Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:28
Video Thumbnails: Above
173 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:28
Video Thumbnails: Above
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Sabinka looking amazingly gorgeous and sexy as always. Can’t wait to see this! What an angel sent from heaven. But please for the love of all that is holy, put Sabinka in 4K video!!! Pretty please?
It is either 4K, or a smoother frame rate. Right now we are choosing a smoother frame rate… actually had to fix this video back to 50 FPS because the render settings were wrong. Anyway, eventually we will do 4K and at a smooth frame rate. Some may need better PCs to view these though, so we are waiting on adoption to pick up a little more.
Yeah! smoother is the way to go vs more resolution.
The Bride Sabinka video and last Diana video are at 30 fps, Could we have them rerender at 50 fps? Or they were just recorded at a low framerate?
Question on when you end up re-releasing in 4K and such; will those that have already purchased the set be able to re-download these in 4K or will we need to repurchase those? Thank you so much for what you provide!
We did not film these in 4K, so that’s impossible. The photographer can answer better, but it’s the camera settings that determine how everything is filmed.
Yes, you can’t get more resolution when on what its taken.. That’s obvious.. for now we choose take most of videos on FHD – 50 frames per second – becouse of size of videos – now has every video like 11GB before editing, and thats a quite a lot. And when I will film to 4K 25 frames – it will be like 30 GB per each video, and thats too much for sending and storage, and for each of you to download so it has to be reduced. But honestly – who of you is watching this videos on television? I belive that most of you is watching it on computers, and mostly laptop’s.. so FHD is probably more then enough.
Oh wow yeah that’s really large video size. I download the videos and store them on my tablet which I have a 512 GB card in just for marvel models lol. But I stream them on to my 75” 4K tv. Well whatever you decide to do about resolution for future videos, there’s no denying Sabinka will look amazingly sexy and gorgeous in any resolution. She’s my favorite out of both sites. Such a dream goddess! Thank you for the info.
I also stream to my TV sometimes, but usually watch on mobile, so size is definitely a concern. I’m more concerned about keeping the videos around 1-2gb each than having higher quality for occasional streaming to TV.
Everybody should watch MC models on a >= 40″ 4K screen 😉 It’s a must 😉
Anyhow I think MC and the photographer has a point. In some countries you have to pay very much for internet bandwidth. And plenty of people don’t have modern laptops/screens. Another thing is that not all open source media players can handle 4K 50fps that well. I personally using mplayer and have seen problems sometime and have to tweak the player settings.
Also storage is not cheap… Currently my MC collection takes around 0.5TB dooh… 6 years… crazy…
Btw don’t come and say to me I am not supporting the models 😉 LOL 😉