Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:26
Video Thumbnails: Above
87 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:26
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Such sweet sauciness must be savored. Thanx for joining us, Diana!
Awesome! One of my favs on another site. Glad to see she’s here now!
I thought I knew every other teen/glamour/NN site. Any chance the MC people will let you mention it, here? It’s not like that will hurt MC, at all.
photographer is my hero! wow she’s the best.. he’s the best.. spechless
Thank you;-)
Kudos for the long socks and cookie points for the fluffy bra. Very cute and all.. Diana is quite the challenger. I like the full hair. Only Mila and maybe Anita have a similar look and body type. A more scientific review will require more intensive study of the curvy butt and the bees. Another set would be good, too^^.
Congratulations, MC, for the wise decision to get Diana here. already waiting for her next set.
So beautiful and perfect
Interesting indeed. Welcome Diana.
Btw I Hope Diana get together with my other favorite MC model Phoebe ASAP and heat it up a bit 😉
So much winning, here! I would not have bought this were it not for the promise of the bio. Thank you, again, for that! It’s a HUGE value add. Great model! Thanks for your bravery and a huge thanks to the photographer for capturing said bravery! These two work well, together!
YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! I love her so much! Really hope this means more beautiful Starlets are willing to come here now
And what girls are you interested especially?
I can’t speak for Steve P., but I always thought Layla, from TSE was wonderful!
Nikole!!! <3
I am glad photographer ask, one model is for sure
* Nora from the new starlet site also would nice on M.C. in the future 😛 😛 😛 IMHO
Sorry for stealing Steve P thread but maybe he agree LOL
You guys are naming models that this photographer doesn’t shoot.
So we can’t shoot them.
hana and izabella!!!!! pro favor!
Upvote this times 1000 please
More Vanessa. The first three were meh, so we’ve only gotten one really good solo imo. If we are talking TSE girls, I’ll second Silvie. I really liked Deniska. Not really sure who else you shoot… Lenka. Sim and Pav.
So far I’ve agreed with everybody lol. I don’t mind y’all taking over. I know there are many you don’t or did not shoot but if you did or could I would so love to see Deniska again, and the girl that stole my heart the moment I logged on to TSE would be Monika. Jolana was really taking off as well. Too many ladies seemed like they disappeared once things were getting real good there.
Also on the subject of girls from other photographers possibly joining here one day that MC could monopolize on, yeah Nora would be great.
Yes! Monika!!!
I agree Deniska 1000%!!! Had the best body by far on the whole site!!!!!!!!!
More Diana, and her partners with Phoebe, Sabinka and Bety 😀 😀 I like Diana’s body a lot, and Phoebe – the right amount of meat in the right places 😀
Diana is a nice addition. How about Gizela and Hanafrom TSE? Any possibility?
I’m not sure if you were shooting Deniska as well, but if you were and if she could make a comeback here at MC, that would be very amazing!
If youre gonna grab all former TSE Models, try to get Sylvie! Brace cuteness overload. And Lucie Laska ofc 😀
I love this girl and I agree to bring more beauties from other places, I would love to see lucie laska and selene from H-C, it would be a dream
Love ALL of the new girls added recently, but Diana is an extra special addition. Many thanks to MC and also her photographer for an incredible Premiere set!
So happy with these additions, ordering Diana now and can’t wait to see her poses. I love the new models and if you can get Sylvie to join that would be amazing (adorable smile with those braces). But please please please, don’t let all these other models interfere with the Vanessa posts. I need more Vanessa
Very nice to see Diana here! Wonderful first set, looking forward to more
Marvel Admin and Photog: Great win getting Diana, love her set! I’ve been a member of many sites, and I’m new to MC. If this is the standard of quality, I’m happy to be here. The bio information is always appreciated, looking forward to that with new and existing models. Diana is cuteness overload, and she photographs really well. The locations look fabulous and the quality of picture and video are super. Great work!!
Very nice, looks like a promising model!
Wonderful premier. Looking forward to seeing much more her
Diana is a lovely model. Thanks MC.
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits:
We hope you like Diana. Our photographer will be here to listen for feedback.
Enjoy the bio video. 😉