
Alissa – Kitchen (Photo + Video)



145 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 12:19
Video Thumbnails: Above

Got something to discuss?

4 years 9 months ago

Great set Alissa, I particularly liked the deep stares and arousing chest message while you were lying down.

Ok here comes my suggestions and ideas for you, to play the game of tease, you must offer something which you build into as the crescendo of what you are trying to archive, the tease is what you do in the buildup to the release where you give in.

For example in your earlier sets you had this down pat and you would give in and give glimpses towards the end, now not so much, this can be remedied however. For each set pick an “asset” which you want to showcase in the set, ie, your bottom, your breast, your eyes, your hair, your figure, your downstairs, and build into it, you don’t necessarily need to show it all, you breasts it can be glimpses, you downstairs (slightly sheer), when you showcase non sexual features still give something towards the end otherwise you miss your crescendo and therefore your tease leads to nothing which is not good for us and therefore you in what you are trying to achieve.

I honestly believe you have stunning beauty, but just remember to have a purpose in what you do then what you do has meaning to you, and us.

Mr/s Marvel can you pass this on to those appropriate, thanks for you time, and continue the show…

4 years 9 months ago

I have been trying to put into words what you have so eloquently said much better than I. I did not buy this set because it has become a waste of money,all tease no delivery. Alissa is a strikingly beautiful woman and is probably the best model in the Marvel Studios for knowing how to pose for photos and videos. But if I wanted a Sears Catalogue I could get one for free no need to buy.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 9 months ago

I have (repeatedly) given feedback and suggestions for her and those involved. Alissa is very difficult to work with. We’ve given clothing style suggestions, most get rejected. She has a large fanbase, but I am a believer that she was the best before the fame came. I know there is one person who is involved with her who will read the comments, so you can write out your thoughts / feedback here.

4 years 9 months ago

I agree with you Marvel. She’s lovely, but things do appear quite cookie-cutter.

1st Baron Baden-Powell
4 years 9 months ago

I 100% agree with DoccMatt, I too will not buy this set. Alissa used to be an automatic buy, but I have purchased so many hand bra sets that I have enough of them. Alissa ticks so many boxes for me but I will be boycotting NN hand bra sets from now on. If she goes topless I will buy all of her sets forever.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 9 months ago

We will never force a model to go topless. We just require a little bit of creativity. Thankfully there are future sets coming that are sexy and creative.

Miguel Aguirre
4 years 9 months ago

Que mierda pasa con usteds MC a caso se han vuelto locos? Como pueden ser tan ladrones y ofender así a la gente con más y más de lo mismo..? Ya basta, si la modelo no se quiere desnudar ya la deben dejar a tras y darle a la gente lo que la gente quiere ver para eso fue que se creó MC como una agencia capaz de hacer lo que las demás no podían hacer y lo hicieron bien antes y no se que les pasa ahora..?

4 years 9 months ago

I know you, I have seen you before in other forums, I know who you are, and I know your facility to be angry because the girls do not do what you want. But “friend”, did you know that you have the option of NOT BUYING what you don’t like ?.
This is not another site, where you pay a monthly subscription, and sometimes you don’t get what you want. Here you can choose not to pay, and keep the forum free for each girl’s admirers. That’s what I do, and I’m fine with myself …. ah, never mad.
Stay in peace.

4 years 9 months ago

Alissa updates have been so infrequent here I almost forgot she was still modeling for Marvel. Seems like that is due to some dissatisfaction from some. That is not the case from me. When she crawled around on the ground and some of the other poses, that is plenty hot for me and if that’s all she’s comfortable doing I’m good with that. I’ll buy every set she releases, even if in some respects she was more revealing early on. I feel like in other ways, in her poses and expressions for example, she has grown. Sure, I’d love to see her breasts, I absolutely love breasts like hers. But if that doesn’t happen because she’s not comfortable no problem from me.

4 years 9 months ago

My favorite, was a pleasant surprise to get another update relatively recently compared to how often she updates. I agree with the poster at the top. But as long as she is putting out sets I am happy!

4 years 9 months ago

Tre, thank you so much for posting this comment. You said it better than I was going to do. And I agree with DocMatt. I’m happy to see regular updates/sets for Alissa but seeing the last 3 or 4 sets makes me wonder what happened to her? All tease with no delivery during or at the end!

