Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 6:43
Video Thumbnails: Above
79 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 6:43
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Happy, happy, HAPPY!
This set keeps disappearing from the cart as soon as you enter it.
Should be fixed now.
I know Kayley can sometimes look a little bored guys. Her personality is a very quiet type as I’m sure you can tell. In this case, this was the last shooting of the day, so she was a little tired. There will be plenty of sets where she will give lots of smiles.
“set” being the key word with her. Good Lord! ❤️
Can you ask her to wear high heels in at least one set.With stockings would even be more amazing
Please tell the photographer more pics like #68,thanx
I second that Doc! And those bananas, damn bananas.
Only thing that bores me is that you have posted Kayley like 5 times this month and are ignoring girls that we have asked for in your comments and in the POLL that you created asking us what we wanted to see more of.
Kayley is beautiful but i will not be buying any sets/videos of any girls until the other girls have multiple sets/videos for this year.
Sorry, you’re not my boss. I’m the boss. I also do not care if you don’t buy anything.
Only 1 Kayley set on MC this month, btw. 3 if you really want to count TM.
You state that so eloquently!
Just speaking my mind. 😛
More Kayley pleeeeease!!! Only 3 sets this year
Sorry, but your customers are your bosses and we speak with our wallets. You do care if we buy anything or you dont have an income.
Try to be the badass in front of your customers and see what happens to your sales. Try to be the “funny” asshole talking down to their customers who are only asking for the content you said you would be bringing from the girls we requested and you said you would produce content of.
Im so impressed!
I specifically said you. I’m not talking about other fans and supporters. We love our fans and actively respond to feedback and criticism.
” i will not be buying any sets/videos of any girls until the other girls have multiple sets/videos for this year.”
This is you being a “smartass”, trying to put a gun to our head. Don’t be that type of person. I would have politely responded.
p.s The models are my bosses.
Meh, I’m not a Kayley fan but love how much support she has on this site so I know the site is doing well.
Imagine if Daria was here though ☹️
It’s good that you give explanations about this, because she definitely seemed “bored” or tired in this video…not saying she is boring, you understand me. Maybe she needs more rest, less sessions. I have seen girls in other places falling into indifference towards their work, posing for posing, because of an over exploitation. I would not like this to happen with Kayley because she is a magnificent model.
This set was not her best, but I still like.
Just ordered. Can’t wait. I think she looks more sultry than bored. Very beautiful.
Photo #68 made the whole set for me. It shows Kayley’s amazing long lithe body.
From the photo I am guessing Kayley is about 163cm tall. Wonder if I’m close?
More sheer thongs please <3 <3 <3 <3
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