Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
87 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
Got something to discuss?
Want videos like alissa used to do, transperents and slips!
I, for one, am ecstatic that she is back with new sets. With a body like Nika’s, do I really have to say it? Come on. 😀
So glad you’re back, Nika!
Damn glad I stayed up for this. Yes videos would be nice and maybe just a few more slips/peeks,thanx MC and welcome back Nika.
Nika is a goddess, yes, obviously, videos of her are needed!! She just knows what we want and always delivers, she’s a great tease, some slips here and there and when she is ready, full reveal?? I got a few girls here she will work nicely with in mind 😉
Although I’d love to see Nika in a video and eventually all of Nika. I’d really love to see her show off her Legs and Beautiful Butt more, they’re spectacular. I have a lot of her stuff so old or new will be nice to see. Welcome back Nika
Even if Nika can’t read these, 45 comments speaks for itself.
Thanks. Yes, it’s a lot and the praise will be passed along to Nika.
nika best model. please put some black nylon pantyhose on her !
I love Nika, she is so sexy but in a fresh way.
1) Videos, I would love to see videos, this must be the next step.
2) At least like Lena, some topless, no handbra, not by mistake, no pasties, maybe some transparency.
3) If she can have sets and videos with Lena or Kayley, Alice, Rebecca, Marissa, that would be great.
So thanks for the good news!
PS is Lena still active?
More naughty duo sets. I loved the one with Viola (which by the way is still active somewhere?)
A man after my heart, I thought I was the only one who remembers Viola. . Her two sets go back to 2016 one featured here with Lena. I don’t remember her doing a set with Nika. I think all of Nika’s previous dual sets have been with Lena both with Marvel and Silver. (but I’ve been wrong before) .
i’m assuming Viola is not modeling anymore. I haven’t ween her since the Marvel sets.
Yeah I got confused, Viola never did a set with Nika. She was awesome, too bad we can’t see her anymore
I would like to see her video together with Lena in a more nude form
What Fan-tastic News. A Warm Welcome Back to our Gorgeous Nika. Yes:
1. Long videos
2. Less is More (less clothes, hands, etc, More Nika)
3. Working toward Valensia-type sets, at her own pace
4. Hot Duos like Val+Rebecca’s
What a Great shot of energy and happiness in the Arm and it isn’t even my BD!
Not as much pictures as usual in this set, but it’s better than no more sets with Nika.
The colours are well selected and a book about Salvatore Dali is very good combination.
I just have the wish not to have the Alissa game. Nika has a wonderful body and I hope to see more of it. It must not be directly, but in near future. Thanks.
Thank you Marvel for bringing back Nika.
This is my favorite photographer . Shoots are always interesting and sets with Nika and Lena are my all time favorites. Sensual, artistic, playful and oh so hot!!
Videos are a no brainer..
Reprise of some of old Silver sets with maybe more sexier content (boob shots please, Nika?). Return of her Minnie set with rippier shirt. And the old standby . semi transparent with water added to shirt.
Nika doing sets with other models especially Lena.( I’d love a continuation of their fabled chess matchor up dating the “Welcome Aboard set). Nika brings a natural intimacy to her dual sets.
Here’s hoping for Lena, Gabby and Nicolette returning too.
I’d love for more content from this photographer.
Thanks for making 2020 a little better. Marvel charm Rocks!!
Such a wonderful day. Nika you are such a beautiful model and looking as amazing as ever. Even in 2020 this shows that positive things can still happen.
YES on videos
YES on collabs with other models
YES on sequel to this set with NO magazine
Hi guys, I’m copying the photographers comments below.
“Yes, I read the comments.
Video requirements come first.
We will try anyway, but I can’t promise that everything will be fine.
I see that the fans want to leave the studio. The answer is yes, we are planning. It is unlikely that he will be outside this year, because it will snow soon. Rather – rent a beautiful apartment for a day.”
“”less clothes, less hands, etc., more Nicky”
This depends on her calmness …”
“I continue to read. “black nylon pantyhose” – no problem with that, we do it. ”
“Next … “More naughty duo sets”. We already started working on this on Sunday. “
“Next … “More naughty duo sets”. We already started working on this on Sunday. “
How about duo set in a bathtub or shower ?
BTW Thanks for responding and thinks for coming through again M Admin.
Lena and Nika has been epic together before hope for moar. But also Nicolette and Lena has been together. True fan of this models. Take care all and also keep away from that damn shitty virus.
OK, I’ll ask… Does the photographer call her Nicky, or is that just the MC Admin’s nickname for her (like Val, Becky, etc.)? In other words… just curious if Nicky is her pet/nickname. I dig it anyway. 😛
I believe it’s a translation error, or spelling error.
