Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:00
Video Thumbnails: Above
105 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:00
Video Thumbnails: Above
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Hi everyone, I am here to update you all on the status on the amount your contributions have made.
From your tributes, we have raised $4,600 in support of the models. As promised, I will be matching this amount and contributing it towards the Polish Humanitarian Action in Ukraine. Their goal is to provide aid mainly for the elderly, women, and children. The aid comes mostly in the form of food, clothes, and making sure bare necessities like water and shelter are available to them.
I will round the donation up to $5,000, I like that number better. I will update and show the receipt once the payment is made.
Please continue to support our models. Your tributes will still go towards them, no matter what. As Kayley has said, she is safe from danger. Alissa is also safe still, however there is still tension in the air. We don’t rest until everybody on both sides returns to their own country. And we love our Russian models, who have been hurt by this situation and have been struggling in their own country. There are no winners, only innocent citizens who are hurt by the actions of elites. We hope for peace and prosperity for all people!
Kayley and I will be here to answer your comments. Thank you all for supporting our models in this tough time. ❤️
Video intro is messed up again and says TM… oops. We’ll fix it next time.
Wasn’t there nearly always an easter sale during early April? How about a fundraiser sale – think this would encourage more people to spend some money.
Spring events are not until next month at the earliest.
Well done all fans and models and photographers and staff ❤️ , this gives hopes in this dark ages.
Also to all of you: be creative, make stuff, if you have a hobby make something creative, code, build stuff, paint, photograph, write and help each other and most important stay away from all destruction a-h-les we will win because ❤️ is stronger! FCK War.
“Put mankind back on earth” – Bono U2 Vertigo tour 2005
This is a very class move, and I am glad to have purchased a few tributes to help. Thanks Admin for taking care of your folks and caring about their well-being. Your customers could not support your models being affected without you setting it all up.
Noticed the tattoo by her little boobie. Glad she and Kayley are safe! <3<3
And I hope she keeps them that size and doesn’t disfigure herself…
Hello gorgeous Kayley! I am happy to hear from you that you are safe! Are you back home in Ukraine? I am still worried about your amazing friend Alissa, have you talked to her? She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and seeing you two together has been heavenly! You both are to be protected at all costs! I am thankful that MC has been keeping us updated and helping to take care of you, we are happy to support you through this awful and senseless conflict and beyond! Sending my love and wishes of continued health, happiness and prosperity to the two Queens of MC/TM, and your families and loved ones! May peace be restored to Ukraine very soon. I loved Alissa’s last video update telling us she’s doing well, maybe we can get one from you too Kayley?
“And we love our Russian models, who have been hurt by this situation and have been struggling in their own country.”
Well said, it’s so important not to hate on ordinary Russian people who have nothing whatsoever to do with the war and are now also going to suffer because of the actions of one sadistic tyrant and his military henchmen.
So pleased Kayley is safe and doing well. I’m still very worried about Alissa though. I feel so sorry for the stress she must be going through worrying that her city might become a target, but at least she has her family and loved ones for comfort. Also, Odessa is now very well fortified and Western counties have at last started ramping up the supply of the latest air defense and anti-missile systems, so hopefully things will remain relatively safe and stable until some sort of peace settlement is achieved. That’s what we’re all praying for. Love, peace and huge admiration for the courage of Kayley and Alissa!!
GM says they will work with Anna in Turkey this summer, Anna are you sure you are still in Ukraine?
She is still in Ukraine.
What city does she live in? Is she safe?
Yes, she is safe.
Yeah, GM say they want to take Alissa to Turkey this summer and other destinations like Bali and Colombia. But unfortunately it’s all wishful thinking. This insane war shows no sign of going away.
GM have also finally clarified why Alissa got the tattoo. It’s not Marvel’s fault – and for what it’s worth I never thought it was – but pressure from her photographer who obviously thought it was a good idea to make her ‘sexier’ and more marketable. I suspected as much but it’s so depressing to have these suspicions confirmed. Anyway, the main thing now is Alissa stays safe, and if she needs money we should all support her.
What photographer? Not ours. Our photographer shoots Katrina (no tattoos), Elena (no tattoos), Kayley (no tats except a small one she had before meeting us), Jackie / Julietta (no tattoos), and more. Nobody on our team forces tats. But we have been over this a thousand times. Don’t believe words without proof. We provide proof of our words with photos and videos of Alissa speaking, and will continue to do so. Believe the words that come from her, and not text on social media without proof.
