Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:22
Video Thumbnails: Above
127 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:22
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Alice is a rare treasure, love this girl OXOXOX perfection
Wow what beautiful set. Truly shows why Alice is such a gorgeous model. And once again, props to the photographer. Really really good!!
Alice beautifully highlighted … great job of the makeup artist…superb photographic job…the particularly well-chosen place
WOW, Alice has the prettiest eyes, the softest looking skin ans some really cute special features.
Dont hold back on the next dozen sets please lol
I’m broke and there is no God
We are still waiting for topless
If everyone pays $100.
Say no more shut up and take my money
I will pay $100 easily for Alice topless! AND $200 for Sarah!
Ya just might get a few on that one…
Count me in..
I will pay that,but I would also like to see more of her magnificent bum as well in that set,please make it happen.
in general, I would gladly like to pay more for more videos, girls stepping up their game and more interaction between them in the duo sets!
Guys/girls let think about it: It took years for other girls doing topless. Look at Marissa/Katrin and Becca and so on at the silver sites days. How about tease us more with such sets. I give two examples with Marissa/Karina: Remember that Kitchen-3 with Marissa or casual-2 with Karina still OMG when looking back at my collection 😉
Now that is just a few examples of epic old sets. BUT don’t forget actually there is similar later at Marvel with top 5 favourites models Nika and Lena those girls are real teasing experts LOL.
So overall more “teasing” Alice/Sarah transparent/slips could be ok too if they want to tease us more 😉 Just give them time.
A couple of years ago I bought a Gabriella bundle containing three sets: Devilish, Colourful and Unwrapped. If Alice does a replica of those sets with all the bravery and artistic sense Gabriella did back then, I am willing to pay 600 USD for such bundle. No kidding.
$100 for a topless shoot? no covering or handbra and a few/lot topless or maybe more pics? count me in!
A Modest Proposal:
Alice willing, you could set a sales goal of certain amount topless in following set (sort of variation on Level teasers) . I’m assuming based on recent water sets on Masha’s site that Alice might be a go (If not my bad)
DO NOT do this with Sarah. You will make too much money and close down site for and enjoy early retirement due to all the money you’ll make.
(You’re welcome for my awesome idea (You can thank me later)
P.S. I would ask for a Lena /Nika set as my reward but at this point I’d just take a Nika set by herself (There have been 36 sets since Nika’s last) Ouch.
Signed, Johnny Swift (AKA Delusional)
How much for a full naked ? this girl makes me dream need to see that pussy so bad.s she makes me cum every time.
Alice is one of the most beautiful models ever and perfect in every way from her slender figure to her perky boobs. Hope that these will be revealed in all their glory soon.
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
Alice Full body ❤️❤️❤️..?