Product Description
Downloadable photo album & Video in zip format
Resolution: 3744x 5616
348 Pictures in ZIP Format + 3 VIDEOS
Downloadable photo album & Video in zip format
Resolution: 3744x 5616
Got something to discuss?
I apparently can’t tell that indeed the blurred picture was Sarah,I’m so embarrassed,tahnx MC for a great post Christmas present.
Anybody else having a problem downloading the Thickmas video? I keep getting an error message saying the key doesn’t exist.
Also in my Pesky Tape video file was another pesky tape picture file instead of the video,is anyone else having these problems?
Sorry, I have fixed both issues.
I’m having the same issues with those 2 videos as well
Try the links again, they should work.
Perfect… Thanks for the quick response. And, of course, for Sarah
I don’t get the links in my email,the links are posted on the checkout page and I’ve lost my checkout page. Could you please email the links to both those videos and Valensias bonus video? Thanks
TeenMarvel e-mailed you. You should get it from them.
It can not be too easy having to deal with ludites like myself. Using my tracking numbers I was able to get all 3 videos without any problems,thanks. I do hope that level 12 is as epic as the last 3.
Blurology 101 — Blurring is slimming. I got that wrong as well…didn’t suspect a bundle of Sarah either…sneaky MC ninjas.
Yes that is how it was.
Classic bundle camouflage. How was i supposed to know its three Alices?
Alice? 😛
So, about that offer from Dr. Ecklenburg… unless its dementia of course! Besides the tape strips looked very similar.
I got it!!! The long hair that’s dark on top and lighter at the bottom is normally a dead giveaway that it’s the wonderful Sarah
can’t wait you run out of tape… 😉
Beautiful Sarah ! I’m broke right now but I’ll support you next week ! You’re doing a good thing by raising your bar. Keep your figure as you have it,don’t change anything.
hope there will be nude set’s soon
So is Masha working exclusively with MC now? Still getting plenty of updates here but her website seems to have gone dormant.
I think its something to do with the “webmaster” of that site not masha.. he was acting strangly.. was sending out links to wrong sets or not sending them out at all then when contacted he was ignoring messages or saying there was nothing he could do about it and recommended getting a chargeback.. why would a webmaster do that? It was like he was trying to make the site fail. I think he had a falling out with Masha and the girls (as he has many times before with others) or has bigger troubles on.. all the sites linked to him have recently stopped updating or have changed hands.
Cant say i’m dissapointed. He cant be trusted.. the girls deserve better than to be involved with him.
Haven’t heard that but every set appeared to me pirated for free within a few days of release. No one could have been making $$$$
Alice, Sarah and Masha all seemed to be getting screwed
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We’ll have the next level preview up later.
Maybe Level 14, too? Sarah seems to raise the bar quickly and if we get back to normal speed and updates, we can reach lvl 14 easily before the event ends.