And Thank you MC Admin, I also believe she was the best before the fame. Her sets here when she was frequent, are WAY better than her outside work. I personally do not like when a model is getting too popular since it could lead to such a result, few sets, Not doing any reveals, charging more for a set…etc.

While models like Katya & Kayley started with just a tease, they did surpass Alissa’s level. Yes, I know, they’re different models but I’m just giving an example. They were shy at first but us, fans, supported them and got behind them and they listened to our suggestions and now, thanks to their photographers, Marvel Charm and Teen Marvel, each set they produce and publish, is better than the last.

Alissa’s sets now are going backwards instead of how we used to see her frequent sets. From Sheer tops, see-thorough underwear, hair bra, slight crotch reveal & tiny thongs….etc to now hand bra, blurring/censoring her bottom and nothing much happening!!! I suggest to anyone to buy or go back and watch these good sets and you’ll know what I mean:

– Best Wishes
– Mesh-Peek
– Shower
– Tiny Mesh
– Tiny Thong
– White Mesh

Those were the best sets of her. So please MC Admin, do tell Alissa and whoever is involved with her about our feedback. And please know that we’re not being negative, we’re saying this out of love. I’ve been here since her first set and I believe I bought every set of her. We’re more than happy to continue support her but we want to see Improvements since we believe she can

4 years 9 months ago

Her shower set was HOT!! Wish she would do more just like that.

4 years 9 months ago

I too liked this set =) while it’s not my top 1 favorite set, it certainly is one of the best sets she’s done. I remember everyone getting so excited to unlock this set since it was part of an event. I believe it was level 5 haha, so many great sets came after this one. Back then, we used to see a set of her every 2 weeks or so, which was great. Nowadays, unfortunately, she became popular and we started seeing less of her and also started doing basic tease with not so much happening.

I was so happy and hopeful when I saw the last pics of the set “Tiny Thong” (great set BTW) since I thought we might start seeing more reveals in the future sets but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

Once a model gets too much attention, she starts doing less of what she used to be doing. That’s why I don’t like it when a model gets popular. Hopefully Kayley doesn’t follow this path.

4 years 9 months ago

Let’s start with the fact, that the knife-play and Ice cone totally get me, so i cannot complain much.

To swim against the flow here: I think her NN is her main selling point. She won’t get much better when topless as her boobs are not her main charms. The slim top and panties keep you focused on what is. I have seen this with Alice and Sarah, too. Some girls just look better barely clothed than fully nude, Someone here mentioned ‘Erotica’ and ‘Striptease’ a few weeks back. Maybe her ‘tease’ would work better as part of a strip? She would need more layers to drop them off but could build better into the ‘showcase’ for each set. Sheer, lingerie, panties, leg-wear and her hair, have always worked in her favour.
As devil’s advocate, keep in mind: some sessions don’t go as well as others.

4 years 9 months ago

I stand by what I said, and I’ll reinforce it here by refuting your comment, why? Let me explain, think of the song that originally went with striptease and the like, DA DA *tiss* DA DA *tiss* DA DA, you get the idea, that being with each *tiss* more was revealed/the show progressed in some manner towards the reveal/conclusion where the performer would show what they wanted to show. Why did I say what I said, because it feels like there is no reveal, nothing is shown, there is no conclusion.

Finally, look at the poses that one has to manage during a video while trying to always use one hand to cover the breasts, it’s not sexy, it’s unnatural and awkward, I think it is a shame when you have such a beautiful canvas to work with that this is the case.

Ultimately, when people feel they are being conned out of something that could happen, they stop supporting it, take a look at any webcam performer and you will know this to be true.

4 years 9 months ago

again,I agree. I would rather she wear a sexy/sheer top and not take it off as opposed to watching a video where for 5 minutes the model is trying to pose while doing that handbra crap.

