Product Description
Downloadable photo albums in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
330 Pictures in ZIP Format + 4 Videos
Downloadable photo albums in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Got something to discuss?
Wow. Wow,
One question.
Is it “soon” yet??????
How about Now?
Sorry thats 3.
Low the news
Holy crap! I’m buying tomorrow!
FUCK YEAH !!!!!!!! (almost)
HOLY BATMAN. I thought waiting for Christmas was worth the wait. You guys have outdone it all!!! Now as long as we’re not having to I wait a month for the surprise I’ll be happier than a fat kid in a candy store with no spending limit and an empty stomach.
Sarah looks so hot here <3
how soon to sarah soon?
this looks amazing, but for $25 i just want to know if the tape ever comes off? do we finally get what we have been waiting for?????? they are both soooo beautiful!!!!! i hope this is a dream come true!
330 pictures and four videos for $25. I agree that the tape needs to come off but the price isn’t relevant in this instance.
Does the tape come off? Yes and no. Do you finally get what you have been waiting for? No… and yes. 😉
Damn it, Boss! Now I NEED to buy it!
OH MY! I probably ran the coming soon video 10 times hoping my eyes could unscramble it 😉 . Fantastic bundle MC,loved the costumes,the sets and both Alice and Sarah able to pose and move freely without the handbras.
looks good, will need to wait till end of month for pay day to buy this £19.46 is a bit steep right now ecpecially straight after new year, I hope the set is as amazing as the previews tho.
Awesome Bundle, and even better preview of what is soon to come (I hope)
Just a matter of time…patience definitely has its rewards. Tape can only stay on for so long…
my oh my, Alice is just the best and sarah is gorgeous as ever. can never get enough, super excited about the coming soon too!! OXOXO Thanks Alice, Sarah and MC
Normally I would say I want more topless. But this “”NN” set is a MUST BUY ASAP!!!
Devilishly good set of Sarah and Alice together. Especially Sarah gives us an epic show that will not soon be forgotten. It can hardly be topped by what has been promised.
Holy crap!!! Wow is all I can say… and maybe is it soon yet?
One of my comments made it to the coming soon preview. Lol
….people, buy this set. If the coming soon is any sign….we are closer to what we have been waiting for all these years.
Let’s make soon right now. Please
Ok. I’ll buy it.
Mine too! I feel immortal and honoured now a part of me is going to live in a video featuring the lovely Alice & Sarah.. Forever!
INSTA BUY!! I pray to all that is holy I receive my order tonight.
Thank you SO MUCH for making this happen. It has been years in the making, but worth it, I’m sure. This is truly the best teen modeling site on the internet now, or anytime in the past.
PS Hope your Model Search turns up Candy and Marisol…
Ok a legit review of what’s in the bundle.
The fiendish set (with both girls) alone is worth the price of admission. Both girls are able to freely pose with the tape doing what the hands normally do. The poses are great, and both are able to show off their curves. There is one bit in the video where Sarah lifts her arms (which is shown in the description preview) that just shows her figure at best. Both girls have great bodies, but I love Sarah’s breasts and curves in this outfit.
Alice tape tease – Alice moves freely with the tape. Great poses, and the blue……shorts? They just ride up and show off her great ass and body.
Sarah Happy Bunny – Handbra in this one. Sarah moves around, and shakes her tail. Good time.
The coming soon preview….ive watched this several times. After showing the paying customers what is to come, I hope you all don’t hold those sets back long…..please. and also, you might want to work overtime to get those orders out when you release them.
Anyone wanna guess an over under on the release say 90 days ?
Sweet mother of Jebus!!! this bundle looks beyond amazing!!! totally getting it on payday.
Okay so I bought this set…. honest review … my tired lol I wish I could give these beautiful women a hug and a night out on the town. Your next level is sure to make your mark up the ladder with the queens of this site.
MarvelCharm: Goes Green
As the polar ice caps melt and global warming makes weather more extreme, Marvelcharm does their best to save the planet by putting tiny swatches of tape to hide Sarah’s breasts. Nice try guys/gals but you missed some of Sarah’s areole to give us a preview what appears to be coming “soon.”
Sarah my second favorite model is hot as hell. (Alice holds her own in the sexy wicked set.)
Marvel staff great bundle and moresets like these with like subject matter ( ie sets with two models only, posing with their crew. such as Lena with her crew, Violet and Becca and their crew and of course Anna with her crew.) Much better IMHO than the four different model bundles.
I’m assuming photographer was Masha and her work gets better and better.
Now I got to get me a DeLorean time machine so I can go back to the future to find out how soon soon is. Anyone know where I can find Doc Brown????
Is it “soon” yet ????
Can someone just hint at who the coming soon thing is? I don’t want this set enough to spend $25 on it.
It’s clearly a topless set based on the comments but I too am curious, is it both or just one of them? If it’s just one then which one is it??
There’s no way it could be both.
Could it?
I keep replaying the cumming soon video,everybody is so focused on the blurred out breasts they’re missing a great part that wasn’t blurred out. Sarah is wearing a lacy thong and her most magnificent bum is on display. I do hope there was some filming from the rear,jeezus I’m waiting for this knowing it may take months to get here.
lol, it’s not gonna take months.
So will it only take a month? Or perhaps a couple weeks? Or days? The preview is driving me crazy and I just want to spend now
amazing, just bought it can u give us a hint too how soon will it be this month (january)
You’ll be coming soon.
Soon to me is upto 2 month. lol is the time frame within a week
You dogs… ;^P
Im in a kind of shopping mood today.
Cold snowy weekend.
Needing to keep warm?
Any thoughts?
impatient sob that I am.
I’m still waiting for the string thongs
Just wrapping my head around the whole concept of soon.
I think those outfits (can you even call it that with that much skin showing??) should find its way over to TM.. Namely in Lili’s body.
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
I know this has taken years (a decade?) to happen, but we are making your dreams come true once again.
Let us know your thoughts!
I thought christmas was good but you top it every time. Didn’t think the girls had it in them.