
Alissa & Kayley – Peaceful (Photo + Video)


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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:56
Video Thumbnails: Above

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Marvel Administrator
3 years 24 days ago

Hi everyone, a quick update on Alissa and Kayley. I will do my best to keep it short and not political.

Alissa and Kayley both live in Ukraine. Obviously, everyone now knows about the situation there. First, I will say that both Alissa and Kayley, as well as our photographer, are now safe from the violence. The situation with Kayley has been fairly non-threatening, as she lives in the far west of Ukraine, there is no violence there, only sirens going off occasionally and shelter being required at times.

The situation with Alissa was a little more frightening, as she leaves in a coastal city. There has been occasional shelling in her city, but thankfully only at specific locations and it is rare. She is safe and it is calm there for now, but we don’t know what will happen next. Our photographer who lives 10 miles from Alissa has left the city to a more remote location to assist family.

There are also models at TM who are also facing this situation (Katrina, Alena, Jackie, and more).

Many of you have asked how you can support the models. The best way is to just continue purchasing their sets. Tributes will also be the most supportive during this time. If you do plan to tribute, 100% of what you send goes to the model. In addition to this, I will be matching the tributes made during this crisis and making a donation to the Polish Humanitarian Action for Ukraine. This way, together we’ll assist our models as well as give aid, food, and shelter to those who have been forced to leave their homes.

There have been many sleepless nights for all of us here. But I have never seen such solidarity before in my life. Not just from within their country, but from around the world. This is not about one country vs another, our models and team in Russia are very much opposed to the situation. Now, our team there suffers from sanctions and can’t get paid. It is a mess. Nobody wins. We know who is causing this pain, but I will stop there. Human suffering should not exist anywhere, on either side.

Our models want to get back to work, but until the situation improves, we are unable to do so. Let’s do our best to support them while things improve. I am hoping for the best.

Thanks to everyone who supports Alissa and Kayley. ❤️

Update: We have added an Alissa photo below for fans.

3 years 24 days ago

“The situation with Alissa was a little more frightening, as she leaves in a coastal city. There has been occasional shelling in her city, but thankfully only at specific locations and it is rare. She is safe and it is calm there for now, but we don’t know what will happen next. Our photographer who lives 10 miles from Alissa has left the city to a more remote location to assist family.”

So basically Alissa has been left on her own? The news tonight reports that Alissa’s coastal city is next in line for attack. How can you say “she is safe”? This is just the worst possible news.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 24 days ago

No, she is with family. Alissa has told us yesterday she was fine and away from any attacks. If she needs something from us or the photographer, we will be ready.
I have said she is safe for now, but nowhere in the country is 100% safe. She is an adult, it is her choice on what she will do. However she is following all the rules the city has enforced (no leaving home / go to your nearest shelter), just like the millions of other civilians. Most casualties have come from those who were out and about in the city ignoring the rules. It is tense and scary, but a manageable situation. The women are tough.

I will update everyone as more news comes in.

J. Smith
3 years 23 days ago

She would be safer if she stayed with Kayley… someone she is comfortable with too. :( I really hope the stupidity of the Russian thing ends sooner than later and no more have to suffer.

3 years 24 days ago

Looks like a great set! Thanks for the update, glad to know they are safe, but praying they remain that way, as well as the rest of us. So sad this is still going on, and we have to continue worrying about them, especially Alissa, my favorite model of all time, living where she does. Please continue to update us on them when you can, and tell them we love them and stand with them, always.

3 years 24 days ago

From the US, Slava Ukraini! My thoughts to all the innocents caught up in this mess. I had not planned on buying but I will to help support.

3 years 24 days ago

good helps all the models and the staff of the studio. I will keep to buy from you

3 years 24 days ago

Thank you very much for informing us about the situation of these girls. I always thought they lived in Russia, I don’t know why. I feel worried now. My best wishes to them, I love you both.

3 years 24 days ago

Generally speaking, I don’t comment, but it is good to know that at least Alissa and Kayley are as safe as can be in these troubling times. It is very sad to know that the actions and desires of the few can affect the many so dramatically. My heart goes out to all of the models, and all of the citizens — Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and everyone else — who will be hurt by this senseless war, and I will do what little I can to support them, as I hope others will too. Слава Украине из США

3 years 24 days ago

I am saddened by what’s going on, there is no easy answer for any of it, I guess it is easy for us who are not in the region to say – why did you not leave when the fighting started, but life is never that simple and it the situation escalated so quickly if you did not do it immediately you may have missed the window to do so.

