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Alissa – Hands Free (Photo + Video)



120 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:16
Video Thumbnails: Above

Got something to discuss?

Marvel Administrator
4 years 6 months ago

This is just a small first step. Just sharing our progress with you all…
Enjoy. :)

4 years 6 months ago

I like this, and I’ll explain why – no chicken wing poses, I notice from the preview a slight look down at your ‘frontage’ Alissa, it’s okay, never feel ashamed of your assets, they are yours – own it!

Marvel Administrator
4 years 6 months ago

The camera work still needs improvement (shaky at times), but we’ll try to fix it in the future.

4 years 6 months ago

Still downloading… you can get those stabilizers that sit like an arm rest from your side I believe, they use them for most digital broadcast cams these days, that may help.

On a side note if it was me, it would be shakey most of the time (med condition’s/medication as well – life if not always what you expect it to be).

4 years 6 months ago

Such a shame whatever happened to her previous photographer, who I believe had set a new standard of video quality for this site. Guess all good things must come to an end right? Oh well, glad she’s still here updating anyway, with her beauty there’s always hope. Thanks for still working with her and passing along our feedback, as it seems to be starting to make a difference.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 6 months ago

Her previous photographer still works with us. Shooting Kayley and a few others.

Steve P
4 years 6 months ago

“One small step for Alissa, one giant leap for MarvelCharm.”—Buzzed Steve P, shortly after a long day at work.

4 years 6 months ago

Thanks a lot MC Admin, the photographer as well as Alissa i didn’t expect this. I’m so happy with this progress. Definitely look forward for a future sets, just don’t keep as wait for too long of her updates.

Thanks again MC

4 years 6 months ago

Yeah cam was a bit wobbly, slowed playback down which helped anyway with the shakiness.

Quite sensual, Alissa has amazing lines figure-wise, and without the need to constantly cover herself up, it increases the sensuality and artistry of her movements/poses, another move perhaps tassles?

I loved the parts of the photo set without the max spreading from behind, just showing how she is, and how she would be (if she was your …), the ones on the top of the couch edge, very fine indeed.

In the end like any man, we want to see what lies underneath – it’s biological, we can’t fight it.

4 years 6 months ago

Thanks for something new that is not hand bra! However, personally I still think her older videos that had hair bra with actual nip slips and mesh outfits were much sexier. Her breasts are freaking perfect and I’d much rather see them at least some of the time via real tease than covered up the whole time, so that my heart is not racing waiting for a possible slip. And mesh bottoms or bottomless in a video still has to happen at some point right? Please? At this point I imagine that’d have to be one of the best selling sets of all time, and would rightfully put her right back in contention for top model on this site! By the way, I feel one of her most underrated videos/camera work is “Bitter sweet” from a Halloween bundle awhile back, for the outfit and the undressing in frame using her beautiful long hair to tease/cover. Again, I’m happy for some type of progress, but still personally waiting for a return to form or better. She could and should be the star and face of this site, it’s just up to her and her crew to realize that! Here’s to hoping for more progress in the near future!

Marvel Administrator
4 years 6 months ago

All of her old videos are good. The return to form might be awhile.
As for this, we worked hard to make it happen. Most will think it’s just some pasties, but training a hand bra model to not use their hand is more difficult than you think.

4 years 6 months ago

It’s mental, send her to a nudist beach/hippy commune, she’ll soon realize that underneath our clothes we are all human, and there is beauty in showing it without being overtly sexual.

Yes I agree though, breaking habits is harder, but I’m pleased that she is giving it a go, and many of us will happily drown as her femininity overwhelms us.

Must buy,
Can’t live without,
Take my money,
OMG Cannot get credit card out quick enough,
Buy Buy Buy!,
Eye popping,
…..and so on’
This can be you Alissa – take it, it’s yours…

4 years 6 months ago

Thanks for pointing that one (Bittersweet) out, as a fan of;

“You’re a beautiful girl
And your pants are on so tight
That when you stand just right
I can see it all

When you’re on the beach
And your bikini’s soaking wet
I see a fuzzy silhouette
As I look down below
I see your camel toe”

Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take ya
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama

Ah the past, good times…

4 years 6 months ago

So glad Alissa is here, a diamond is always perfect

4 years 6 months ago

This is the magic of MC at work right here!
Going by Admin’s replies on Alissa’s previous set I wasn’t expecting something like this to happen, certainly not this soon.
I do hope it’s a first step and more will follow. For now though I’m very much enjoying this.

Thank you MC admin for doing what you do, your hard work is really cherished. Very much so.

4 years 6 months ago

I have never been so happy to be so wrong in my life. Welcome back Alissa,if all your future sets progress like this I will be in heaven. You are so beautiful and you are back on my instabuy list. Thanx MC and Alissa,this truly has been a memorable event.d

4 years 6 months ago

Is it me, or is this the level 10 unlock?

Marvel Administrator
4 years 6 months ago

Yes, the front page will change soon.

4 years 6 months ago

Still no progress. Will keep an eye for the future, but still too many clothes and a lack of creativity

4 years 6 months ago

Good progress. Can’t wait for her to show a bit more :)
I am glad though, how far she went

4 years 6 months ago

This is so unprofessional. Tell me that five years old boy is the shooting. It is so disrespectful for Alissa. I am glad that she moved forward but this camera work is disgusting.

4 years 6 months ago

Yeah, it was bad. It’s just so unfortunate because Alissa was amazing in this shoot, and if the camera work had been usual quality this would have been one of her best videos ever. I still really enjoyed it, and am really grateful to Alissa for taking this step. But what could have been a 9.5+ to me was merely a 7.5 because of the camera work. I really hope future videos of her are stable.

4 years 6 months ago

Hi there! Keep up the good work!
I’m especially interested in Alissa’s sets. They are astonishing. I would love to see more behind the scenes footage in the near future. The edited video’s are too edited. For example, in this set I would love to see the preparation with the white tape being applied. The more revieling, the more I buy!
Keep up the good work, but keep looking for improvents of the sets and video’s.
Thank you in advance!

3 years 8 months ago

After I purchase, how do I view the content ?

3 years 3 months ago

After I purchase, how do I view the content ?

Antonio Carlos Garcia
1 year 9 months ago

This girl is the most beautiful thing in this world. The eighth wonder of the world…
With a lot of clothes, with little clothes even better. Blonde, brunette, long or short hair, she rocks.