Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 5:17
Video Thumbnails: Above
97 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 5:17
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
i am disappointed. Teaser in Pics but nothing from the dildo action in the video….
Yes we would like this, the full experience will happen one day.
I’ll be sending you my order in a couple of hours, but to address what was said before, yes it may be a teaser, but the photography looks like it is absolutely stunning. I love the color tones, I love the beauty of the girls, and, yes, the full experience would be fantastic but I will take this.
It’s just my opinion, but the pinnacle, as far as I am concerned, of the “full experience“ would be pretty much the classic Anna and Amber shirt. If I miss something along the way that is close please let me know. LOL
(Again, that side trip in my last paragraph is another reason to have a general board on here where we can discuss the girls, even if it’s for a nominal yearly fee.)
Just a note for those whom have an obsession for details… The dildo is upside down… o.O
OMG!! I don´t know what to say, except that I´m very happy right now. Would´nt mind a sequel soon, please.
Holy Moly Batman!
Was seriously hoping to see Vanessa make a second appearance during the spring event, and in this type of set specifically, but still very hot, and not disappointed at all.
Was super confused how the level 9 unlock was stuck at 3 percent and then BLAM! this beauty pops up. Also unlock 10 has no blur for us to squint at? Anyways ya must be exhausted but what comes out at level 10 I hope is extra special. Money’s tight this year for events but I’m gonna go on a buying spree of everything that looks best and this is definitely one of them even if the video isn’t as risque as the pictures.
Isn’t this exciting? We might actually open up Level 10 before even MC knows what it is. Now that’s a surprise!
Maybe it is ´the full experience´ already
thank you for this Becca and Simona made me do it again.
There’s not gonna be a level 10 anymore?
Wow amazing set! Just wanna join them!
Hey, is there some kind of holdup/issue with orders? I’ve never had this long a delay? (Still a big fan, though)
Sorry about that, we are working on all orders still! You have yours now.
Taken care of! Thank you!
The kissing was nice… And I will keep on dreaming on having Phoebe and Rebecca kissing each other
Wow. I love Rebecca’s galleries
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Holy Flying F*ck! these girls keep getting better together.