Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
Buy to see Nika remove the dress.
113 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
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Nika looks lovely as ever in (and out) of her Summer Dress. While I do believe variety is key to keep things interesting in the long run, I surely wouldn’t mind if Nika would follow her Nice Dress and Summer Dress sets up with a third dress set, for Nika’s dress trilogy if you will
Nika yes take my money
Another nice Nika set, I do love how she wears those shear knickers and best of all she is au natural down there. Please MC, tell her to keep it that way 😉 .
Oh man. I’ve been waiting for Nika to blossom. You guys make it sound like she has she has gone into full bloom. Might be time to go shopping again.
My fav, she has the cutest smile, wish she’d do video too, why doesn’t she do videos?
I think I remember them saying its some thing to do with her photographer, he doesn’t like videos or something. I say get her a different photographer then.
Our photographer is very prideful, if the videos are not up to quality he will not make them. I have said that you all don’t care and just want videos, and I want to see Nika on video just as much as any fan.
All of Nika’s photo sets are very high quality, there is no need for a different photographer.
Agree with the boss, don’t change photographer, I mean Nika and Lena, Nicolette, Polina is so natural with the photographer so would be a shame to change. They are a team.
We miss you, Nika!
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We purposely left out the better preview photos (again). Her Nice Dress sold better than the last 5, so I think you guys like it this way. 😉
Click buy and enjoy!
I agree with that assessment. The dress(es) show case her thiccer thighs and legs and add to the anticipation of seeingg the rest unraveled. So eh… sell the dream and the journey, not the destination? I general, she leans closer to Sarah’s body type now, so hopefully one can find inspiration there.
Yes, I personally like her legs and thighs like this, while her photographer likes the thinner style. Thicker for me, it’s more like she has grown up legs instead of teen legs now? 😉 Still toned and shapely, which I know some like. A little bit like Sarah, a little bit like Becca.
However way you like them, you can’t deny both are satisfying in their own ways.
It is just nice with different taste.. But these busty girls belong to bustycharm and not marvelcharm.. The hole concept with this site is not to make it a copy of
I don’t know what this means. Nika is still young and NN. And she is certainly not fat / busty.
It’s not just a site for petite girls.