Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 5:26
Video Thumbnails: Above
71 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 5:26
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Wow! Kira looks as Beautiful and Amazing as Ever. Talk about a Hot & Hard Body. And she knows Exactly how to Move.
Welcome back Kira. Thank you so much for coming back. We missed you very much. I hope that you stay with us for a Very Long Time. Like the Finest Wine….
YES! Welcome back, Kira! <3
OMG AND she’s on MarvelFans now! Excited to see Kira’s return~
As beautiful as ever, even more i can say <3
DAMN!……She is looking fine as hell. I’m gonna hafta start paying more attention to her.
Wow! She looks amazing
Kira looks just as gorgeous and utterly shit hot as ever! I was happy to see the throwback appearance during the event but new Kira? Yes… please… and thank you! The release on MF is incredible… this one looks to be equally so… Welcome back, beautiful!
a m a z i n g r e b i r t h !
Welcome back Kira. You’ve been missed.
Omg she is back. I hoped for it for so long <3 . Kira Queen returned and she is prettier and hotter than ever
Wow she looks hotter than ever. Its been years! How is this possible!?
You gotta love the Micro-bikini tan lines around her nipples an Ass which could bounce pennies right back at ya. Thanks to a healthy Amazonian lifestyle. Mother Nature’s final boss.
If you could bring Kira and Sabinka to the same Holiday Resort I’d drop flat.
As far as the set goes: a two dozem or so more pictures would have been great, because each we have so far is a treat.
She’s more than ready for hardcore action.
The goddess returns!!!!
Great to see Goddess Kira back, would you bring also Marissa or Mia back? or even post more classic models like Rebecca and Sarah
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Such long beautiful legs, who is this siren?