Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
124 Pictures in ZIP Format
⭐It’s worth it.⭐
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
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OMG! indeed, it really is Rebecca!! while the preview was clear enough that it shouldn’t have been a surprise, it actually still is!
This set is awesome in so many ways, not just the obvious one, Rebecca looks stunning and the set very well done, her expression on picture 56 alone is worth it
Amazing to see Rebecca make this step!
Wow. Christmas came early this year!!! Rebecca you are the brightest star. Thank you MC
Welp, NOW you’ve done it. You’ve gone and broke the internet. I hope you’re proud of yourself!!
Holy crap – the hottest set Rebecca has ever done – thanks
GOD DAMN! . Thank you to each and every one that made this happen. I may have to press charges on myself after this…. I’ve waited so long.
Well, your Classic Bundle #1 was your top seller for all of two weeks.
I’m guessing we’ll be getting the Alice/Sarah set in record time
YOWZAA! Worth every coin in the realm…Becky’s huge smile in pic #56 says “Taa Daaa! Here you go!”
Holy. Shit. Never have I been so happy to be wrong.
When the great and powerful Marvel Admin speaks, LISTEN!!
Just a reminder of what he wrote in Becca’s last set: “Oh, Becky will only get better and better. man.”
Well done, old man.
So far, Becca and Lena have both topped previous sets. Alice and Sarah looks like “Holy Shit” territory as well.
It looks like we’re looking at the “Mother” of all Marvel events.
Good God. Nine more days to go.
It’s as hot as everyone imagined. Totally worth blowing up the server to get it. 😉 Can’t wait to see where Becky goes from here.
Was never a huge fan but Rebecca started to grow on me over the last year or so. I’ve purchased a couple of her sets here and there but this set is….WOW! I hope this is a trend that continues for her. If she did some “Valensia type” sets going forward she’ll have a new fan for life. Nicely done, I LOVE it!!! Now I hope Lena follows suit too……..
Yes to WOW!
Yes to Val type sets
Yes to Lena following suit
yum yum yum yum yum yum yum x infinity. bravo! thank you MC and especially thank you beautiful Becca!!! the * it’s worth it. * part is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true. damn. <3
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
I know it can take a very long time (years) to make things like this happen, but the team is dedicated to making you happy. I hope the results speak for themselves.
OMG! 😮
Just Wow. My new favourite set. Becca is more stunning than ever, again. Thank you Rebecca and Marvel team.
Well, well, well … it seems we have a new favorite set of Becca. Just WOOOW … … So it was not a lie that Becca had a surprise saved. I was so blind trying to buy this set that I did not even realize the price. By the way, I think there was a collapse in the server: I needed a few attempts for buying and download the set. I guess the demand was very high hehe. Good auto-gift for my birthday
Well, i was mistaken in mi prediction…………..happily mistaken
Wow..she is just perfect ..
Wow. Although, as always, I’m drawn to the most beautiful eyes in the world, and that devastating smile. Thanks for your most amazing set yet Rebecca and MC.
Great nipples
This looks so delicious!
Can’t wait to get home and buy this set.
Becca and the guys from MC really raised the bar again!
A HUGE thanks to all the people who made this happen!!!!
Rebecca you are lovely and beautiful in all your sets, but this one should be your masterpiece!
As it was sinking in… another dream becoming reality… my hands shaking… for a moment I couldn’t remember my address… then I fat fingered my credit card number… my poor tired eyes… are in for a treat! Thanks is not enough… There are no words… … … … !!!
There is no feeling like it!
The “it’s worth it” part. Pics or vid?
No video, just pics. Incredible, incredible pics. Double the price of a normal set, but absolutely worth every cent. If you’re a fan of her, you won’t be disappointed.
WOW !!!! 5 stars. I hope she wants do more like sets.
Only pics but none the less worth every penny!
Rebecca is just totally awesome and lovely in this set.
As mentioned before pic 56 is the highlight! Look at her face. How much she is enjoying being bold. OMG!
Thanks again MC and Becca for this wonderful set!
Oh my freaking goodness Becca!! This set everyone must buy
Sure looking forward to seeing Rebecca in a more daring set.
Just ordered this set, I am on pins and needles now waiting for it. I can’t wait to “enjoy” it
Been waiting well over 8 hours to receive this set now. That is unacceptable Will be my last purchase
Aye chill man, they’re breaking their servers with this sale. It’s all worth the wait!
Waiting for the order to come thru 😀 I bet this set will be amazing
One hell of a spring flower.
“Have you ever noticed how much they look like orchids? lovely!”
― Robert A. Heinlein
I haven’t received a confirmation email, or my download link for this set. is anyone else having this issue? it’s been at least more than 8hrs of so. I’ve been buying sets from MC for quite some time now, first time I’ve had this issue. hope to receive something soon. thank you.
It can take 24 hours, so don’t panic.
Hi there. I’m not only having the same issue, but I reported something like this through the ContactUs section a couple weeks ago with no response. I had the same thing happen with an order again today. I understand it might take 24 hours, that is cool, but my previous order was cancelled yet I was charged. Could you please help?
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OH MY !!! Sure glad I was right about this level. Now if the next level is Sarah and Alice I will be in heaven.
Rebecca is giving a heavenly show. After five days of defective wifi connections I could finally download the set. Not being able to do so ruined five nights of sleep. And indeed Sarah and Alice are next. Is there anything topping heaven?