
Alissa – Princess (Photo + Video)



116 Pictures in ZIP Format + 1 Video

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:28
Video Thumbnails: Above

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1 year 5 months ago

Perfection in reverse, a glorious concept! Keep Alissa (and me) coming please!

1 year 5 months ago

I do wonder if she would agree to start topless and work toward putting on a transparent top herself, or if you’re just having to force some creativity in to her videos at this point.. that is, if she still doesn’t want to take down that handbra for some odd reason..

Marvel Administrator
1 year 5 months ago

Going topless without the creativity wouldn’t excite an audience. It would for 1-2 sets and then the next request for panty removal would come. There should always be progress towards something, but creativity is what drives popularity more than anything. And it’s what we try to do, but we’re not forcing it. We’re just doing our job. It is very rare for the model to be the creative driver.

1 year 5 months ago

I agree creativity is paramount, I just wondered if the concept of this video was broached to Alissa and whether she was comfortable with starting a filming with the handbra and ending in the transparent top, maybe for a future video.. I do like this reversed video as it is something different but probably only works one time. And it is great that Alissa is progressing at her own pace – I clearly adore her as your most beautiful model ever and I don’t see that ever changing, and she has done such phenomenal work with you. I think a lot of the fan clamor and expectation, myself included, is because years ago now, not only did she used to allow slips which were always the highlights of her videos for me (in fact I’d actually prefer she just get slippy again to her going full topless), but also the fact that we got a taste of some fantastic bottomless teases at the end of a few pic sets, which I then wanted so badly to happen in a video at some point ever since, but instead it went away completely – not even really even panty play/tease unfortunately, which I would also love to see.

Alissa fans have a lot of patience for her progressing slower than other models, because if you like her body type I’d say she’s the GOAT, and she has still come a long way.. but at a point you start to wonder if maybe we’ve already reached the peak, which is fine if that’s her wish. I just would be elated if she raised her tease level back to where it once was.

Marvel Administrator
1 year 5 months ago

This specific idea was not pitched to her, but she knows that fans prefer the transparent tops and less handbra. We simply moved the end of the video to the front and reversed the section where the top came off. I think it creates a better flow to the video rather than having the exciting parts first and the less interesting part at the end.

About progression… people change. And we don’t expect that someone who went through a pandemic for 2+ years only to have their country invaded to be the same person they were before these happened. Many gorgeous and beautiful models from her country left and don’t deal with carnage every day. Good for them. But just like how there is no amount of money that would get Alissa to leave her home and family, there is no amount of money that would get her to model in a way that makes her uncomfortable. Put yourself in her shoes: you are going through hell for years and on top of that, you now want to feel even more uncomfortable modeling a certain way just so you can make a few extra dollars? Imagine the mental and emotional stress this would put you through.

The only thing we can do is give her a steady income and job. She has enough fans to do this, even if she didn’t want to go further. I don’t know what she will do or what will happen 1 year from now. I’m sure none of us imagined what 2022 or 2020 would be like. Maybe everyone will get their wish, it’s not up for me to decide.

1 year 5 months ago

This steady progression killed Famegirls IMHO, yes he’s likely making money but it’s SO repetitious…and yes if anyone wonders who was a Famegirl member iam THAT Toesucker that fought to keep it teasy not sleezy there…and lost . Thank You MC for keeping it teazy here

Marvel Administrator
1 year 5 months ago

Hey, I remember you! I was a member there a long time ago because their tease was top notch. Those were good times. Happy to see you here.

I am sure people truly believe that if a model shows more it will give the model and us more money, but it’s simply not true. We have data going back a decade now at TM that tells us this is not true. If someone truly believes it’s boring now, wait until every model is naked doing the exact same thing… it will be VERY boring!

1 year 5 months ago

I would have to agree with everyones analysis. I know exactly what you both mean – tease is the way to go, especially for longevity. Discovering that a glamour model eventually transitioned to consistent full-on nude sets was surprisingly disappointing for me and certainly was not going to make me open up my wallet.

That said, the occassianal ‘surprise’ set that reveals more yet sticks within the theme of tease are wonderful moments for customers in my opinion. Goddess Sabi is a perfect example of how a model could transition to more revealing sets, yet keep within the theme of extreme tease. Her MarvelFans page has been managed incredibly, and I really hope her, Jiri, and the rest of the team can keep up the fire they have been dealing over there with her sets (pics/vids) in terms of tease and revealment.

