
Alissa – Thankful (Photo + Video)



119 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Watch a message from Alissa to her fans below!

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 8:17
Video Thumbnails: Above

Got something to discuss?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 14 days ago

Hi everyone. Yes, another Alissa update!

We drove to meet Alissa so she could provide an update for her fans and make sure she was safe. Your contributions have already made their way to her, and she wanted to send a thank you video to you all for the support. While we were there, she wanted to make a few sets!

We also have a new camera with 4K video that we’re using now. The quality on videos should be much better now, but the file size will be a little larger. The lighting wasn’t the best in this update because it was shot at home and not a professional studio. The real magic will come once more studios reopen and we can shoot there.

As for her safety, as I have stated in the past, we have plans for if things get worse or if things improve. The models safety is our number 1 priority. I will always try to bring you all the most up to date news on Alissa, and she promises to update you all if anything changes. I hope our transparency shows, and that hearing from Alissa herself will at least put a smile on your face. Your support is very much appreciated. I will update again in the future, with all of the tributes and contributions we plan to make towards this situation.

Thank you! ❤️

3 years 14 days ago

Thank you for the update and that MC/TM and we also we fans care about the models. I hope there is way MC/TM can get in touch with models that was planned in the feature like Hannfans and cinderalamodels(I know Cgirl was not planned work for MC but I still care for her and her models soo…).

This madness in europe may very well expand outside of Ukraine/Russia :/

But in the end creative people will win over destruction people that’s for sure. In this dark times in Europe I got to say this to all:

– Keep being creative.
– Keep photographing beauty of woman and nature
– do stuff that make world better.
-Learn how make your own food. Maybe in door if live in aparment?
– Take care of the nature and all animals. We have huge stuff to improve coming years cause of the climate change.
– build cool stuff for yourself and/or together with your friends.
– Help others if your can
– Take care of each other.

The only way to fight tyrans and perverted War industry is to be brave but smart and creative. Above is what smart people does. War is for loosers. We need to make clear to them that they will loose in the end!

Also a big hug to all affected Models/photographers.

3 years 14 days ago

Good to hear from you Alissa, considering they are now striking around Lviv, and Odessa is another coastal target after the other (can’t remember name) one on the way there, there is still time, always remember that artillery strikes ~100km away, so you’ll know when it’s time to leave, there won’t be a warning, they will combine it with air strikes as they have been doing, traditionally at night to cause fear & destruction.

Now that I’ve said all that, I wish you all the best, and stay safe (all of you), nothing is off limits with them unfortunately. :(

3 years 14 days ago

“nothing is off limits with them unfortunately”

Nothing is off limits with them because we in the West do nothing to challenge them. We let them do what they like. Biden – who vetoed the transfer of urgently needed fighter jets to Ukraine – is a coward who will not stand up to the bully who is slaughtering Ukrainian civilians.

3 years 13 days ago

Yup, Don’t forget the perverted war industry make a lot of cash on this endless f.. wars and as long as people do not stand up against this madness it will continue. On all sides…

About Odessa it seems CG has shutdown her OF now or maybe just a glitch dunno but can’t click on her posts anymore and profile gone. I don’t care if she has to shutdown her OF I just hope they can leave ASAP. As anyone else .

But last she commented some of her models/familys was looked in Odessa some in other cities that may have been hit harder :/… So if someone knows let me know.

FCK the Wars.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 13 days ago

It looks like she removed the page. This war has affected her greatly. The last thing on many models mind is to make content for their side job at this time. Some models are longing to shoot again, because it brings back memories of peaceful days. Some may decide that their purpose is for something else, or think a break is needed from everything. Either way, like you said, it is all pointless human suffering.

3 years 12 days ago

I understand its not about content… war will change everyone. I just hope they find a place being creative in the future but no one knows everything changes…. I also understand affected people don’t want to here the world “we care/stay strong” over and over again. Since it does not help the fact that their country is destroyed when all sides just playing strategic games with peoples lives :@

I just want to share below videos beautiful videos from PG/CG Ukrainian utube probably clips from some years ago and this made me kind of emotional:

Made me again wonder: To World leaders what is wrong in your brains SERIOUSLY!? Did to much power and money short cut your brains?

Why all repeating destructions over and over again? Above videos shows more love than what world leaders destructions does. Love is stronger! Let people live in peace!

Or as Bono said on the vertigo tour 2005 “Put mankind back on earth.”

