Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 2000 x 3000
213 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 2000 x 3000
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2 beautiful “besties” is hard to beat…Lena and Nika were made for each other.
PS – Love the new short hair, Lena!!!
Wow, that is a massive set.
I said sometime ago that Lena really shines on her duo sets and this is a perfect proof ot that. 213 pictures of fun and sexy.
These 12 days of Christmas has been amazing so far, can’t wait to see what’s coming next.
Wow, 213 pics??? Is that a typo? Guess I’ll find out in the morning when I buy it.
Looks great from the preview, and Lena seems a lot less shy this time around
Move over Jess and Ariana, best set yet and well worth the extra dough…With 213 pictures, WOW!!!. Great job Lena, Nika and of course MC
This is my first set and I’m so excited to get this I love Lena and what she did in her other modeling endeavors but she’s number one for me here
Lena is easily the most underrated model on Marvel. With a body like that I am surprised she is not more popular. And Nika is super cute and super fit. If they go the route of Rebecca and Valencia, I am sure their popularity will explode overnight and everyone will bay for new sets.
What B Saddle said, Lena is the most underrated of all of Marvel’s most beautiful models. And yes her body’s a 12 on a 1-10 scale. And I endorse O Joe’s request for Lena and Gabriella and yes, O Joe you are being greedy during Marvel’s stupendous 12 days of Christmas but it’s a type of greed I can get behind. .
Thanks Marvel Charm , I can’t wait for tonight’s edition. I have my money on Candy.
Wow! Both ladies keep getting better. Please… more sets of these two lovelies, and let them know their fans really love their sets. Thanks, MC!
Been waiting for this one too long! Thanks to the two of them as well as to you, Marvel Charm!!
Best set of Best models on Best Site. Lena is breathtaking and Nika kills it. Lena’s hair is great and love it on the Halloween set where it is longer. (Actually love all her hair shades)
Let this be the first of many Lena and Nika Corroborations.
Am I too greedy wishing for a Lena-Gabriella set in 2017?? Please, Please, Please.
Thanks Santa Charm.
213 pictures and I wanted more. Very beautiful, artistic and fun set. I knew about the beauty of Nika, but not much about Lena, and I’m frankly surprised. She is very pretty. Congratulation for this work.
ilove i love <3
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There’s an instant by if I ever saw one!!