Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 9:13
Video Thumbnails: Above
126 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 9:13
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
Her and vanessa should do a shoot together
Happy to see Bety stepping up and taking her boldness to the next level. I bought this as soon as I saw it posted.
Can’t wait to see the next one to take this step. 😉
Oh my Freakin goodness!!! Instant buy for sure.
Pretty sure the geography doesn’t line up but her and Sabinka together would blow my mind
Geography is not a problem. This would be easy.
She needs to team up with all other girls from that photographer’s crew.
So far she refused common shoting with another girls, and you know, that we don’t force to girls to anything, what they don’t like, but will see, maybe she will change her mind. There is always hope. I see it 50/50.
I might as well start my collection with ‘peek’ Bety and work myself to her earlier sets. Her beauty is flawless. With al the smoke veils and mirrors spiel, this set makes for some of the best erotica on MC, too.
why not alissa do this?
If Alissa can get to this level next I would be very happy! She’s almost there!
All models are different and have their own performing styles. I love Alissa’s elegant, seductive tease. It’s the way she expresses herself and it’s perfect for her. She doesn’t need to show more or perform differently to be sexy and beautiful. She just is sexy and beautiful!
She’s such a cutie, I would love to see a colab with Kayley . VR would be a great platform for these girls too, maybe a colab with StripzVR
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Wow she looks amazing here!