
Tina – Sweet Cream



137 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video

Category: .

Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 9:15
Video Thumbnails: Above

Got something to discuss?

3 years 10 months ago

oh my

Richard P
3 years 10 months ago

Beautiful lady. I’m not into the “sexy covered with food” stuff, but she has loads of charisma.

3 years 10 months ago

First Phoebe kills the website, then Tina follows that up with her own server killing update. I wonder how things will hold up if they’re also the last two levels.

Tina fan
3 years 10 months ago

insta buy! Is there supposed to be three videos? I received just one with my order

3 years 10 months ago

After reading the comments in the Tina bundle set and seeing the price tag of this set. Just want to say to the fans thank you for making this happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 years 10 months ago

Tina is always lovely to watch, but there is one reason I’m actually disappointed with this purchase. The description below the image samples says “137 pictures in ZIP Format + 3 Videos.” There is only one video. It was actually the only reason I purchased, considering I thought the price was a little high, based on the samples.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 10 months ago

Sorry about this description error, part of it was copied from the bundle description on accident. The current description is updated and accurate.

3 years 10 months ago

Well thought out title! Tina will keep me busy for days and days. WOW

3 years 10 months ago

If there is one more set and video of Tina during this event, I think I’m going to die. This is major cardiac arrest.

3 years 10 months ago

Can anyone give a review of this set? Is it really worth double the normal price?

I posted a comment with my concerns on the price of this set, but it didn’t get posted. So not sure if this one will be posted either. Without going into the same amount of detail, I will just say I am concerned with higher prices during event when quality isn’t noticeably better than recent releases.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 10 months ago

I don’t normally approve these type of things anymore, because it involves too much disagreements between members, and in the end our team is the ones that determine what pricing should be. Not to mention we have this same discussion during every event and our answers are still the same.

I can only say that if you like what you see in the previews, it is exactly that. This is not comparable to a bundle in pricing, those are meant to be an attractive deal, though it was probably too attractive based on comments there.

About being concerned: Most of our sets released today are the same price as sets released 6-7 years ago. Still, we have to fight inflation in some way. That’s why we have events, sales, tributes, etc. Our websites are also really the only ones left that allow at least some open discussion, as well as being one of the few websites of this style left. This is because we treat our model and team fairly, and make sure they are well taken care of. Just like shopping at places where you know it’s going to support the workers. We do our best to keep costs down for customers, but the models also know their worth and want to be paid as such.

Anyway, that is probably not the answer you were looking for. It’s more complicated than just how attractive a set looks. But we appreciate all the support and questions, all of it helps improve the site.

3 years 10 months ago

Well said Boss, this is a niche site and appears to be during well. Pricing will always be something to disagree on. I know other site owners who have the same dilemma on pricing. Bottom line is EVERYONE should pay and these rip-off sites ruin it for all involved. Remember this….. it hurts the Models!!!! If we don’t have them, we are back to looking at Victoria Secret ads. To you and all the Photographers and Models, Thanks for Everything, We Luv ya !!!!

3 years 10 months ago

I agree. I don’t like those ripoff sites either. I would much rather pay here, so the models get the money and continue working. But paying double for a regular release, just because it is an event day, is also frustrating.

I thought I was in the minority after this initial comment and then no other responses supporting my side. But now I am certain that I am not alone in my feelings. If this set was priced right, it would’ve been a big seller and we would’ve already unlocked Level 7. Just saying.

P.S. I am also a “true fan”. Providing some constructive criticism or even negative feedback doesn’t disqualify you from being a true fan. I have spent a lot of money at this site (and TM) over the years and I will continue to be a fan in the future. But that doesn’t mean I will blindly buy any set no matter the price.

Thanks MC for listening to my feedback and thank you to the models for everything you do.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 10 months ago

I have went through this in detail in my previous reply to you. It was also discussed when you asked about it when Kayley had a higher price, and when Lili sets had higher prices. We have been consistent in what we have said each and every time you bring up a comment about pricing. I do not mind an occasional post about pricing. But I have answered your same question multiple times, please do not come to your own conclusions or ignore our reasonings.

