Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:45
Video Thumbnails: Above
161 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:45
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
IT’S TINA!! Nothing more needs to be said, thanx MC.
Don’t be discouraged by the pasties, this is Tina at her best! Thanks for the great set and video.
You are so right! The previews had me thinking she might be slowing things down…NOPE. Full speed ahead and this is the best outfit she has attempted to wear *wink* *wink*. Makes me wonder how hot the tributes I already have really get. And of course I now need more.
Hope you enjoyed the latest tributes.
I’ve been doing real good resisting tributes lately but after this set I’m too excited to see what Tina has in store for us. Keep up the good work everyone!
I loved the set but my question is why is she suddenly using pasties? Was this her decision or did MC feel they were better?
Tina uses every arsenal to make the best sets…this is just one way to do it. This set would have not been as good if her hands were stapled to her chest the entire time. She has more freedom this way. And not every set will have pasties.
The talent on mc keeps getting better and better. I have a tough time deciding if Vanessa, Tina or Sabinka is my favorite! I guess it’s okay to have 3 favorites?
MC, deberías pagar una multa por publicar una actualización tardía de Tina. Como esta es tu primera vez acepto 100 homenajes 😛 😉 . Es curioso cómo piensan que este es su mejor atuendo, todavía no han visto nada 😉 . OHH MC, desearía que fuera yo en lugar de la piruleta. Su príncipe también necesita un poco de amor
Tina, quiero arrancarte la ropa con mis propias manos y hacerte el amor las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. La reina latina
Ave Maria!!!! Tina always seems to out do her previous sets. But I can’t imagine her out doing this one. Well, I can but…….. Mr. Photog awesome work with her on this set. I’m sure you didn’t have to do much but just tell her to do her thing and she did. You certainly captured a masterpiece. I couldn’t think of anything to make this a better session, though by the end as she walked up those steps I imagined how it would have looked without panties on from behind.
Este juego es riqísimo. Qué modelo tan caliente. Me parece es hora de comprar tributos.
Ummm Holy **** ! Most AMAZING SET EVER ON HERE!!! Like wow—- to everybody— get this set!! Just amazing…..
To the photographer—- PLEASE PLEASE CAN YOU HAVE VANESSA WEAR THIS OUTFIT AND HAVE HER FIGET WITH IT LIKE TINA DOES???? It would be the best set ever with Vanessa too!!!!!
I’m sorry- pls forgive me but can someone tell me exactly what the “tributes are”?
If you go to the top of the page there’s a section called TRIBUTE where you can tip the girls without buying sets, and you get a preview of an upcoming set.
I’m conflicted. I hate pasties, not just that they cover up things I want to see, but the look of them themselves, I much prefer the cream set Tina did, or even body paint or something, to pasties. But despite that this might be my favorite Marvel Charm set! Tina looks incredible with those eye lashes, and something about this setting and lighting really works for her! And that outfit is spectacular! Literally everything about this set is perfect except the pasties! I’d love to see her in this outfit again but without the pasties, even if she has to keep the top on.
Verry nice set and video. Thanks MC and also Tina.
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Lo disfrutaste? Envía tributos a Tina. 😉
This was a fun session!
sin dinero para tributos
I wonder why. 😉
Por supuesto. Ella es espectacular.