1 year 5 months ago

Is she still using handbra?

Marvel Administrator
1 year 5 months ago

There’s less than 15 handbra photos in the set. Our previews are as clear as her top on what is inside this update.
The goal was never to remove a certain pose entirely, but rather reduce the reliance on it. If you are an Alissa savant, you can track this yourself. Her sets with Kayley for example had half the set being handbra sometimes.

One day Alissa will be topless and I bet we will still get this question. 😆

1 year 5 months ago

Let me try this analogy. This handbra feels like having a watermark on a beautiful picture. It’s absolutely useless, you can see already the picture in all the details but you can’t completely enjoy it because of the annoying watermark. It feels unnecessary, that’s why I haven’t bought any sets after the first mesh set.
Does it make sense to you?

Marvel Administrator
1 year 5 months ago

Well I’m just a little confused, because only 1/10 of this set contains handbra. It feels like this critique belongs on an older set of hers, not this one.

Instead, it sounds like your complaint is that she’s not “fully” topless yet. Is that what you’re asking?

1 year 5 months ago

Yes, thats what I mean.

1 year 5 months ago

She should start making moves like Vanessa

1 year 5 months ago

I don’t care about bottomless. I am only interested in exposed/uncovered breasts. I really hope she will finally do this. hers are amazing and would love to see skin rather than skin and nipples behind or in between other materials. I love the mesh sets because we can see uncovered nipples, but would love to simply see her full breasts. I would gladly and continually pay any price every time

1 year 5 months ago

Alissa is perfection. Just absolutely gorgeous and I look forward to any content of hers!

1 year 5 months ago

I think the handbra is pretty annoying, but she has an amazing figure so it’s worth seeing her always.

1 year 5 months ago

I think someone should to tell her that we can see her nipple in this dress so she doesn’t need to use a handbra for the thousandth time.

Marvel Administrator
1 year 5 months ago

It is very clear to me who does and who does not have the photo set if we are still talking about handbra.

1 year 5 months ago

She is one of the most beautiful I have ever saw! I would even say “Angelic”. I would never want anyone to feel pressured into doing anything they are not comfortable with.
That being said…. I truly don’t mind the hand bra when she’s wearing transparent tops anyways. The part that baffles me though, is she stopped doing her signature “head down, perfect ass up” poses that was in all her early sets? Y’all old time fans remember those?
And I thought she truly rocketed forward when she did the “blue” set. She literally made my jaw drop in that one. But none since then have came close I don’t think. I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s more disappointing to me to take a step forward then revert back 2… than to never have done it in the first place. But no matter, she is perfect. I hope she is happy and I’ll take whatever she chooses to give us.

1 year 5 months ago

Just the sheer number of comments on this set(and many of her other ones) should let anyone know how much this girl has going for her. Just a little more and she could be the greatest ever. Either positive, negative, or constructive criticism comments ….:: she has us ALL talking about her! Love ya, Alissa

1 year 5 months ago

Thank you, you share my views exactly on her. She’s great and I’ll support her no matter what, it’s just that what got me hooked on her was her earlier stuff, especially that face down perfect ass up pose, the best! Ultimately I’m just glad she’s still here making content after all she’s been through, and if she keeps going I am just hoping for a bit more creativity and tease, because she has so much potential to be more widely considered the greatest to ever do it, whether she ever goes full nude or not! Either way I’m here for it, and I’ll always have her older stuff to fall back on. It’s just human nature to want MORE once you get hooked on someone like this – obviously her comfortability comes first. Cheers!

1 year 5 months ago

Well said Worthabuy and Christopher, I know I miss those poses myself, Alissa is a Beautiful Gem!!!

1 year 4 months ago

Fortunately, I recently discovered this beautiful Alissa and immediately bought several videos. What a beauty. and what sensuality and eroticism! Super. What I would like to see (e.g. as a bonus with the next release?) an interview with her how she herself experiences her work including the progression in her acting (more transparent bikinis) and how she thinks about her beautiful videos (and fans’ reactions to them). Happy to hear the possibilities. That way you get a better picture of her. Would really appreciate it!