4 years 9 months ago

You raise a very good point about the handbra. I understand why it is done, but it is a very unnatural look if the model keeps her hands/arm glued in position for a long time. An unbuttoned shirt is much sexier. I don’t blame the models for any of this. I think usually the person with the camera is telling them what to do.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 9 months ago

Only inexperienced models are coached into what to do. Models who have experience do not need us to tell them anything.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 9 months ago

You are both correct in some ways, but going too far in either direction is not good…
Her breasts are one of her main charms, actually. The petite look is exactly what fans like of Alissa. As for tre’s comment about revealing conclusions, part of a model teasing is to not reach the conclusion. Maybe glimpses, sure… I say this lots but is not about how much a model shows, it is about the creativity of a shoot. The clothing, scenarios, and theme of the set can make a set one of the best, even if the model does not show everything. A mesh top is interesting enough. Same with showers and baths, playing with food, etc. Look at Nika sets, which are full of creativity. She is still loved and sells very well despite not showing. Alissa does not have to go down the route of a model like Kayley, just put in the creativity needed to give interest.

This advice is given to everyone we work with. I am a fan just like all of you. The models need to consider feedback but still maintain their dignity. It is a tough balance for some…

4 years 9 months ago

“As for tre’s comment about revealing conclusions, part of a model teasing is to not reach the conclusion. Maybe glimpses, sure… I say this lots but is not about how much a model shows, it is about the creativity of a shoot. The clothing, scenarios, and theme of the set can make a set one of the best, even if the model does not show everything.”

Sure, creativity, clothing, scenarios and themes does make a good set, however, I have to disagree with you on when a model does not have to show her sexual parts. As a customer and a fan, it ABSOLUTELY does make a great set. I find the sets for Alissa where she did partial nudity or even glimpses are better than the sets that didn’t have that like this set (not saying they’re bad). I’m pretty sure that the sets where she did show something have sold more than the regular sets. Even the preview picture of the sets you published have a naked photo in them in order to attract customers.

We’re not saying we want Alissa to be naked/topless for the majority of the set, we just want to see the tease lead to something either at the middle or at the end for a good portion of the video & photo set similar to how Kayley does in her sets. It seems me, tre & DocMatt are on agreement with this.

“A mesh top is interesting enough. Same with showers and baths, playing with food, etc. Look at Nika sets, which are full of creativity. She is still loved and sells very well despite not showing. Alissa does not have to go down the route of a model like Kayley, just put in the creativity needed to give interest.”

With all due respect, the reason why Nika sets is selling well is because she didn’t do any topless or semi naked sets since her early sets. Therefore, her fans are used to her work. I haven’t bought any of her sets but I’m saying this based on your comment.

In the case of Alissa, we were presented with sets of her showing her nipples, bare butt and other types of nudity since her early sets. And now, she stopped doing that for some reason. Because of that, we are dissatisfied with the recent sets. Had she not done that from the start, we would’ve been OK with the recent sets.

As for the creativity needed in her sets, Something I wish for as a fan is if she were to be naked like the last photos of the “Tiny Thong” set in a future set, let her do that in both the video & photo set. I believe that’s something all fans would want to see.

Marvel Administrator
4 years 9 months ago

It sounds like we are in agreement. You just went in depth in one example of a good set (showing more). My main point is you can’t just keep pushing a “show more” narrative, because eventually there will be nothing left to show. This is why a lot of thought and creativity has to go into sets produced. Imagine Alissa with Lena or Nika’s creativity, along with showing a little more.

4 years 9 months ago

Did someone say ♥♥♥♥♥ Lena and Nika ♥♥♥♥ Don’t even say their name every time I see a comment about Nika, Lena or a new set release with Lena or Nika I want more sets of them 😀 darn… Oh sorry I should not go offtopic this is about Alissa but I agree creativity is better than just nude and as told already force is just stupid and never ends well.

4 years 9 months ago

One of the main reasons I like Alissa is she doesn’t show all, her tease is great, she is adorable, and her poses are sexy. That being said, seeing her in more sheer tops just for more natural poses would be great. Also, as someone said in an earlier post, that crawl in the video was amazing! Also, the shower set is my all time favorite set she has done anywhere!

4 years 9 months ago

Daria didn’t show anything, and I’m dying for more of the same… There’s definitely more than just “show more” to it all :)

J. Smith
4 years 9 months ago

Marvel Admin, can you please update the Models page with the current ones such as this beauty? lol