Got something to discuss?
100000000000% Alissa
I think tis is Alissa wearing a VERY see through yellow bra!
Definitely Alissa, got some of this set in tributes and it looks great, although I was hoping for a level 10 unlock with our Goddess, fingers crossed maybe we get super lucky at the end of the event
I think all Alissa fans are hoping for a level 10 unlock. I would love if it was the topless set that we got a tiny glimpse of at the end of December! Judging by the previews on Marvelfans could we even get a topless Kaylissa set on Teenmarvel?
Certainly looks like Alissa to me
Alissa seems like the safe guess here.
Alissa! I’m on the bandwagon!
Most definitely Alissa!!
Yep it’s our princess for sure. With see thru bra and non see thru panties
This is definitely Alissa. If this is one of her topless sets that have been teased for a while I think I might die!
If that happens, and we all hope so, it will come at the highest level. Wish for luck!!
BeVrLy please!!
she is Alissa
No doubt about it…this is Alissa!
I have some doubts, it could be Katerine