Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
106 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
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Oh my Fu.. goodness. Valencia is even hotter with that hair color. And Becca doing it again… WOHO
Thanks for this great week. Only “complain” I have is missing Ariana, Nika, Nicolette hope to see them sooon 😉
Seconded. I need Nicolette.
Great event, thanks admin for all the great new releases!
oh yesss
I love this babessss
please this set continue??? lesbian video would be amazing whit wet kisses
Very disappointed there wasn’t any Ariana. Hope there is next time.
As everyone was busy as f**k during the event, the last regular update on the site was more than 5 days ago… maybe they will please you today with an Ariana update or one of the other “forgotten” models?
Val and Rebecca update as hot as hell. I was adamant Val was Not in this update. Oh well, Marvel may have to take away my Lena/Nicolette/Gabi Super Fan passes.
My only complaint is again some models do get short shrifted on release of content. A third site would be my wish though Marvel Admin might need to clone himself.
With all that said the bottom line is the bottom line.
Event was well done as usual.
Thanks! I know, some models did not get some love. Some girls have been busy, there is nothing we can do but wait however long it takes.
A third site.. So theres a second? I haven’t seen it :/
Anyway, I just finally bought this set a few days ago and of course I’m not disappointed. Everything Rebecca is in is sexy and worth getting. Definitely one of my favorite sets of her. Val is also looking amazing.
1) Thanks MC!!!
2) Thanks MC!!!
3) Thanks Becca and Val!!!
4) Love Val’s Hair
5) Love the bold poses (thanks to Val for the ass-ist in getting Becca to open up :p)
6) I’m spent
7) Thanks again MC!!!
Now I have seen it all. Including a blonde Val.
I think I’ve died and gone to…. wait, am I dead? :O !!!!!!
Becky and Val together is hot! The tattoos are not!
yeah val and reb together
reb going a little courageous is nice to see
only donwside no vid ;(
The only downside is I can’t purchase any of these awesome sets. My card don’t pass the security checks. #WindowShopping
send them a message mine did the same thing at first
I love that pussy and butt of Rebecca
I guessed it right!!! Do I get a prize? Haha (other than getting to see this amazing looking set!!)
The best came last !!!! 5 stars.
Seconded. Rebecca, what’s next?
I just love this bold and brave Rebecca…..please let us have more of her!
She is just gorgeous and with a sweet looking blonde Val even better.
Thank you girls for this lovely set. We can see that you had fun shootin it!
Thanks MC for another great event with fantastic sets and videos!
You got a lot of money from me this time but all well deserved
But now we all miss the 30 minutes long video of these to “superstars” ? 😀
I want the same with Alice and Sarah, please god.
Lies! Deceptions! How was one to know, Val went blond? Superstars indeed.
My collection disk is almost filled :O 224Gb marvel sets(=alot money spent) and then silver sets +200Gb. Anyway looking back at my collection in the silver era, (yes that was 2013…) and I am not sure what hair color Valencia original could be blonde/brown? She has experimented a lot 😉 Anyway like the new look And thanks again for this event.
I believe it’s brown.
And thanks for your support. That’s a lot of content. I hope we continue to make you happy.
No new Kira Set since ages, and not in This Event? Did she Quit? Will there be new Sets of Kira?
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
Thanks everyone for your support for this event. We hope you enjoy this final event set.
We of course have more plans in the future. Stay tuned for more. 😉
Let us know how you liked this set.
LOL, your servers may never recover. I can’t even add it to the cart now. I’ll check back in a few hours, or days. 😀
Lol. I’ve never seen them go down once, let alone again and again. But I (finally) was able to order this magnificent scent, and now I’m the world’s happiest Rebecca fan. Many thanks to MC, Val and my favorite Superstar.
Not “scent” but “set.” I am possessed by a satanic auto-filler. In any event, thanks again to all.
Leaves me speechless,a Becca/Val collaberation is beyond comprehension thanx for a great finish to the spring event. The whole event was spectacular !