Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + ?
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
Downloadable photo album in zip format + ?
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
Got something to discuss?
I bought this because I saw Nika’s name,am I to understand that Nika is now making videos? I really hope so.As for Polina,welcome to the Marvel Universe,I hope you have fun and shoot a lot of great sets.
Very cute girl with my very favorite photographer ( and now apparently videoist to boot). If it’s Nika video Ten Stars.
Was it just my wishful thinking that Lena was rebirthing too?
I’m sure I’ll be buying lots of Polina!!
MC always does magic. I’m sure with this new model and the Nika rebirth, Lena will be back with new sets before too long… Triple trouble perhaps????
Such a pretty new Nika friend. Very welcome Polina
Welcome Polina!
The bonus surely looks promising and I think many people have been hoping for that for a long time.
While I have no doubt the bonus will be amazing, I think I look forward to more of Polina in general.
She is cute and shows a lot of potential, especially in pictures like 18 and 30.
Oh damn, you can vote someone down again on the reply. Guess I’ll need to watch myself
BTW, Have I told each and everyone of you are extremely handsome, incredibly bright and most creative.
It will be removed again shortly.
And that’s very kind of you.
Hey Charm, they’re killing me I’m at minus three
Lesson learned. You asked for it.
I fixed it, just for you.
MC, I do agree with Okie Joe. MC, you really the handsome guy i every seen. They didn’t call you charm for nothing. Sooooo can i have Petra Update next please 😉
YES! A bio! It’s such a value-add! Thank you!
Great addition to the MC roster! I hope the bonus is going to available very soon!
A wonderful new addition to the roster and more Nika is always wanted too!
When did the bio’s get introduced, is it possible to get those for the other girls?
Sabinka, Vanessa and Phoebe all got bios. A while back, I recall the admin saying that they would not be retroactive. Hopefully that changes.
Am I blind? Where can I find the bios?! o.O
I would imagine you have to purchase their very first sets released to see the bio
But no 10 minutes video? I am crying.. :'(
We are in testing phase of videos.
That’s what you saw a piece of.
patience 😛 I was so darn happy see those few seconds of… already waiting for more….
Hey MC, this isn’t by chance Lena’s sister? Po-Lena? jk Though, I really do think she kind of looks like she could be. So, maybe if Lena doesn’t have a Nika-like rebirth. I believe that Polina could be the one to scratch my Lena itch.
Also, I did immediately recognize this and was very pleased that we’re getting a new model from the (same?) photographer that works with Lena, Nika, Nicolette… not sure if there are others? But they certainly have great taste!
And the sneak peak… just the right amount.
Here’s hoping we’ll be seeing Polina in a Halloween themed set very soon!
Ummmm, not quite up to Marvel Charm standards is she?
Lots of people disagree.
wow! love the bonus! Im gonna be first in line to buy it
Just purchased the Polina sets, and I got the receipt, too. But where/how do I download the sets, as I cant see any button to press?
(Order number : 144514)
Hi, it is sent in a separate email.
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edit: commenting should be fixed now.