Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:27
Video Thumbnails: Above
108 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 2:27
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
My goodness, Alice is a stunner.
Oh my freakin Goddess!!! Amazing work Alice and MC!!!
Simply can’t get enough of this stunning lady ❤️
Goddess indeed!
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Beautiful, in particular your eyes Alice, the vid lighting is a bit off, natural lighting is okay to use when there is enough, a bit of sun hitting a window would have made all the difference, if not use actual lighting. Some nice classic poses, yes I noticed you trying to emulate other Roman art poses.
Thanks Alice, another one off the list (yes the list is long). 😀
(dreams of “Alice Unleashed”)