Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 6:58
Video Thumbnails: Above
132 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 6:58
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
is the pantie really fully transparent?
Yessss ok now definitely a contender for best event ever! But I know there will be even better to come. Thank you so much MC and Alissa, the Goddess of Marvel!!
Every other update of hers features a transparent top…….I stopped counting at 7. How is this one any different, I’m legit confused? The “WET” update is $24, but the “Thankful” update is only $19 but this new one is $29. What am I missing? The pricing seems to be all over the place for basically the same thing……
For us, there are levels to transparency. One level being on a little bit / a little mesh (Thankful), next level being a little more clear like “Wet”, and then full transparent (Wow). We categorize it based on how transparent it is. The small previews don’t show the difference well. This is priced the same as Daring, Sunflower, and Pink. All ones we categorize as more in the full transparent area. I think other Alissa fans who have the sets will speak on if there is a difference between “Thankful” and this. It’s up to the individual if they think it’s worth it to them or not.
I hope that helps.
This is more like it, Alissa looks amazing here, so beautiful and elegant!! The OnlyFans mesh outfits and shopping mall lingerie that we’ve had for so long are crudely revealing, sure, but they’ve cheapened Alissa’s beauty. An elegant style like here suits her so much better. Or something casual/quirky/fun chosen from her own wardrobe would be great too.
Thanks! Alissa is versatile. We cannot please everyone all the time, but hopefully we can please everyone some of the time.
I think you please most of us most of the time!
Alissa looks great wearing skirts. What nice legs she has
Any Alissa is a great update! I do miss some of the more “direct from behind shots” from her early days and hope she starts doing some again, i still love any content she has.
Why doesn’t she just keep the sheer and transparent tops on the whole set instead of the dreaded step backwards into the hand bra? She isn’t slipping with the hand bra, would rather she kept the all revealing tops on because the hand bra makes no logical sense afterwards. Her shoulder blades don’t have nipples lol
Does she have any plan to do real topless in the future like Kayley?
Stay tuned! lol
And trust me, these are all worth the prices they sell them for. 😀
At least you can see through the shirt I mean that’s the closest you’re gonna see her nipples
*Sad noises* no Sarah this time in Sale
I love this and I absolutely love the mesh she has done. I especially love the revealing mesh posts on her MarvelFans. This really shows, even more, her beauty and how so beautiful she really is.
If she do only fans that would be great
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Thankfully the paramedics were able to revive me. 😀
Hope to catch her livestream tomorrow once the time is announced. Fingers crossed.