I am sorry being offtopic :/

3 years 8 days ago

CG didn’t remove her page. She posted a video about Ukraine and OF suspended her page. She posted on Instagram about it.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 8 days ago

Yes, I follow her and found out. :)

3 years 8 days ago

Who is CG??

3 years 8 days ago

Who is the CG, who owns the page? models? I really wonder. Of what ?

3 years 13 days ago

I’m unsure as to who CG is.

3 years 6 days ago

Is this cg Anna’s real name? some models use other names in their work, wonder if it’s anna or alissa whatever it’s her fake name

Marvel Administrator
3 years 6 days ago

CG has nothing to do with Alissa / Anna. It’s another model.

3 years 12 days ago

Trump literally dug us into this trap with Putin, let’s not forget that.

3 years 11 days ago

You have no idea what you are talking about. I’m amazed admin allowed your pot at all.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 11 days ago

Anymore political talk will not be allowed. This is not the place for it, and it only divides people.

3 years 9 days ago

You’re right, everyone’s getting agitated about what’s going on, but all that matters right now is that Alissa stays safe and as happy and secure as she can under the circumstances. If she doesn’t want to do sets or new content in the weeks ahead, that’s fine. Just let her MC fans know and we will direct fund her. Thank you again for looking out for her.

3 years 14 days ago


3 years 14 days ago

Awesome!! Thanks Alissa for your message, I’m so glad to hear from you that you’re still safe and somehow remaining cheerful. I only hope and pray it stays this way for you with no unexpected surprises, I can’t help but still be worried about you while all this is still going on. I’m thankful for MC’s updates and reassurances that there are plans in place for your safety either way, such transparency and care (and Goddesses like Alissa) is why this site is the very best! All my love to you and your family and loved ones! Slava Ukraini!

3 years 14 days ago

Awesome! Glad t here she is doing all right!

3 years 14 days ago

Great video, really great, Alissa looks amazing. I didn’t find the lighting to be bad in the slightest. I am glad she is doing OK, I feel so much for what everyone is going through in Ukraine. This just shouldn’t be happening.

3 years 12 days ago

Seems like out of habit you put the wrong video resolution in the description. Anyway video looks great as do the pictures.

3 years 12 days ago

I have been worried about the safety of those in Odessa, and Ukraine. I have spoken out against this war to just about anyone who would listen. The stupidity of those in power never ceases to amaze me. I have been worried about the safety and well-being of the models and photographers and Alissa more than any other. She is my favorite after all and I have tried as best I could to follow her and her career ever since 2017 when I first heard of her and when I saw a trailer for her first vid I was hooked. I hope that she and her loved ones will be safe and if need be able to move out of harms way. Peace my beautiful friend we can only hope for this as those in power seem to bent on the pain and suffering of the people. If they stood on the front lines perhaps they might see things in a different light. My love and well wishes go out to you Alissa and I hope and pray that this senselessness ends before it destroys all around it.

3 years 12 days ago

Yes, I’m still really worried about Anna. It’s a disgrace we haven’t done more to help Ukraine. We are such cowards. We let Putin slaughter innocent women and children day after day and do nothing to stop him. So far Odessa has been spared because of the incredible heroism of the Ukrainian resistance in other parts of the country which has slowed the onslaught of the Russians. But it’s only a matter of time before Putin aims his missiles and bombs at Anna’s city and then sends in an invading army. Anna will have to escape before that happens, but it’s a terrible situation for her. It can only be improved if we stand up to Putin. That’s what you have to do with a bully. He has to be told that he has committed genocide by his indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, that he has broken every law of military engagement by his unprovoked attack on a sovereign democratic country, and if he doesn’t withdraw his army we will annihilate him. Peace talks will only work if we show some backbone.

3 years 8 days ago

do she stay close to the ukraine if so im glade to hear she safe and i want to help out too email me if there is a way i can

3 years 8 days ago

plus all models should do a message that was nice i wish i can tip you for that

3 years 8 days ago

Why don’t you service streaming video on web?
Any plan about streaming service?

3 years 7 days ago

It’s been a week since the release, are there any new updates?
Is she doing well and is it still calm in her city? Has she still not decided to leave Ukraine? There are some rumors that Russia will target the west side of Ukraine to cut off the support from western countries, hopefully Alissa and her family leave before the situation gets worse.
BTW, is she still getting 100% of the funds from tributes? How much did we manage to raise so far and what are your future plans towards the situation?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 6 days ago

There’s no updates really. The city is still calm. The plan is still the same, as we and Alissa have said.
Yes, 100% of tributes go to her until further notice. I will update everyone on the amount raised shortly.