
Alissa – New Beginnings (Photo + Video)



116 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 6:25
Video Thumbnails: Above

Got something to discuss?

Marvel Administrator
4 years 1 month ago

We are happy that this year, Alissa will begin anew at MC. I hope you like her new look (yes, I know, small tattoo).
Please be patient with us as we slowly bring her back to her roots. She is happy to be with us. It will take time, but with enough support we can make the impossible possible. As always, you can give us your suggestions and ideas. We will do our best to implement them. :)

4 years 1 month ago

Is she really that hard to work with? Words like “patience”, “slowly and “impossible” seem to indicate it.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 1 month ago

Context is important when answering that. She became a popular internet model from fake social media profiles. She did not like this and became more reserved because of it. I don’t blame her for that. There were problems, but we’re solving them now one by one.

3 years 22 days ago

Hi i am not able to download her videos tell me

4 years 1 month ago

I gotta say I love her new look!

4 years 1 month ago

I LOVE Alissa! One of my favorite currently active models. I’ve bought many many of her sets. I look forward to a new beginning and think that’s a great tattoo! I do dearly miss her long hair, but that’s no biggie. However, and per usual, I am exceptionally frustrated that if I want to see more of her I have to dig back to the first 4 sets I bought of her a few years ago. This looks like more of the no-peek same but with new hair. This girl is physically flawless. She used to make me mouth-gape. Now I keep buying sets and scrolling through quickly to confirm there’s nothing new. Still waiting for something new…guess I’ll go watch the videos from sets 1-7 again. Still gorgeous!

4 years 1 month ago

Love it. That top. Very hot. Excited to see more. Nice to see the quality and stability are great. Liked her natural hair and could do without the tat, but she still looks absolutely stunning.

4 years 1 month ago

I’ll second the photographer kudos, here. Top-notch camera work! He/she did a wonderful job capturing what Alissa provided. Photo 26 is probably my favorite. Her shape! The framing! Essential femininity on display! Now, Alissa, give him/us a bit more to work with!

4 years 1 month ago

New year, new beginnings and new look for Alissa. She looks just as incredibly stunning as she always has, I will gladly support her and see where this wonderful journey will take us!

Richard P
4 years 1 month ago

Miss the long hair, but not a big problem. It’s her eyes that close the deal.

4 years 1 month ago

well new beginning? what about a creamy set!!

4 years 1 month ago

Not liking the blonde hair.

4 years 1 month ago

Absolutely luv the new coiff! And I extend a long welcome back (side) to her luscious bubble butt!
Tat shamat. . .I truly dig tattoos.

4 years 1 month ago

Love the new look and just happy to get more Alissa. Not a big fan of tattoos but that one looks good on her (granted most anything looks good on her).

4 years 1 month ago

I’ll admit a certain nervousness when a model “comes back.” You worry they’ll come back with implants, looking like a pincushion, and/or with enough “graffiti” on their body to render them so far removed that they are rendered someone completely removed from who you remembered. When we ask you to bring back Rikki it probably goes without saying we me someone who is going to strongly remind us of the last Rikki we saw.

Of course even small things get in the way of “nostalgia.” To me we still haven’t seen the “old” Alice because of the hair and deep tan. It’s stupid and psychological. Which is not to say I don’t I still like the “new” Alice and of course any person will AND should change over the years.

That all said even if Alissa did get a stamp (and in the sliding scale of tattoos the stamp is now on the “low” rather than “high” end) and change her hair around she still projects the same magic as before. . Which comes through with her effervescent smile and bright blue eyes. The hair gives her a bit of a Dakota Fanning feel. Which is definitely not a bad thing. Needless to say a most welcome return!

4 years 1 month ago

Nice to have her back, but I miss the long brown hair. Still very beautiful with that said!

4 years 1 month ago

Miss the long hair, was perfect for covering, I don’t mind the handbra even if this mean less slips, but she’s cute like this, she’s one of the model I prefer and I know she will get better and better each new set, I like her smile :) especially the one on the 87 picture, need more smily face like that one 😀

Happy new year for Alissa and everyone 😀

4 years 1 month ago

As someone who has been hypercritical of Alissa backward trend I decided to take Admin at their word and support her so that better days may come. I absolutely love her new look she seemed to imbue new energy into the video and the photos that made them a pleasure to view. She did exactly what I wanted, no nudity? wear a sexy top and don’t take it off! For me this was a step in the right direction.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 1 month ago

Thank you for noticing. :)

4 years 1 month ago

If the past 5 and a bit years are any indication for the future, if MC says “with enough support we can make the impossible possible” you better believe it.
Will that include Alissa? Maybe….maybe not…. time will tell.
It is however exactly that which makes MC (and TM / LeidyMarvel) so great, at least in my eyes.
There are plenty other sites out there that feature beautiful and sexy models in any way you can imagine. I have however yet to find any site that so clearly does a tremendous effort to consistently bring out the best in all of their models. And believe me, I’ve looked.
Where others bring new models just to have a new face perform in the same template in an attempt to keep things interesting, a new model at one of the Marvels means it’s the start of a journey they are taking you on. Some of them will be long, some very short. Some delightfully relaxed, some very wild indeed 😉
There is no Marvel mold the models are squeezed into. The Marvels shape themselves to bring out the best in their models, all of them.
And that results in the awesomeness we’ve seen in the past and dare I say undoubtedly will in the future.

4 years 1 month ago

Plastic is not fantastic despite what anyone claims.

Having known a few ladies who have had reductions in that area of assets, most because of back issues, be proud of what you have Alissa and I can tell you there are a lot of men who like a sleek body shape, probably about equal as those who don’t. I love that the thin top accentuates this feature, sure I obviously want to see more, but then, men always do – it is who we are.

To deny ones genetic impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.

I am human.

4 years 1 month ago

Love the look

4 years 1 month ago

Oh, man… I can’t wait to get this when the weekend rolls around. I think she looks excellent with her new hairstyle (although a certain part of me will miss the long hair), and the video looks to be much more stable than it has been in past sets. Wherever Alissa is going and however long she plans on getting there, I’m fine with. She is now and has always been an absolute stunner.

4 years 1 month ago

I really love her new style, very nice hair and tattoo, she’s amazing!

4 years 1 month ago

I will miss her long hair, I really loved it. But she is still Alissa and I foresee her coming out of her shell a bit in 2021. She’s still sexy as hell.

4 years 1 month ago

The hairstyle is new and I must say it suits her really well. About the set… I don’t see any big changes here.

4 years 1 month ago

She looks amazing, tattoo and all.

4 years 1 month ago

I haven’t bought set from this Alissa for very long since she is not my style of girl. BUT I must admit that I like her new hair style very nice on her. Seems also her fans like it from the comments below :) Also Happy new year Alissa!

J. Smith
4 years 1 month ago

When did Elle Fanning take over the Alissa spot? LOL

4 years 1 month ago

What an amazing smile! That makes my day. And when you look into the camera, it’s like you are looking into my soul. My heart skips a beat. Amazing!!! More sets coming? I’ll buy them, guaranteed!!!!

4 years 27 days ago

I like her new hairstyle and she still have her marvelous charm. Hope she is doing well and she will make us happy too

3 years 4 months ago

I absolutely love her new style 😉