Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
201 Pictures in ZIP Format
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Resolution: 4912 x 7360
Got something to discuss?
I have some sets pending to buy already but this was a instabuy!!! No one can resist Lena 😀
Two Christmas sets from Lena this year?? Unfortunately, I don’t have any time to say much else. But thank you, MC!
Damn, Lena does it again. Why didn’t i choose professional Santa as a career choice? Wonderful cosplay, Lena is worth unpacking every time. And what’s with the insane picture count? Nika first and now Lena?
Lena as gorgeous as ever . Absolute incredible rack (though again BTHB (Ban the Hand Bra)
WOW beautiful and artistic set. Some pictures absolutely sensual (146 for example and almost everyone from 150 on).
PS you will NOT be disappointed with the teaser pics.
Not a big tat fan but Lena’s forearm tat really brings out her playfulness .
Absolutely sensual set and best solo set outside the instant classic “Ladder.”
Hair color and lipstick are beautiful as usual with Lena’s penchant to change her look (though always way sexy)
Lena’s Photographer has again sublimely captured her beauty though she clearly needs to branch out into video.
Thank you to all at Marvel Charm
P.S Would I be greedy to hope for a Lena/ Gabby or Nika set as well???????????????
Bring on the ‘teen puppies’. . .pretty please!!!!!
Lena Rocks!!! Love teaser pics.
Santa will be awol this year if Lena is his helper.
So grateful for another Lena set and this one certainly does not disappoint. Her usual great poses and expressions and she seems to look even more beautiful as she grows up. Best of all, I’m thrilled that we will see her again this month. Can’t come soon enough for me.
Lena(!!!), Rebecca, Kira and Marissa all got better with age and experiment a lot when it comes to clothes, posing and setting. I will never tire of these girls even if their hair goes gray.
Scissor blade? Are we going to see some Kill la Kill cosplay? I can get behind that.
Only a very specific issue for MC. Is there a concrete time for daily updates ?.
Thank you !
Lena with the Scissor Blade? Is she going to join Nudist Beach and help destroy the Life Fibers?
OK, enough of the Kill La Kill stuff. Lena looks incredible as ever in the previews. This one is definitely on my buy list on my next order.
😆 Looks like we’ve got some anime fans.
Gabi and Lena both like anime/cosplay/games, so don’t be surprised if you see these types of outfits come up.
Could that possibly mean Gabi and Lena together???
That sounds very good
I’d love to see more in the future!
Love her
This looks great! Lena is my favorite. It seems that at the end there’s a preview for a set where she is topless. There is also a set called “Lena – Squirt Gun” where there is another preview for such a set, but to my knowledge, that one, hasn’t been released yet. Will we ever see that one? Hopefully both soon. Thanks, keep it up!
Squirt Gun was released six Lena sets ago. The squirt gun makes a very cameo appearance though it’s Lena so it’s sexy as all hell.
You’re right, sorry for being unclear. I’m not talking about “Lena – Squirt Gun” being released, but the set that was previewed there.
Oh Yeah, Marvel Charm has opted to torture us with delay of release on that one. Looks EXTREMELY hot. (Whoops it’s Lena I’m being redundant)
Non stop hotness
What a fantastic Set. Instant Buy. I love beautiful Lena. Waiting for more of her.
Hey MC, any chance Mila will be gracing us with a holiday themed set again this year? Love, love, love the Trio of Eve from last year.
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Oh Jesus, most holy mother. Lena is awakening my most religious spirit. I’m putting this set in the list of things I have to buy for Christmas. This looks really delicious.