tats but Stella pulls it off and is still VERY sexy.
Is this new “rebirth” Lena?? If so hallelujah though her preview pictures seem more focused on the carpet. I’ll assume there’s no full monty. for Lena YET.
Awesome job,Marvel

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

Not a Lena rebirth, but one of her cutest and sexiest sets I think.
I am glad Stella has fans. She loves her tats, but she holds a special place in the MC world. She was the first model who helped us before MC launched, so we are forever grateful for kicking things off.

3 years 9 months ago

Val and Stella have pulled a lot of type changes without collapsing their fan base and came out with their own styles. With the exception of maybe Anita and some dabbling by Becca, both hold the extreme niche on MC. Lena is just an ageless chameleon. She never disappoints.
Unless I am mistaken it was Val, Stella and Anita who brought (half of) the old gang back together and the next wave came with Rebecca and then all those wonderful ‘Friends’ the girls met along the way.

A commemorative mention for Linsey. A first generation gal, that should have gotten more sets.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

You’ve got most of it right. Rebecca brought Violet, Ariana brought Karina, and I think Anita brought Anisa.
We do have some Linsey still… :)

3 years 9 months ago

YES! Ariana also pushed Jess. Isabella and Katrin, ‘Rebirthed’ shortly after Violet. Who brought us Mila, Daria, Unnamed (Baby Oil, Party Time), all of which are dearly missed, and lots of girls between the three.
I take any Linsey but I dare say Variety Pack #5 Lin, is peak and one of your best sets in general. (very Gonzo style)

3 years 9 months ago

Great bundle,great price,thanx.

3 years 9 months ago

Five girls…all beauties. Four do videos, yet once again, the only one I’m truly interested in was the only one there was no video of. I’m supportive and all, but really not understanding with all the feedback requesting even short HD vids of Lean, why aren’t there any…I mean none! Still a fan and a supporter but have to admit, the frustration is real and eventually starts to have an effect on further interest

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

Be patient. It’s an older set, she has not had a rebirth yet like Nika. We’re working on videos for all of our models.

3 years 9 months ago

I agree video would be nice, but the rest I disagree. Because I will never loose interest in Lena/Nika. I will continue buy every darn set released with Lena or Nika since they are unique in a different way than the other amazing models at MC.

3 years 9 months ago

Wow, I bought this for Vanessa and Bety and they did not disappoint :) Vanessa was particular amazing something about the lighting made her look spectacular.

Congratulations on 5 years, I found this site late so I haven’t had the joy of following all of the models the whole time but I’m very excited to follow the new girls for the next 5 years and hopefully more!

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

I’m very happy you’re here and love the new girls. :)

3 years 9 months ago

Congratulations on the 5 years of MC!
It’s been 5 wonderful years, you have taken us on a journey even more amazing than I think any of us dared to dream for when it started out.
I for one very much hope this half decade of MC has just been the beginning, I look forward to continuing this journey for many years to come.

Very fitting bundle with some models who were there on day 1 combined with some more recent models makes for an excellent MC style celebration!
Thank you so very much!

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

Thank you. We wanted a bundle that had a mix of the the very first and the brand new girls. I wish we could have included more, but I think this was a good showing of MC.

3 years 9 months ago

You have chosen wisely.

3 years 9 months ago

Wow that Vanessa video, it’s worth the entire price. Played at 80% speed feels more natural and lasts longer. Really, over the last few videos Vanessa has come into her own and is just amazing now. Her best video yet. I just can’t say enough about how awesome she has become.

3 years 9 months ago

Thank you. I will tell Vanessa, that you like her progress. She will be happy.

3 years 9 months ago

Agreed, she was wonderful in her video and glad she looked so comfortable in such a great outfit.

3 years 9 months ago

Happy birthday!!! Thanks for these amazing years of great work! You always provided incredible quality from day 1 and it was a pleasure supporting you in the last 3 years. Thanks again!

3 years 9 months ago

To the Marvel Team, In the past 7 years in TM and 5 years in MC, you guys work so hard and did an astonishing job. Each year we noticed the growth of the websites and things that you have accomplished. As I who supported TM from the day TM released Lili’s first set I have to say it was worth it. I am glad that I was able to find out about the website in the early stage. What a ride it was, I have enjoyed it every sec of it and I do not want to get out of it. I have a small confession to make in the first year, I never thought that the website will still be alive. That one of the reasons that keep me continue supporting, I felt like each set I bought was very important to keep the website alive. Felt like a superhero :) . Thank you Marvel Team for creating this amazing website. You guys created a website which the entire Adult industry was not able to do, what an amazing journey it was. You guys deserve to take a couple of days off to celebrate your accomplishment because when you get back you need to double your effort as your job is not done yet, as we want more more and more and always be hungry for more. TM WHEN IS YOUR TURN!!!??? 7 years, how much more years you want from us to show how important TM to us. It’s time to celebrate :) . Congratulations MC on your 5 years.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

Thanks! TM was an experiment for us, even though we invested all of our money into it, we were not sure it would succeed. With MC, we were a lot more comfortable, because the second time is always easier than the first.
Each purchase is important, not necessarily for financial purposes, but it lets us know we’re doing a good job. The reason TM and MC have so many models and never stops is because we love this job. :)

