Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
96 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
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Amazing my two favorite ladies together again!
As I thougt this will be an istabuy 😛 Love to see Becca and Val together again
Reply myself a year later, I hope to see Val and Becca together again this event 😛 I do really like the new models such as Phoebe/Diana etc, but Val&Becca&Ariana and Lena&Nika will always have a place in my MC ❤️.
I like those no bra tops and hope to see Daria sooon in that kind of top too. And of course Becca and Val delivers as always.
Jo, I think nobody was right with Valensia because few people wait for her with blond hair. I like both girls, but I’ll wait for another occasion because I expected a video and not such a short set. Anyway the strap-on theme is not my favorite: I never saw something too erotic with this, a matter of taste. But I can say, this has been a magnificent event. I would like a thread dedicated exclusively for people to say what their favorite purchase was.
Regards !
Where is the video?!?!?
Just like the superstar set, there isn’t one. It’s normal price because of this though.
The girls take it a step further with every new set. This one is epic again! Pity though, that this one is a bit short. Aren’t a few pictures left out, when Valensia is wearing the strap-on? Is Rebecca still a bit hesitant?
No photos were removed. I believe the toy wasn’t even going to be a part of the set originally, but was thrown in for a little extra fun. 😛
Wow, almost speechless
Pity no video!!!! but still direct buy
Would pay loads for this video if you emailed me about it
Ugh my favorite combo of girls right now…but alas no feet
I have to ask what it is people love about feet? The ones that are into that seem to be a minority, but DAMN, are they vocal about it
Mmm based on the comments I believe both sites ought to be careful with releasing videos.. not to say they havnt been amazing so far but alas the fans will get restless as shown above.. I certainly dont expect a video to go with every set that involves a toy or such, bor should these lovely ladies be pressured to do them.. I believe the site here is doing what they do best. So keep doing what your doing.. my regards to Valensia whose simply breathtaking. And too Rebecca, whose as beautiful as ever
Penetration evidence in video format needed
Is there any actual “play” or just tease? i cant get it till netx month
Valensiya needs her own website.
Most models couldn’t pull it off, the competition is fierce. The amount of content required to keep members satisfied and new members coming in is a lot. I think these 2 sites should combine there efforts. I would love to see models from both sites do sets together. Just my 1 1/2 cents.
Almost all models at MC are in a different country than the models at TM, so that’s very difficult to do.
Oh my god, I was right!!!! But I was also so so wrong…. I knew from the preview pic that there was a strap-on involved, and I was surprised others hadn’t commented on this, but never in my wildest dreams did I think Rebecca was wearing it or that Val was on the receiving end! It’s kind of sad that there’s no video recording this historical event, but WOW! These seasonal events just keep topping themselves.
A video of this would break the internet and open a rift in space-time and everything would cease to exist. BUT IT WOULD BE WORTH IT!
Don’t be too sure about no video taken,after all the winter event will be here in a few short months and who knows what will be in that