I wish all well, but these are just words, words do nothing now, it is only actions that matter.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 24 days ago

Because they love their home and their country. Anyway, if you leave, where do you go? You wait in 24 hours of traffic and get on a train to another country. Then you are a refugee, with no home, staying with strangers and a foreign language, and no idea when you will return. For most, it makes more sense to just stay where you are and hunker down… more than 90% of the country had decided to stay. If they were intentionally targeting civilians, it would be a different scenario.

Richard P
3 years 24 days ago

Are any of the models from Russia itself? I am wondering about them having access to the money they receive through tributes and sets.

Richard P
3 years 24 days ago

Never mind; I just read the last portion of the announcement again.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 23 days ago

A quick update for everyone. Kayley has left Ukraine for a neighboring country. She is with her family.
She promises to update us again in a few days after they get situated.

3 years 23 days ago

You said before Kayley and Alissa are friends. If Kayley has found somewhere safe to stay, PLEASE ask her to invite Alissa and her family to join her if she can. Neighbouring countries are being very welcoming to refugees. It is now incredibly dangerous for civilians in Ukraine’s cities. Residential areas are being indiscriminately bombed and shelled. Alissa may not realise this if she has limited access to news. You cannot just “hunker down”. They are cutting power and water supplies off in other cities where there is any resistance and food is running out. There is now a huge invasion fleet approaching her city. There is very little time left.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 23 days ago

Alissa already has friends on standby in a neighboring country. There’s a plan in place the moment things begin to change.
I have asked anybody who was in a major city to leave. However, it is not up to me. They have to not only convince themselves, but also their family that it is time to leave. It’s a fluid situation, and so far all of our models, including Alissa, have been ahead of the issue and know exactly when to get to safety or leave. Again, I will keep you updated.

Kayley/Tina fan
3 years 23 days ago

Thanks for keeping us informed. I sent in some tributes for Kayley. But, I want to also offer a little prayer in your behalf. Stay well and safe.

3 years 23 days ago

I thought Alissa was from Russia.

3 years 23 days ago

But who cares it’s bad for anyone. Always woman and children who is hurt by War and pathetic dictators they always want to split people!

So we need more love:

3 years 23 days ago

Please release a bundle pack of Alissa’s unreleased older (or newer) sets so we can further support her. Alissa you are amazing, please stay safe!

3 years 23 days ago

I second that!
Maybe also add other Ukrainian models and make it a women’s day bundle to support them all in such difficult time

3 years 23 days ago

Who from the models are from russia, so we don’t get any new content?

Just Let Them Free
3 years 23 days ago

You should make a “Fundraiser” set in which you release all the topless pics/vids you have of Alissa. There has to be outtakes or a batch of sets for when she quits but you want more money and show her topless. At this point all the seethrough,more so this set she is already been shown topless. Just let us have what we deserve, this site isnt about teasing anymore,look at some of the girls sets,thats basically softcore porn at this point. Also “only” counting tributes is lame as fuck and broken marketing to support the girls. You should give them 100% of the sales of this set(seeing how it is 25 USD anyhow)

Marvel Administrator
3 years 23 days ago

I think you misunderstood, we have never only counted tributes to pay models. They are paid for every set that is released. We’re reminding customers that wanted to give additional support a method of doing so, and also being more clear on where the money is going.

3 years 23 days ago

Not to be an ass, but at this time I really don’t think it should come do what any model “shows“ or how much is paid for that. Her country has been under attack and I think all anyone can do is hope that she, her family and as many other people as possible in Ukraine are OK until this garbage war is halted.

3 years 23 days ago

My eyes are burned. Don’t stare at the sun or those two girls.
Take care of yourself ladies, protect yourself and your loved ones.
My thoughts go out to you. Kiss.

3 years 23 days ago

I knew Kayley was Ukrainian and assumed others were too. I was wondering if they were safe. Thanks for the updates and I hope they remain safe and will get out when necessary. Слава Україні!

3 years 23 days ago

The EU and the whole world of peace is with Ukraine.
I know it’s hard to leave your home behind, but life is priceless… and in a world of peace, there can be no room for dictators.



Marvel Administrator
3 years 23 days ago

Alissa update:
She is aware of the support coming through. She has sent this photo to us as a thank you.
You guys will be making her very happy. Thanks for the great support.

3 years 22 days ago

This pictures shows a sad but beautiful young woman. One can see in her eyes: Why this madness?
And I ask exactly the same…

Stay strong Alissa ♥♥♥♥♥ and all others.

3 years 23 days ago

All this breaks my heart and makes me so angry. I hope that Alissa can get to safety as soon as possible, even if it means leaving everything behind, EU is doing a good job taking care of Ukrainian refugees.

