Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:35
Video Thumbnails: Above
108 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:35
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
You need to bring Tina back more often! That ending is a good sign of things to come from her! She has everything that you would want from a Marvelcharm model. Great find!
Tina raises the bar for the other girls (Phoebe, Sabinka, etc)…
I didn’t even know who Tina is.
This girl is a star. More, more, more!
Happy new year, ❤❤❤ Tina ❤❤❤ , hope to see more of you 2021 😀
Yes, please, more Tina.
great set
Awesome birthday treat for me! Thanks MC!
Wow, I took a few days off from the event but couldn’t resist this one and it met all of my expectations. Great job photographer, you win my award for best holiday set of 2020. Great outfit and props. I usually prefer more creative outfits than just a bra and panties but this worked great on her. Also, thanks for the longer video!
And thank you Tina for having so much fun and showing off your bubbly personality. Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us.
MC – I didn’t expect two Tina sets in this event but both were great and she was definitely deserving. Makes me hopeful that there are more new models on the way but that could be a real drain on my wallet. Especially if it delays Sabinka releases and forced me to buy more of her tributes.
Wow…. Um…. Yeah, so… This… OK, I think I just got my composure back. I didn’t see this coming at all! 2 event sets for a brand new (but completely deserving) model. Tina is as wonderful here as she was in her first set. I can’t wait so see what she has in store for us in the next year!
Definitely looking forward to more sets from her. She hit the ground running and has kept up that high energy tease through 4 sets so far. Happy New Year to MC, their families and all us fans here at MC.
Now that I had a chance to watch this. Woah. Never underestimate the power of this studio. The bar is always rising, the girls are always full of surprises, the photographers are always luckier than you. Thank you for these wonderful gifts, and Happy New Years to all, especially Tina!
all I want for xmas is more Tina. I hope she gets her own site. weekly sets, oh my. Her smile, eyes and playful fun attitude are also her best features. just remarking on her bio. I would happily pay a monthly subscription for more of her OXOXOOXX
She will come back for more soon, it seems many can’t get enough of her.
MC, even though I bought it straightway I was only able to watch it yesterday. This set is absolutely more than just amazing. With all the different languages and words available in the world, there is not enough to describe how good the set is. Tina keeps raising the bar with each set pass by. Finally, Sabinka finds herself a true daring competitive. It is a shame we cannot see them together. However, a daring bundle can be nice too 😉 . Thank you, MC for an amazing treasure you guys gave us.
I missed this during the X-mas rush. Yummy
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WOW MC!! What a lovely suprize. You guys are going all the way with Tina. 3 updates in one Month. Plus 8 min video. Thanks MC.
I love when I see a new model and my new favorite model gets a lot attention from the boss. Makes my support of her even easier. Thank you so much MC.
Happy new year