Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:37
Video Thumbnails: Above
76 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:37
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
mmm looks very interesting. why do I have a feeling that is the same photographer of Phoebe. I might go for it ,just need a little break after Madison update 😉
I bought it and i am glad i did. Bety is cute and gorgeous definitely want to see more of her soon. Phoebe and Bety together is a dream waiting for it to come true. The photographer did excellent job for both of the models. Not only finding a beautiful model is hard even photographers. I have seen a lot of websites they have beautiful model however saldy the set itself is disaster the pictures quality is poor and dark . TM and MC deserve a big applause for recruiting the most beautiful models out there and finding the perfect photographer who can give us the perfect experience. Thank you all from A to Z.
Helloooooo beautiful! I love a new face for sure. I am a bit worried about some classic girls we haven’t seen in a while, but the more the merrier. I hope Beth is here to stay with us for a long time!
WOAH! Gorgeous newcomer, can’t wait for more
I said it before and I’ll say it again,there has to be something in the water on that side of the planet. How do you keep coming up with such gorgeous new models?
I like this phrase. And how I am looking for this girls? I will not lie, its hard work, and mostly, you need a lot of luck.
You need that much luck? Gorgeous models seem to show up out of nowhere from that side of the world! Doc isn’t exaggerating!!
Shes georgeus like Phoebe, set together with her will be great.
Questions to MC – is there a chance that we can sort a models by a specific photographer? Is any of photographers is older than 55? Then maybe I have also a chance to show my work with models ;p.
Oh my Bety is cute! Something in the water indeed but still thank you very much to the photographer for bringing us another stunning model.
As you say, hard work and luck in finding a girl like Bety, but to me it seems like magic!
First set and Bety just radiates beauty and seem so confident as if she has been modelling for a long time already (I do love picture 50).
And such a beautiful smile.
Given the other reactions here, I think it’s safe say you can definitely tell Bety we enjoyed her work very much and look forward more of it!
Welcome Bety!
and thank you MC and photographer for bringing Bety to us!
Welcome the newcomer! Bety is gorgeous and more than welcome to my eyes… and ears. The photographer did an amazing job with her and she seems so natural/comfortable in front of the camera. As for her and Phoebe together? Are you trying to give me a heart attack??? I mean, I would die happy, but rigor mortis would keep me from going soft. Here’s for the Guinness World Record.
Love her, and wellcome
Wow! She’s gorgeous !!!
Wow… she is insanely cute!!! Inpressive work yet again MC and welcome Bety… Hope to see more of you.
Really enjoy Bety!! She’s super cute, and this is a great set. Thanks for bringing her to us!
I don’t know if these old comment sections get checked, but I bought this set some months ago and the link to Bety’s bio still isn’t working, hoping this can get fixed for myself and other Bety fans!
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She was really nice surprise for me, I hope you enjoy it as well. 😉
Bety + Phoebe next time? 😉
I said during the last event that Phoebe plus anyone would be amazing. Phoebe plus her would be mind blowing! You always make dreams come true, boss… I’m sure you’ll do it here as well! My wallet is patiently(not really) waiting 😀
Anything we can imagine, can become a reality 😉
I love your optimism and, if you make that incredible sounding duo set happen, I may also love you as well!