I also agree with the sentiment that it would be nice to leave the world of backdrops and props behind for a more practical location, indoors and/or outdoors.
I’m assuming when the photographer writes “Video requirements come first” , he means he needs to feel comfortable shooting videos because he’s not done it before??
Also any idea whose in the “naughty duo sets?? (don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone)
I hope for this combo:
Lena and Nika!!!
Nika and Lena!!!
Lena and Nika!!!
Nika and Lena!!!
😉 😛
I’d throw in Lena and Gabrielle as well. Their sets at the old Silver website were VERY sexy. I wouldn’t mind them doing another Halloween set like they did back in the day
Hi Nika & MC, this set looks amazing. Yes i would love to see her remove the magazine as she has such a beautiful body. Nika please wear some sheer lingerie, as for settings I see Nika near a waterfall au natural. You could do the nude photos from a distance making her still feel comfortable but giving into all guys/girls fantasies.
Implied nudes like this are as sexy as can be!
And with a model returning like this – well, we all know what the Holy Grail of returning models would be!
Hope I’m not too late with my comment….
Not just Nika’s sets but all sets from this photographer are second to none in terms of style. The attention to detail to make everything fit so well together is unparalleled. Each set has it’s own theme and everything fits together in that theme with great attention to even the smallest detail. The background, the attributes the clothing the make-up, just everything is thought through and in tune.
This is something I have always appreciated about this photographer and I regret to say that I have never voiced that out properly before.
What I would wish from Nika for the future, please keeping doing what you are doing and I’ll keep buying.
I for one am not bored with the style of Nika’s sets and can’t imagine getting bored of them any time soon.
Though I would definitely be interested in an outdoor set or a set in a nice apartment setting! I do very much hope these plans will become reality some day.
” We still have older sets, but we’re trying to focus more on the future.”
What I can tell from the glimpses I’ve seen and the comments from MC admin I’ve read, the future of MC has never looked as bright! I for one can’t wait to see what while be in store for us in the future!
At the same time, If you don’t mind me saying, I very much hope you will consider a way to release the older sets you have (not just of Nika).
Fully agree!
I’ll echo every one else and say long videos.
No matter what Nika will take my money. Yet another amazing looking set MC and Nika!!!
I wonder if Isabella will do a second rebirth …
Awesome to see Nika Back. Amazing photographer. Should shoot all of the models.
Yest to videos: The longer the better. They can even be raw videos of the shoot: It would be interesting to see how a shoot comes together.
Body covers: Would love to see her graduate to full nudes, beautiful read shots, standing and especially bent-over
Setting: This photographer can make any setting amazing, variety is the Spice of life
Duos: With a more advanced girl’s with whom she is comfortable, and who would help her advance to a more intimate, more revealing shoot. Perhaps going the Cutie way: Does she have a girlfriend with whom she would feel more comfortable with to do really intimate sets?
Great rebirth and maintains the sweet spot that MC has hit between mixing their new outstanding models (Phoebe , Sabinka and Vanessa come to mind) with the old Marvel stalwarts (Sarah, Becca, Val. Marissa and of course the sensual Nika). I see the photographer mentioned that Nika is doing duo sets again so here’s hoping for Gabby and Lena rebirths as well. Love the fact that Nika may be expanding her wings a little based on content in this set.
Also great news on the photographer willing to give videos a try as he acquaints himself with the medium. (Don’t worry about everything be “fine” with the videos , I’m sure 98% of us will be happy that you’re willing to give it a try).
Love direction of Sarah, Alice, Vanessa, Phoebe and and Sabinka in recent shoots.
MCs persistence and out patience paid off with this most excellent “Rebirth.”
As for suggestions:
1. Cheerleading outfit
2. Halloween themed set
3. No Bra club set like Sabinka’s set
4. Set like Marissa’s Private Show set
5. Nika in a shower wearing white
6. School girl Nika with another model (preferably Gabby or Lena)
hi , guys
so glad she is back for more sets
i’m not waiting for video’s , not for me.
i’m not waiting for totaly nude
i would love to see her in the casual sets with several boob-slips like in those sets (perhaps some more)
but i’ve noticed that when going fully nude the magic is gone , i start loosing interest
outdoor sets , yes , some bodypaint (silver-girl) would be nice , duo-sets (Lena ok but i’d love one with rikki)
thanks and that this rebirth may be a good start for some nice shoots
I completely agree, Druyts! I’d love to see Nika go along the same route she has been going down. No fully nude shots, but
I’d like videos. Duo sets? Yes! (as great as she is solo, she is spectacular in duo sets) body paint sets? Yes! The one thing I’d love to seecr from Nika, though, would be for her to do sets outside of a studio!
Thanks for your comment, it’s good to see detailed ones like this. We will do our best.
