Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
195 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
Got something to discuss?
Last year Marvel Admin wrote, “Lena promises to get better and better.” Lena is obviously a woman of her word and definitely delivers with her finest set yet. Can she possibly get even better?? Beautiful face, rockin’ body with a fantastic rack absolutely stunning. .Her facial expressions are to die for. Oh by the way 195 pictures.
2018: The Year of Lena??
BTW Marvel Admin thanks for the preview pic, I would not have prepared without it. YIKES !!
Looks like a lovely set from the previews… but I’d like to voice my opinion.
I’ve been visiting this site for a while and I’d definitely buy your sets if alternative payment options exist (ex. bitcoin). Visa/Mastercard aren’t really common and hard to obtain in my country, and I also prefer a bit of anonymity when purchasing certain stuff online.
Thanks for reading this.
There was a time where btc could have been used for payments for websites like ours, but that time is gone. If you tried purchasing a set from us using bitcoin now, you would pay around $30 for one set due to transaction fees. Proof here:
It is also not anonymous. To anyone who thinks this, please stop! There are other, much better cryptos for that. Now is not the time for mainstream use of many of these coins. Too much volatility. Going to your local store and paying cash for a prepaid card is a better anonymous alternative.
We get messages like this occasionally, so here is our reply at the moment.
Why cant i Buy the sets from Uruguay. is there any workaround? Thank you
I understand your point and I agree regarding bitcoin, but I also have a similar problem to the poster you replied to.
In my country there is just one brand of prepaid cards on stores, and I happily used them for 6 months, but since Christmas day they are been refused for some reason.
Imagine my frustration when I see the previews of the latest sets by Rebecca, Violet or Ariana It’s blue ball galore in here!
I’m looking for alternative solutions. I hope I’ll find one soon.
I can look into it.
OMG this is hot as hell! There is just something about oiled up bodies that i love to see and the way the oil accentuates Lena’s perfect body is outstanding!
Lena, for the love of all that is holy and good in this world, please please please do a video (id be just as happy with a photo set) like this with Nika! Hell, id come out and video it on my own dime lol. 😀
I completely agree with you here; I’ll be buying this set later today. But I will try to one-up you here…Yes, I’d love to see Nika with a set like this (she truly is my fav), but how about a Lena with Nika oil set? They could charge $100 for that set, and I’d have no problem buying it.
Sexiest set by the hottest model. So no complaints, right?? Wrong!!
Poor Lena is obviously struggling trying to apply the baby lotion to the hard to reach places on her back. Clearly she does need some assistance.
For the love of humanity, Marvel Charm , please enlist the aid of Nika, , Viola, Gabby, or Nicolette to help Lena in any future oil sets so she doesn’t suffer muscle pull.
Absolutely magnificent set.
If that’s how she’s starting 2018 i guess this is really shaping up to be the Year of Lena. She just needs to start doing videos with Nika and my life will be complete.
Lena – The Ultimate Slip n’ Slide…
Thanks very much for this exceptional set by my favorite model. Hope this is just the first of many better and better sets by the stunning Lena.
Please sir, I want some more.
I think this should be a mandatory staple set every MC model should do. Hot on top of hot!!!
Marvel Charm has been advised by my office NOT to release any videos or live motion action of the sexy and voluptuous Lena due to possible serious health risks to your hearts. This is for your own well being. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, “You won’t be able to handle the truth” of Lena’s body in motion. So please do not ask again unless you want to jeopardize your own very well being.
The same goes for theproposed Nicolette-Lena set. It has been deemed “Too Hot to Handle.”
Thank-you for your anticipated cooperation
Respectfully Submitted, Dr. C. Everett Coop
😀 😀 😀
To quote Captain Barbossa, “I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request.”
I must disagree with Dr. cooper. The proposed sets (oh. please release a baby oil set with lena and nika, please please) will do wonders for testicular cancer. It just may be the cure.
Wow!!!! One of her best sets yet!!!!!!!
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WOW… The Holy Grial of Marvelcharm to date. This is hot. Lena, if you need another hand for a masssage, I am enable
Honorific mention for the photographer: very good work