Of course you are not alone, everybody wishes they could get sets for $5. And I wish rent and taxes were 50% lower. 😆 That’s why sales and discounts work, some people like you only buy when we have discounts. We are fine with that.

“If this set was priced right, it would’ve been a big seller and we would’ve already unlocked Level 7. Just saying.”
We have stats. This is wrong.


Constructive criticism is fine. But do not pull stats out of thin air. The leveling is delayed because of a backlog of orders. Once they are approved, the system will update accordingly.
And again, please read my previous post about this. You can disagree, but it must be on its own merits. If you pull a “how’s that pricing going for you MC?”, I will correct you. We do not need to be this transparent with our fans, but we do it because it builds trust and honesty.

Sorry if this comes off a little aggressive. I know I am not the best communicator. It’s just lots of passion for this job.

3 years 10 months ago

I really don’t get why people complain et all. If you don’t like the higher price don’t buy it or wait to next event.

But generally MC/TC is not that high priced sites et all. Many sites takes more.

But I think we all can agree the photographers and the models at MC/TM are doing good stuff. But what people don’t seems to understand is all the work behind the scenes. Camera/editing etc costs money and time! I have huge respect for the photograhers/models at MC/TM and that “nature girl photographer” outside MC I have told about before…

I also think it is nice with this events 2/3 times a year because then one can buy older sets from those that one may not buy when it was released.

3 years 10 months ago

….Also I get two beer’s in my country for that Tina set and I think I prefer Tina set over those beers because that also make me less fat == win win 😀

3 years 10 months ago

Alsol, it’s Tina, so…. That’s always gonna be a good set. Between Tina, Phoebe, Bety, Sarah and whatever is gonna come up in these next couple days, I’m gonna have an expensive MC weekend, but, oh well… With great models come many must have sets

3 years 10 months ago

I’m a simple man. I see a Tina set, out comes the wallet.

Some very good sets coming up from her, by the way 😉

3 years 10 months ago

Can’t wait to see this update.

3 years 10 months ago

Would love to see Tina in an interview! Curious about her hobby’s, etc. Would also love to see more of her perfect body… naked

3 years 10 months ago

I’m with you Bill. I understand what you’re saying brother. To the administrator and those that do not understand: Bill (and I) are in agreement. We do not complain about the price per se. I have bought many sets over the years. We just believed the higher priced equalled more ‘goods.’ If a regular update is $11.95 and contains no nudity, fine. If, however, the same model is Level 8 and almost double the price, but no ‘goods’ shots whatsoever, then it is still just a ‘regular’ update.

I too spend a good amount of money on TM/MC and will continue to do so. But I do know who is going to show what, and I will pay more without complaining for those models (oh, except for the damn blurry shots, especially on Phoebe). That’s why I don’t buy Phoebe’s anymore. Like everyone here here, including Bill, I thank TM/MC and especially thank the models and will continue to buy.

3 years 7 months ago

Catching up on some Tina sets during the current event and finally got to see this controversial beauty! I hope the staff and models don’t mind that some of us have to wait for events for some sets. Now that I have it, I can’t believe anyone could have a problem with this set! I admit, one thing that made me wait was that the comments here made it sound as if this set wasn’t any more special compared to her others, but I think this was probably her “boldest” set that had been out up to this point! Sure, we’d all love to see the video of Tina cleaning up after this (hopefully such video exists!) but what’s here is AMAZING, not sure how much we can say here in the comments, but I think whichever of Tina’s lovely assets you like best, this set delivers!!!

3 years 2 months ago

Amazing vid! The time just flew by and although some have done food play before, this felt genuine. I doubt she finished baking what she started, but it did look like she could have. The oven light was on, there was a full coffee pot, around 8 at night. It felt like a lived in space (which is is, but you know what I mean).

Then her boobies and that sweet cream! Minute the panties came off with those sheer stockings I was done!

Glad she didn’t do any ass shaking in this. Not really a fan of that. This was more sensual, with her big, brown eyes, long brown hair and you could see the muscles contract in her left leg every so often, with the definition showing. So hot. Even the music was on point. Not loud or blaring, but set the tone.