Freedom and peace for Alissa and Ukraine

3 years 23 days ago

Alissa should really now consider leaving Odessa with her family for a neighboring EU country as a matter of urgency and while there is still time. Russian ships are beginning to shell her city and Russian soldiers are now coming from the north. The treatment of the other coastal cities has been brutal for civilians as you must know by now – food, water, electricity all cut off. It no longer “makes sense to stay where you are and hunker down” as you put it earlier. Innocent civilians are now dying in large numbers.

I’m worried Alissa doesn’t know the danger because the mayor of Odessa has not told his citizens the full truth because he wants them to stay and fight. It is, of course, her decision – and I appreciate there is only so much you can do – but please at least keep her properly informed and warn her so she can make the best decision for herself and her family.

She will be safe in any EU country. There is now excellent support for refugees. Tell her that MC and MC fans will continue to support and look out for her no matter where she goes. If she needs money for travel or anything else just let us know.

Here is the latest news this evening on the impending attack on Odessa:

Marvel Administrator
3 years 22 days ago

I have been monitoring independent sources and always relay it to the team. Obviously, their local news is meant to boost morale and not to give the full truth. I study the military movements and how they are positioning around the cities. If I see something concerning, I let them know immediately.

3 years 23 days ago

Thank you MC for keeping us updated and making sure they are safe and thank you girls for all the amazing content you brought for us!
Hopefully Alissa leaves this dangerous place too, at least temporarily.

As a Russian I want to say: Девочки, мы любим вас! Будьте осторожны и не падайте духом. Слава Украине!

Mo Sadiq
3 years 23 days ago

I can only echo what has already been said. This is going to go on for a very long time & get very ugly as the Ukrainian people won’t give up & we all know what Putin is capable of. Everybody in the UK are behind the brave Ukrainian people they are a example to us all.
This is also a tragedy for the Russian people too. I know Russian history & how those poor people have suffered down the years. Now the west has declared ‘economic warfare’ things are going to get very tough for them. Russia will become totally isolated like North Korea & the world won’t lift their sanctions until Putin has gone & the Ukrainian people get justice.
Let us all hope that day comes very soon!
Слава Україні!

3 years 21 days ago

Sorry for all the suffering of the ordinary civilians and soldiers going on in Ukraine and Russia :( I keep the people and their families in my heart. Glad to see you are supporting the models from Ukraine during this horrible time. Maybe this means your other models like Rebecca, Katrin, etc. will be picking up the slack with more releases?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 21 days ago

Updates will remain the same for all parties, we have enough content from the models in Ukraine to last for many months.

3 years 21 days ago


Marvel Administrator
3 years 21 days ago

She is not Russian.

Richard P
3 years 21 days ago

Ok, I don’t want to antagonize anyone, but isn’t it a little self-serving to talk about “extra bundles” of the Ukrainian/Russian girls so we can buy them and help them out? These are girls whose lives are in danger. The last thing I want to do is sit back and look at them naked while at home they lay huddled in their basements listening to bombs exploding. And talking about the other girls “picking up the slack?”

Is there, plainly and simply, a fund to which we can donate? I’m not being some noble ass, but I’d just as soon help them financially and have them know that their fans are real fans and expect nothing in return.

I also don’t want to get a rundown on where all of the girls live, but I am curious about Vanessa’s location, as I believe she may be the youngest lady on staff. Is she from Russia or is she in one of the relatively safer countries?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 21 days ago

It is certainly possible to satisfy two things at once. I don’t believe it to be self serving, but it depends on the person. I think fans are just concerned, and this is one of their only ways they know that allows them to help in some way.
If you wish to donate to a fund for Ukraine in general, there are many. Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, UNHCR, and the Polish Humanitarian we are donating to. If you want to fund the models directly, we are recording all tributes sent to them and will update everyone on the amount raised.

Vanessa is safe, her country is not near the danger.

If you have purchased any sets of the models, or sent tributes (not necessary, but appreciated), then you have done your part. You have to rest easy knowing that you have done all that you can. Once you have this clear conscience, it is much easier to enjoy the models. So far, all models are safe, and 99% of them are far away from any danger.

3 years 21 days ago

“So far, all models are safe, and 99% of them are far away from any danger.”

I’m assuming the 1% is still Alissa who is now in immense danger if she’s still in Odessa which the Ukrainian president warned today was about to be pounded to destruction by aerial bombardment and missiles from an amphibious invasion. Have you warned her of this imminent horror coming down the line?

