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Valentine Bundle 2018



445 Pictures in ZIP Format

This bundle features:
Rebecca, Mila, Violet – Love
Lena – Valentine
Valensia – Valentine
Nicolette – Love

Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution:Β It’s Super High.

Got something to discuss?

Marvel Administrator
7 years 1 month ago

How many comments can we get on this?
Let us know if you enjoyed this one. :)

7 years 1 month ago

I don’t even look who’s in the bundles any more, they’re always spectacular. I’m sure the comments will be flying in once people see the mystery photo too! Personally, not someone I expected would be back, but definitely someone I hoped would be πŸ˜€

7 years 1 month ago

i am already enjoying the previews

7 years 1 month ago

Well I downloaded the surprise first to see. Thank You Marvel Charm. There is a God. Can we expect topless? I hope! Comments on the bundle will have to wait a few hours Thanks again and welcome …………………………..

7 years 1 month ago

what a surprise,after valensia the mystery girl is my favorite,hope she follows vals example

7 years 1 month ago

Thnx Marvelcharm and hot sexy girls for this beautiful bundle ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀

7 years 1 month ago

FINALLY OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! The surprise at the end of the set is beyond anything imaginable- a true favorite makes her triumphant return! Thank you admin for this treat- I know I will be purchasing future sets of this beauty in weeks to come (if she is barefoot of course ;)) I can’t wait for what other surprises you have in store for Valentine’s Day- thanks again for all that you do <3

7 years 1 month ago

Really nice bundle, especially because has almost all my favorite girls and Nicolette. She is so nice and she looks so sweet. She is my girl. The new girl coming also is very nice. Good work.

7 years 1 month ago

Damn! The anticipation is killing me now! Val and Rebecca alone make this a hot set…but the mystery girl? You guys are going to kill me!!

7 years 1 month ago

And here I thought she’d never return to modelling! ❀❀❀

7 years 1 month ago

This is a wonderful bundle, especially the Rebecca, Mila, and Violet set. Mila was magnificent posing atop the stool!

I think a lot of people are going to be extremely happy to see the mystery model. She was never one of my favorites, but she sure looks cute in the preview!

7 years 1 month ago

The surprise WOW Can we hope she will do topless !!

7 years 1 month ago

The latest surprise may be the biggest one yet. I hope her popularity doesn’t end up crashing the Marvel servers when her first set is released πŸ˜€

7 years 1 month ago

First off, all the models look fantastic in this bundle. …And… Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting another Nicolette set! Love.Her. β™₯ This is one of her best sets. Keep them coming please. :)
Also, Rebecca and friends look amazing as always… but LOEV? LOL πŸ˜›
Lena and Val… just Yum.
Dig the surprise new mod. Hoping for a more “adventurous” turn with this one. πŸ˜€

7 years 1 month ago

Great bundle, thanks girls ❀

7 years 1 month ago

I love the bundles and this is one of the best ever. Every set is exceptional. I love anything with Mila in it. The best set of Valensia I’ve seen in awhile. And my favorite, Lena, finally in a set in which she lets her major assets hang in every way possible. Still hoping she will get a little more daring this year. All the other models are great, too. This is a fantastic deal. Since you have so many “must-buy” models now, I hope there will be a lot more bundles coming.

7 years 1 month ago

You Guys killing my Wallet !
Great Bundle as usual !

I hope the new Model will stay a long Time with us … and maybe we can see with a Friend ( like in the past )
Thanks for your work MC Team and Mr C.

Okie Joe
7 years 1 month ago

Mystery Girl =’s “Rock this world.” Outstanding signing by Marvel Charm.
Finally got that Lena/Nicolette set together ( though it took me splicing the sets together using Photo Shop to create the illusion of their being in the same scene).
Awesome set by RMV (Not Registry of Motor Vehicles).
Valensia (and Gabrielle) continue to set the bar high!!.
Nicolette , Beautiful and winner of my “Best Butt” award.
My Fav model, Lena, absolutely beautiful but please MORE Lena and FEWER pasties.

Can’t wait for the mystery model’s V-Day set

Senbei Norimaki
7 years 1 month ago

And here I am now, looking at her pic. Does she still have her attitude towards camera? It looks like so. She is beautiful, but it has never been beauty her best asset. It’s attitude. The way she looks at the camera. The way she looks at us. Reading our minds. Teasing and pleasing. What a great comeback
I am back too. Bought the bundle. All girls look great. There is tease and please.

7 years 1 month ago

Awesome bundle! and what a surprise! Can’t wait to see more! :)

7 years 1 month ago

Wow ! Can’t wait to have her back modeling !

7 years 1 month ago

new model – our prayers have been answered, well done marvelcharm, and more importantly – a joyous welcome back to one of our all-time favourites!

7 years 1 month ago

Looking forward to the return of a classic! Valensia proving once again a girl can go all in and still keep it classy… Mila steals the show in the triple threat set (love the bottomless look on all of the girls, btw)… Always happy to see more from Nicolette, super cutie, supreme backside… And another great set from Lena! Her sets are always fun and artistic, she seems like she’s playing a character in every shoot… Can’t wait for Valentines Day (and beyond)!!! You’re too good to us MC!

7 years 1 month ago

It looks like Lena’s still hiding everything, and in a bundle where all of the other girls are not being shy at all.
Will she ever get more revealing?

Marvel Administrator
7 years 1 month ago

Prove to me you bought this or any other set from Lena, it looks like you haven’t. It looks like you haven’t bought any sets from us at all, and many of her true fans know her sets are getting better.
We’ll take criticism, but not from people who have no idea how Lena models and how she’s progressing, or if it looks like you’ve never even bought a set from us ever. Many of her fans will prove criticisms like this wrong.

