Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:03
Video Thumbnails: Above
126 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:03
Video Thumbnails: Above
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Still the crown jewel, best of Marvel, and always will be! In the end, none other compares to her beauty and perfection! Truly grateful to Alissa and MC for gracing us for all these years with quality and, at times mind blowing content. I still can’t get over her Blue Mesh set recently, hoping to see a lot more in that vein, particularly the bottoms portion 😉 Great event as always, and of course I’d prefer another Alissa set later in the event as well, here and/or at TM. I can never get enough of her, and I know I’m not the only one!
Fully agree 100%. She is flawless in anything….. She was absolutely perfect aesthetically to me when she first came out…and that “signature pose” of hers was the best in the business ( yall know the one 1part up + 1 part down lol PLEASE BRING THAT BACK!!) .. .but the recent blue mesh set sent me back through puberty! Jesus, never been so pleasantly surprised by a video. I’m STILL getting my money’s worth out of that one. I would be quite content with all her sets being that same outfit, maybe different colors! Love her bravery and new found commitment. If she would drop even 1 (truly) transparent bottom set like that a month… she would run this site I honestly believe. All the girls on here are beautiful and sexy so I mean no offense but Alissa, to me anyway, is just Angelic. Can’t wait to see what she has in-store for us.
These OnlyFans-style costumes which we’ve had in recent MC sets don’t look like the sort of outfits Alissa would have chosen for herself. Not her style at all. Is her photographer choosing the costumes these days? I know the bottom line is you need to sell sets at a high price. But it would be nice if occasionally Alissa could choose what she wants to wear for herself like she used to.
Yes, literally in her previous set she wore what she wanted:
She also chose to wear the outfit in this pink set as well. Are you subscribed to her MarvelFans? She has many styles and casual photos there, and you can ask her questions like this. We bring an entire wardrobe for her to pick out outfits, and she can always bring her own clothes.
We will also be streaming her next shooting in a few days. You will be able to tune in and watch, and possibly chat with her.
I don’t want to miss that!!!
There was a photo of Alissa on Marvelfans wearing a short black skirt and a sheer black polka dot top. Will this amazing looking set be released anytime soon? I love the outfit in the Pink set! She looks relaxed and confident and it is great to see her smiling in the video.
Yes, I agree. She is confident in who she is and what she is doing. She is confident in herself as a woman. There is no doubt that she is doing what she wants to do.
Could I get a link to subscribed to MarvelFans
Go here:
alissa always beautiful, I love it.
May I play devil’s advocate here?… Look, I really am appreciative to what the marvel sites produce… but how is this set any more revealing than this set, going on 5 years ago, that is the same price from a bundle that includes 2 more picture sets and videos?
Honestly, my first thought was, “Oh, Alissa is going back to her original style?” Anyway, she’s beautiful no matter how much skin she is or isn’t showing. This looks like a really good set.
She went backwards in terms of how revealing her sets were, for a very long time. It has really been pretty recent since she got back to where she was before. But for me, it is just awesome that she is back to wearing such nice sheer outfits. Although, honestly, for the price of this set I would have expected it to have ended better than just the usual hand bra. I don’t ever want to see her explicit, but I’d really like to see her breasts uncovered, they are obviously so beautiful. But I respect her choice, I’d just like to see them. I do feel kind of like the $30 event sets used to be something special, and although this set was awesome, I don’t really feel like it’s anything much more than normal.
Fair point, I’m just glad she is back to wearing sheer/mesh outfits, but without the long hair we don’t even get slips anymore. And speaking of her bundle from way back, it is criminal that she hasn’t had any other bundles since then! MC, please explain..
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Oh. God. Yes.