The problem is many of the older Odessa residents – perhaps Alissa’s parents/family – don’t believe the Russians will bomb them. They still don’t believe the Russians have harmed any Ukrainians, they think all the western news reports are fake news (see link below). That’s why you must warn her.

3 years 21 days ago

Yes, the Russians soldiers don’t care if they’re civilians, they will shoot.
They must leave

3 years 20 days ago

oh God how I love the picture Alissa sent us… im a Kayley Fan, but this picture triggers my hardest protection instincts… take care, all of you

3 years 20 days ago

You’ve said before that you are monitoring news sources and that you have a plan for Alissa in case things get worse… well, things got worse already and now it’s too dangerous to stay in Ukraine.
The situation there is obviously not going to get any better or safer and even if the neighboring countries are welcoming refugees now, sooner or later they will be forced to stop accepting new people because they can only take so many.
Not only that, but in some cities, escape routes are being shelled, leaving no way for people to leave.
Fleeing the country right now is the only way to ensure safety for her and for her family and I understand that you can’t make decisions for her but please try to do something about it.
It’s better to be safe then sorry.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 19 days ago

Things have not necessarily gotten worse. One side tried to lie and open a border into their territory for refugees, but the citizens aren’t falling for it. And in times of crisis, neighboring countries have to accept refugees, they will not block out new people. But the longer one waits to leave, the harder it will be to find a home.

Please remember only about 3% of the population has left the country. I have pushed and will continue to push for leaving, but Ukrainian people have nerves of steel… they are special. If someone decides to stay, the best thing we can do is provide food and water. Regardless, I am doing everything possible to get the models to safety, that is priority #1. I do not want any models in the country while this is going on. Period.

3 years 19 days ago

“Things have not necessarily gotten worse”

D is absolutely right and it worries me you’re still downplaying the danger. The brutality especially to innocent civilians is now at WW2 levels or worse. If Odessa goes the same as Mariupol – the other coastal city which is totally cut off, still being mercilessly bombed and is now without food, water, power or humanitarian aid and where children are now dying of dehydration – then Alissa’s life is in real danger. Having “nerves of steel” will be irrelevant because you won’t be able to provide any food or water for her and she will starve.
If you are her only source of unbiased news, it’s so important you warn her. I know you are doing your best but I’m not sure you’re getting the most up to date information. Please follow this free news feed from the Guardian newspaper for the latest developments and news of any impending attack on Alissa’s city. It’s updated every few minutes (better on laptop/desktop):

Marvel Administrator
3 years 19 days ago

I don’t downplay danger. Stop that. I am basing things off of my team on the ground, including military movements and what our models and photographer says. To give everyone an update, the photographer has moved back to Alissa’s city and they are meeting tomorrow. We’ll see what happens from there.

I watch news every minute, every hour. From every legitimate source. We have eyes and ears on the ground. We have a plan for if things go well, and if things go bad. Our team has plenty of food and multiple places of shelter in multiple cities. Mariupol is a 10 hour drive from her city, and yes it’s bad there, but Alissa is considering multiple scenarios. If she leaves the country, she has a boyfriend who can’t leave with her. She does not have a bigger family like Kayley who will go with her, she only has a few friends in another country where she would stay. From that perspective, you can see that it’s a difficult decision.

My job is to monitor military movements and see if there are movements towards the city. She has promised to leave if they get close. My photographer will be with her now, so she will have someone by her side and be able to provide for her anything she needs.

3 years 19 days ago

Such a tense situation, bless you for keeping such a close eye on things. Yes, I can see it would be an agonizing decision whether to stay or leave. The only ray of light this evening is the gift from Poland of all their mig-29 fighter jets to the Ukrainian air force. Hopefully that will act as a powerful deterrent in protecting Odessa from attack.

3 years 15 days ago

Any update?

3 years 19 days ago

Dude you need to calm down. The Guardian is about the most unreliable source of news there is. Alissa is her own person. She’s an adult in charge of her own life. You need to respect that.

3 years 19 days ago

Everyone respects it’s Alissa’s decision. But it’s a horribly difficult situation and I’m sure she appreciates MC giving her the best impartial advice from outside her immediate circle to make that decision. I don’t agree with the Guardian’s politics, anymore than I agree with the political line taken by the NYT or Fox News, but their factual reporting on the Ukraine crisis – whether on military developments or escape routes for refugees – has so far been super reliable, clearly laid out and rapidly updated.

3 years 15 days ago

Any updates on Alissa?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 15 days ago

I will have an update very soon.

3 years 15 days ago

How’s Kayley doing?