@Druyts59, Nika isn’t planning to go all out, we’re going to be creative with her sets like always. Our goal is to keep interest as long as possible.
Nika’s Minnie set is easily my favourite of hers. Her, a semi non-nude model wearing sheer panties made me insta buy that set. My jaw dropped. More sheer tops and bottoms please
Nika wears heels like no other, she has amazing legs, not to under sell her beautiful expressive face. Just the fact that she is modelling makes me smile, vids are a must please, but above all else more Nika please!!!!
will there be lena videos too in future????
I just wanted to take a moment to say a hearty THANK YOU to the MC/TM team for being a shining beacon of joy during this difficult year. Thank you for working so hard to bring us beautiful models and for giving us so much to look forward to! Nothing gets stale here, and every release is something special to look forward to. Whether it’s the fresh faces of Sabinka, Phoebe, Bety, Vanessa, Diana, and other new faces who are progressing in exciting ways, or the MC Queens like Rebecca, Marissa, Sarah, Alice, and others that have been breaking new boundaries and have us wondering “what next?!”–this year has been a delight! And now you’re giving us new Nika content?! And hinting that new fresh faces *cough TSS cough* could be on the way?! And of course, Kayley’s bravery is my personal highlight of 2020 *swoon*.
I appreciate your transparency in communicating with photographers about what your paying customers want to see and making those comments public here. The Alissa thread was refreshing in its honesty, and I’m excited to see if she is listening. We’ve already seen feedback from customers being applied to recent releases! Knowing that Nika’s photographer and other photographers in your stable are listening and receptive to feedback drives loyalty and appreciation from your fanbase, so give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for being the best at what you do. And here’s looking forward to what 2021 has to bring!!
I’m renewing the hell out of you site in hopes of another “rebirth.”lol
Love to see her do a set with Nicolette like Lena did.
Nika!!! I just checked in specifically to see if any sets were added for her. Love the new look. Seems like she cut it a few inches? She looks more mature. I do love it when her hair is long, too, though. Whatever she likes better. She legit has model looks and qualities!
I guess I’m not the only one. Pics are meh for me. When I buy vid sets that have pics, half the time I don’t dl it, and the other have I never unzip it and end up deleting for hd space.
I know there are a few models on here mainly that only have photo sets. NIka is one of the few I would ever just buy photo sets of. She’s beautiful and it’s great for a portfolio and while beautiful, photos aren’t my thing.
I want vid of the model, preferably with the actual sound from the vid, not some cheesy overlay music. A foreign language, her voice, I don’t care. I just prefer it to be what’s actually being recorded.
More feet!! Legs and feet. Nylons, stockings, classic heels/pump. She takes them off halfway through seductively.
A full head to toe vid of Nika then her with foot tease play I would love!
Bubble baths!!
Honestly, Nika in vid, with her voice, no matter what language she speaks, would be amazing!! When I hear audio of other women like Lili speaking (Russian?), it’s beautiful and hot!!
Maybe strategically placed strawberries and whip-cream?
Is she open to the idea of private custom vids?
A Nika release every week! Or 2 a week! A new and old one would be amazing. I would legit get on a subscription plan and pay the full amount at the beginning of the month for Nika and have to do the one at a time purchase. Nika has my money. Just take it!!
And more of that booty!!
❤️ you, Nika!!
How about outdoors on some sort of a playground with a swing set?
I’d be remiss if I left out pantyhose as well. Stockings and pantyhose are two entirely different things and Nika would look amazing in both with matching high heels! (White heels, white stockings with garter belts or white pantyhose, red with red, black with black, and so on.)
i would buy any and every video if she were ever to do some, EVERY SINGLE ONE. but im not into pictures
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
Nika has returned from her hiatus. I guess it’s kind of a rebirth. 😉 We still have older sets, but we’re trying to focus more on the future.
Therefore, if you have comments about what you want to see from Nika, now is the time to do so. I will link the comments to her photographer to read, hopefully he will come in and chat if he can. I believe the #1 thing you all would want to see are videos. Make sure you say that if you want it to happen.
We were very happy to see a fresh Nika, shot just last week. I hope you guys are just as happy to see a new set from her too.
Edit: I have attached the photographers comments further down in the comments.
Any chance she would leave the studio area and do an outdoors, woods, beach etc., photo shoot?
Was just about to ask that very thing. . .Bravo!
The only thing, that could make Nika better are more casual boobies. So far her photographer (and Lena’s etc), has managed to show any nudity in an organic flow. So keep everything like it was and sneak in some more naughty bits, if she dares.
+1 for boobs!
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY I love Nika such a pretty beautiful girl. And yes videos would be nice too.
Videos, vidieos, videos, videos… Nothing but videos. <3
Pics were fun back in the dial-up days 😉