
Gabriella – Disco Ball



119 Pictures in ZIP Format

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Resolution: 4912 x 7360

Got something to discuss?

Okie Joe
6 years 10 months ago

Gabi is absolutely gorgeous in this set. LOVE her new hair color. Her duo sets are second only to another multi-colored hair beauty(who I’m worried will have a teaser Part Trois release next, ). Maybe they too will do a set together someday (well one may hope)
Any bids on the Disco Ball ??? (lol)

6 years 10 months ago

How did Gabi suddenly become even more beautiful than she already was? Seriously, it can’t just be the hair (which does look really great, btw), she has a glow about her that just… I can’t quite put my finger on it, but here’s hoping she continues to share her exquisite beauty with us for as long as she continues to enjoy doing so.

Okie Joe
6 years 10 months ago

I can’t argue that, Gabi does get more beautiful in each new set. This set being her sexiest.

Marvel Administrator
6 years 10 months ago

My personal opinion, her eyes and lips. Superior Russian beauty. 😆
And the best butt next to Sarah. Oh, and the best body next to Kira and Karina. 😉

John Locke
6 years 10 months ago

Hello Marvel Administrator, John Locke, here the father of British empiricism.
While I agree, Sarah is without a doubt the winner of the “best buttocks award.” I would ask that your other thesis about “best body” be put to the rigors of the scientific methods by using your clienteles sensory reaction of observation to reach a scientifically valid conclusion.
Obviously, your omission of Lena can only be due to the sleep deprivation you must suffer from in putting together the best model site on the http://WWW.

Humbly Yours, Sir John Locke

Cutest?? I’m going Becca, Nika and Nicolette.

Joseph Blowee
6 years 9 months ago

I can’t argue with your assessments Boss. Russian girls are absolutely krasIvaya. Gabi’s sets with other models always brings out everyone’s best.
I hope she can do another set with Nicolette. (BTW Nicolette’s latest preview looks like an instant classic).

Spasibo, Gabi

Senbei Norimaki
6 years 9 months ago

To me, Gaby’s greatest talent is hidden in plain sight. She has an artistic touch not many models have. Not here, in the MarvelCharm Universe, but in the whole internet. She has the bravery to do what her photographer asks her to do, and the ability to put her artistic touch to the final result. Yes, she has a very pretty face, and a very good looking body. But she lives in a league of her own. She doesn’t model, she makes art.

6 years 9 months ago

she deserves a good spanking by me

Marvel Administrator
6 years 9 months ago

I wouldn’t try that.

Senbei Norimaki
6 years 9 months ago

Does she have training in martial arts??? That would be awesome!

6 years 9 months ago

Why are there no Gab videos?
Its honestly a crime :/

Also, can we please get more Madison?!?