3 years 9 months ago

“we love this job.” for me personally is very obvious and came with these great results;

1: Models
2: TM/MC Style of the set
3: Price
4: Amazing and excellent customer service I do not believe it exists in an adult industry
5. Our voices are heard
6: You care about your models;
a) Protective
b) Supporting them outside of the Website like advertising Sofi for her onlyfans account
c) Tribute
and the list goes on and on

This is a list more and more proof that nobody can be denied your point MC. I might Started supporting because of point 1 to 3 however with the rest of the points added within the years you just grantee my stay and made me glad that I have supported the website all these years. The Marvel Team did an astonishing job and you guys should be very proud of yourself. I am very happy with your success. I do hope the anniversary is a yearly thing not only in MC but in TM also. Plus TM is reaching 10 years a decade. This should be a big not only big but huge thing : ) , not trying to put a lot of pressure, but as a fan who supported from year 1, which I never did in entire life in an adult industry 10 years of support :) . Thank you and Happy Anniversary.

Okie Joe
3 years 9 months ago

Tough being a Lena fan these days, three of her last four sets have been bundles with other models. I wish there was a mechanism for just purchasing one set in a bundle. My current strategy is just to wait for the sales (which resulted in me just purchasing Lena’s red hair set so thanks for that) .
Anyway, enough grousing, love the site and is it Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary??

3 years 9 months ago

I also want to add, the Vanessa poses and moves during the end part of her video (last 30-40 seconds) have been what I’ve been wanting to see since she started. Nice nice job, just wish it had lasted a little longer, and I hope we get to see more of her from those angles.

Bobby Garfield
3 years 9 months ago

Looking forward to year six with gusto.
Did I just see Alice and Sarah in sets without panties? Where can this end up?
A Nika rebirth with talk of videos?? And oh yea nekkid in the rebirth. And oh yeah her photographer writes their working on twosome sets ( who could second model(s) be?)
Katrin and Marissa taking their sets to new levels.
Hints of a Lena rebirth with hints of videos??
Phoebe and Vanessa taking their sets to new levels.
Val and Becca still kicking ass and taking no prisoners.
Now if we could relocate that pesky Daria.
Year Six looks like the Mother of all Marvel Years!
Sorry too much pressure

Richard P
3 years 9 months ago

Will we be seeing Anita again at some point, or has she left the modeling game?
Also, I had read that she was behind the camera every now and then – can you confirm or deny this?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago

Her main focus is shooting, I don’t know if she’ll start modeling again. Yes, Anita does most of the shooting.

3 years 9 months ago

I hope she returns. In the meantime, if she could make that Rikki-Daria Duo shot happening, some of us may just drop cutetatonic.

3 years 9 months ago

Well done, my how time flies by, I remember the start (and way before that I might add), hopefully you’ll continue to surprise us all.

…and on that note, more Alice tribute, more Alice tribute, more Alice tribute, more tribute, more tribute, tribute tribute Alice tribute tribute tribute tribute Altribute tribute tribute Atribute tribute tribute tribute more Allliiiiccccceeeeee.

3 years 9 months ago

Congrats MC, this and TM are my favorite modeling sites. So many beautiful models, awesome content and continual surprises. I’ve been around since late 2016, and with all of the recent fantastic releases from models like Phoebe, Sabinka, Diana, Vanessa and Daniela, I don’t see any reason to go elsewhere!

3 years 9 months ago

Finally bought this set :) . Now Finally I can say I am up to date with the new models’ sets :) . Now I can relax enjoy their newer sets without worrying about any missing sets I did have.

3 years 9 months ago

MC, WOW!!!. You guys f***king nailed it with your 5th Anniversary Bundle. Bety ASS OH MY!!!. Is it possible to fall in love with Vanessa all over again? because I did. No way in f***king hell I am going to miss any of the new models sets ever again. I know TM/MC are one family, but friendly competition does not hurt anybody. TM really needs to step up in their new model’s recruitment department. :)

Question MC, Regrinding 4k any way possible to have them on the new models, please. I believe and correct me if I was wrong. There was a comment a long time ago regarding this, and I believe you answered and that you have it, but you are afraid many may not able to play them. MC, is it going to cost you if you added one more download link. Total of three pics, 2K, and 4k. If yes why not add both 2k and 4k in one zip file?

Vanessa reminds me a lot of Petra. The confidence, the enjoyment she’s having with the sets, and each set are better than the next. I am definitely going to enjoy every sec and min of her sets.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 9 months ago


Yes, Bety is out of this world with her you know what. Maybe her and Sabinka should have a butt shaking competition. :)
The camera we have does 4K. The problem is the file size is way too large, and the color range doesn’t seem to be as good as when it’s in 1080P. We could add the option, but it would take a lot of time which we don’t have a lot of.

3 years 9 months ago

Thank you, MC for your answer :) . “Maybe her and Sabinka should have a butt shaking competition. ” Maybe word not in my dictionary, I think you mean essential. Even my wallet is shaking for excitement 😆 . I believe you have forgotten about Diana 😉 . Regarding the 4k forget about it. I prefer using your time on the models and updates :) . Thanks