Well, those other models you mention weren’t threatened with the sack if they didn’t shape up and become more “fun, creative and unique”, were they? As we both know, your photographer was specifically asked to respond in some way to your endless criticisms of her by reading the complaints from both you and MC fans who were increasingly angry at her reluctance to go topless/nude. He had to come up with something to appease you or lose the MC contract. I don’t altogether blame him for putting pressure on Alissa for the ‘sexy’ tattooed makeover under these circumstances. He didn’t “force” her. It was ultimately her decision, albeit at a time of vulnerability when Covid, financial and family obligations and other personal issues were stressing her out.
Yes, we’ve been over this 1000 times. But If there was an alternative explanation to this reading, I’m sure you would have offered something, anything, by now, other than denial that MC had anything directly to do with it which I believe. It’s been over 4 months since you said you’d look into it. Your photographer will know the truth. If you have a good rapport with him and trust him, why don’t you just ask if there’s any truth to the repeated GM allegation? At least we could hear his side of the story. Alissa doesn’t need to be involved at all.
I hadn’t noticed Kayley’s tattoo before. If only Alissa’s was as small and discreet, nobody would mind in the slightest! But it’s not. it’s large, very prominent, and now dominates every set.
You moved the goal post again…
And this argument doesn’t even make sense anyway. We have showed you in the original screenshot from our text with the photographer that he said she got a tattoo (in disappointment). That conversation happened after Alissa and the photographer were not in contact for months, it was quite literally impossible for him to force that. In fact, if our chat app has a historical log that goes back far enough, I’ll try to prove that he was not in contact with her for most of the covid time.
And you know this is not a “repeated GM allegation”. This person quite literally changed who the blame was thrown to. The photographers contract has nothing to do with Alissa shootings, you know this. He gets paid no matter what, it would make no difference if Alissa did not shoot, as he would still be paid for all of the other content and models we shoot.
Why are we the ones who must prove everything? Why can’t Emi prove his point with screenshots or captures like we do? Did you ask them to prove it? Why do you believe them when we post proof after proof, and even a video of her after the conflict in her area about her safety, that you still don’t believe us? Have they ever gone above and beyond to visit our model next to a war zone? Or is it simply because our Alissa content is a little more different?
“Or is it simply because our Alissa content is a little more different?”
Everyone agrees the best Alissa content has been with MC – the perfect blend of elegance, bold tease and sexiness which GM’s tame, low-quality sets rarely managed. I don’t think it worked so well last year in solo sets like ‘Madam’ and ‘Schoolgirl’ when you dressed her in a kind of fun-loving OnyFans style. Alissa like Heidy is just too elegant for that look I think. Anyway, things have really picked up again, the elegant sexiness is back, and everyone seems to be thrilled with the new content. If it weren’t for the tat I would be too!
As for Emi, I don’t think he moved the goalposts. As you know, his first allegation was “marvel people” and the second was “pressure from the photographer”. You’ve said yourself that you consider your photographer as part of the marvel team and I’m sure he does too, so I don’t think he changed who the blame was thrown to. Maybe he knows something we don’t about what happened or maybe he’s just lying because he views MC as a rival. The latter is plausible but I honestly don’t know and you don’t seem 100% certain either. I appreciate you would want to root for your photographer, but there was no suggestion in the screenshots you posted that he expressed “disappointment” at the tat. All he said was that “she now has a new look…has one tattoo… she is ready to work”. If you’re now saying that he did indeed express genuine disappointment (perhaps in other communications you’ve had with him) then fine, no need to post proof/evidence, I’ll believe you.
And yes, I truly appreciate what you’re doing looking out for Alissa, you know that. I just pray the conflict now stays in the east of the country.
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Hello friends. I’m fine. Many thanks to everyone for the support. I hope everything will be over soon and everything will be fine. Your Kayley
I can confirm: This comment is from Kayley.
God bless you and Allissa we love you I hope this war ends as soon as possible
We all hope it ends as soon as possible. I’m sure good will prevail over injustice.
Stay safe and…
Peace and much love for a nation so brave and warrior that fights for yours peace and homeland.
Hi Kayley. Glad you are fine and seems to be safe. Let’s hope everything will soon be better
great to know all of you girls and the staff are ok. my prayers to you