7 years 1 month ago

I never claimed to have purchased this bundle, so I really have nothing to prove. I merely commented on the fact that Lena being in this bundle makes no sense with the other models who are not shy. This set would have made more sense being sold separately in my opinion.

I gave reason for why I felt her being in the bundle made no sense, then asked if she would ever show more. I can respect you defending your model, but using Kira as an example? No, I am not asking for her to spread her legs and pose like her, just to progress further than she has, and not take steps backward with pastie sets. She was showing more on the silver sites when she was posing topless with Gabriella, and took two steps back when she joined up here. Using Kira as an example shows that you really have nothing and must resort to extremes and grandstanding.

Marvel Administrator
7 years 1 month ago

The kira example is just one everyone can understand, obviously it’s not meant to be taken literally.
This is not called the “nude bundle”. It’s a Valentine themed bundle, and the set is Valentine themed. Yes it makes sense.

“She was showing more on the silver sites when she was posing topless with Gabriella, and took two steps back when she joined up here.”
“I never claimed to have purchased this bundle, so I really have nothing to prove.”
This makes no sense.

Which sets have you purchased? Again, the reason I am replying to you is because it is very clear you have not purchased her sets. Please read the comments on her last 4-5 released sets, her fans say otherwise. It’s like debating someone who has read an excerpt of a book chapter vs one who has read the entire thing. If you don’t like this particular set, fine. But if you have not purchased any of her content other than seeing leaks, how are you so sure what you are saying are facts?

Thanks. Edit: BTW, I apologize if this is coming off as rude, but it can get really frustrating when we know some things being said are just not true.

7 years 1 month ago

Actually, the Kira example was you going to extremes. No one expects that to just happen, people expect progress, not pasties and misleading preview pictures. You almost tricked me into buying her “Marvelous” set with your misleading previews, but I was smart enough to read the comments first.

You’re just trying to belittle me because you assume I haven’t purchased anything from here before. You would be wrong to assume that. Let’s see, was Lena-Nika Passion Lovers one of these “leaks” you speak of? The main preview picture is #133 in the set. Satisfied?

Marvel Administrator
7 years 1 month ago

Sure, I’m satisfied. And the Kira example was intentionally extreme, like I said it’s not meant to be taken literally. The progress thing is already debunked. The only thing I can gather is that you don’t like pasties. Most either love them or hate them.
We’re just going in circles now, though. If we remove all the back and forth, you just want a tease model to show more. It’s great feedback. Thanks. If you want to continue this in private you are free to contact us.

7 years 1 month ago

Joe, she has progressed for sure. There is plenty of examples if you look back in the galleries. Also together with Nika I love them together.

7 years 1 month ago

Ha….in your face Joe. You just got owned!

Senbei Norimaki
7 years 1 month ago

I do not pay for instagram-rated stuff, but there is a market for it. After all, she is a great model, shot by a great photographer with some budget for props… I guess that as long as her sets sell well there is no point in more nudity.

Marvel Administrator
7 years 1 month ago

Well there is almost no point to it. Sure some girls are comfortable with it, but it doesn’t translate to sales. Lena does VERY well, so I will argue this point until the end. There has to be creativity and mystery along with progress, otherwise it is not as enjoyable. And I also agree that it’s not enjoyable if the model just poses in clothing for 10 sets straight. If she just pulled a Kira out of the blue, it would be really nice for that first time, but you would never get that high again. Let her progress at her own pace, she still has school and all. Modeling was basically her first ever real job.

Thanks. :)

7 years 1 month ago

I love Lena’s work and have bought ALL of her sets and will continue to do so. I think she is a great model and her sets always have an interesting theme, top-rate photography and great modeling by Lena. Would I like to see a bit more nudity? Of course. But I can confirm that she has been getting a bit bolder in recent sets. I don’t remember actual topless sets on Silver. Yes, she had some slips, especially in the last few that were on Silver. But she has had some Marvel sets with slips, too. So, thanks again for INCLUDING this great Lena set in the bundle. I certainly do appreciate the nudity of the other models. But, Lena remains my favorite and I hope you will feature her work as often as possible. I hope she does get bolder. But if and when she does, I hope she continues to do such beautiful and tasteful work.

7 years 1 month ago

Nice! but would have been really nice to have Katrin, Jess and Sarah as well!!!!

7 years 1 month ago

One of the better bundles…..and anytime Nicolette is involved it’s a treat….LOVE her

7 years 1 month ago

I was hoping the surprise model was going to be Bella, but I’m sure fans of this one are going to be more than ecstatic.

The rest of the sets, nice indeed. Would like less pasties on Lena, but she’s lovely nonetheless.

7 years 1 month ago

I am thinking the mystery girl is Alice. Any other thoughts.

7 years 1 month ago

I hope it is right.

7 years 1 month ago

Buy the bundle and see πŸ˜‰ it’s totally worth it, the sets are truly amazing!

Senbei Norimaki
7 years 1 month ago

I don’t know if you read the comments regularly. I will only say I am very happy to see this mystery girl in particular modeling once again.

7 years 1 month ago

My Prayers have been answered..

7 years 1 month ago

This is a epic bundle for sure. True fan of all this beauties.

7 years 1 month ago

I do want to know. Sometimes there is a downside to being poor and having to wait for the next sale. :(

7 years 1 month ago

Was hoping the ??? might be Rikki?
Since the teaser weeks ago the suspense is killing me waiting for her sets.

Belle's Bambi Fan
7 years 1 month ago

I hope that Bambi (Belle on TM) is the Mistery Girl. I would like to see her again modelling on TM or here. I’m still waiting for the return of the best ever ass modeled on TM, MC and NT on history. Please, want her to come back with us. :-(