
Marissa – Busty



112 Pictures in ZIP Format

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 3840 x 5760

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5 years 11 months ago

Well you got me. I was sure trying to hold out for what I hope is level 2 but I had to get this. F’ing Marissa is the bomb. She did exactly as I hope all the models will do. She got to the perfect level of bravery and STAYED there. No reverting back, so far, to tamer sets which would make me gun shy to buy her sets. Plus she shaved so I can now SEE how brave she is lol. God she is so fine. Big thumbs up MC for letting this one work with the coupon. That with the denim shorts 2 preview just got you this sale. Excellent salesmanship. Very happy customer here.
And to Marissa thank you from the bottom of my pounding heart for going to the next level. When you are that damn sexy you really should share it with the world. :) Love ya girl!

5 years 11 months ago

Agreed,I will probably go broke but will do so with a smile on my face :) .

Marvel Administrator
5 years 11 months ago

Thanks! It’s hard to get a bad angle from Marissa. 😆

5 years 11 months ago

EVERY. TIME. I buy sets I request more Marissa! If one man’s opinion means anything she is the top girl on the site. Absolutely a 10/10 young woman in terms of looks. If ever the nice comments are shared with the girls: thank you, for being you dear Marissa! <3

5 years 11 months ago


5 years 11 months ago

Want this too but have to be slow buyer (also must have level 2 3 4 tooo) I just scared my damn credit card provider deny me if doing to many transaction in short time…… doooh

5 years 11 months ago

Marissa looks fantastic in this set, as always. Sadly, I decided to concentrate my economic effort on sets “surprises”, but without a doubt, this set is on my list for my future acquisitions, when everything is calm. Marissa is a “must buy” :-)