
Alissa & Kayley – Be Mine (Photo + Video)



124 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:19
Video Thumbnails: Above

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3 years 1 month ago

Beautiful! Alissa also back to the full brown hair, love it!

3 years 1 month ago

Looks like it’s from before the highlights

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

This is from her newest shooting, shot just a month ago.

3 years 1 month ago

I’m confused, I’m sure it was the same as Kayley Alissa’s set for Christmas because she had black hair back then but you said the previous two sets of mc were new shoots, does this girl change her hair color all the time? To shoot in 1 month The girls are afraid of too many changes so it’s surprising that she had so many hair changes or the words were a bit wrong and Alissa is doing a new job with GM this year. He says he has blonde hair and his shots are the new version of GM. I guess they’re right because they started working after Christmas.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

It’s the same session from their Christmas set together. So more like 2 months ago. They are the most up to date shootings from her anywhere. Those shots you see of her elsewhere are older, GM sessions are not up to date, they just publish older content that was not yet released. The descriptions you see on social media about 2022 work is broken english.
If you want a timeline, it is like this:
Alissa Natural hair -> Full blonde hair (early 2021) -> Half & Half (GM) -> Natural hair with blonde strands in the front (DARING, late 2021) -> All natural (THIS UPDATE, End of year / current).

3 years 1 month ago

Thanks for the timeline. I really, really liked her with “Natural hair with blonde strands in the front”
Any chance she’ll go back?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

We have more sets in that style, do not worry.

3 years 1 month ago

Thanks for the information, I want to ask one more question, is Alissa still determined not to use social media, you said that fake accounts upset her, is there a way to follow the update outside of your site?

3 years 1 month ago

Given how many fake accounts there are impersonating her, I’m not surprised Alissa doesn’t want to be on social media. Having said that, if she did get her own official account and website like Heidy it might be easier to get the fake ones taken down. Heidy doesn’t have the same problem with fake social media profiles.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

She is not right now. Just follow us, we will provide her fans any new updates on what she wishes. We try to be very transparent with her fans.

3 years 1 month ago

You said a couple of months ago in the comments to ‘Throwback’ you might be able to ask her about the meaning/significance of the tattoo to help some of her fans come to terms with it. It would be great if you could do that when you’re next talking to her team.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

Based on your comments across other websites, I don’t think there is anything we can do to convince you that we had no hand in the tat decision. I can ask her at the next shooting, but I’d like to request back to you that you don’t go on other websites leaving negative comments about her or make claims we did something that we never did, like persuasion. You are respectful here to us, but you are very negative towards us on other websites. I promise you will not get this type of transparency elsewhere. There is only so much I can do to satisfy her fans. We had no input on her going back to her natural hair. And I would personally pay her and all models extra if they had no tattoos, but the only thing I can reasonably do is request to her and other models to try and stay as natural as possible.

3 years 1 month ago

Let’s not fight. I have never, ever, left negative comments about Alissa or her decision beyond saying that it was such a shame. I have huge respect for Alissa. You must know that. I have always been very careful to say “Alissa’s body, Alissa’s rules”. I doubt that horrible rumour is true even in an indirect way but, yes, it has troubled me and it would be really helpful to put it to rest.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

I know you have no bad words to say about her, but the negativity towards us specifically was what I want to make clear. There were past comments on other websites where you said you don’t trust us, and said models like Kris, Lili, Rebecca made us put an influence on Alissa. Things like

“she didn’t want to perform like the other TM/MC models, but she could at least look like them to be accepted by Marvel.

Everyone here knows each model performs differently. They come as they are. Lili doesn’t perform like Kris, Nika doesn’t perform like Marissa, Alissa doesn’t perform like Madison, Sabinka doesn’t perform like Anisa, and so on. Nika has no tats, Lili has none, MC Diana has none, and so on. And there are elegant models, like Heidy, who perform elegantly with no tats. Once again, they all come as they are.

But I will do my best for you and see what she says about her decisions. But please be respectful to us, we work hard for our models.

3 years 1 month ago

I am astounded to see that you continue to drill Alissa about that tattoo. it has been more than a month of you wanting her to explain herself. This is a little disprespectful because she does not need to tell you or anyone else, why she has the tattoo and it is not her responsibility to put your mind at ease because you have issues with her tattoo. Those are not her issues and she is not responsible for your mental stability. I really hope she does not respond because she shouldn’t. It was her personal choice and it is personal to her regarding why she did it. Politely asking her to explain why for over a month is rude and disrespectful. Please leave her alone and respect her decision. If she wanted you to know why she got the tattoo, she would have said this after the first, second, or more times you have asked. Let us all respect her and stay out of her personal life. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but please stop asking about this. She did it, it was her choice, there is nothing you or anyone can do about it, and what is done is done.

3 years 1 month ago

Oh come on TC, it’s not unreasonable to be concerned when one of Alissa’s modeling agencies says another modeling agency persuaded her to get the tattoo because then it would not have been purely her personal choice. I just want that cleared up, that’s all. But I get it, you don’t mind tats and just want more nudity from Alissa which is what your previous comments have amounted to (“At a minimum, yes I want to see breasts”, etc). I actually find this constant baying for more nudity/toplessness disrespectful to Alissa. But each to their own. Anyway, let’s not be mean to each other. As MC says, transparency is the way forward here.

3 years 1 month ago

It is always suspect when a competing agency accuses another agency of something. You simply believed it. Actually, I am not a fan of tattoos, but she apparently wanted one. Oh well, so what and that is life as an adult. My constant baying for toplessness amounts to 3 times (yes to see breasts, to see nipples, and I said “see more”), then I stopped (yes I counted how many times). Your constant baying about tattoos amounts to 7 times. I am not trying to be mean and I know Alissa doesn’t need me to defend her. It is a bit irritating to see yet another tattoo comment every other set. 14 sets, 7 tattoo comments (yes I counted lol). I am getting annoyed commenting on your comments so this is the last time. So you are free to continue the negative comments towards her. How do you think she feels when she sees these types of comments either about her, her body, or her sets because of your aversion to her tattoo?

1- spoiling her elegant flawless beauty
2-a big turnoff
3-graffiti scrawled over her
4-tat, in particular, has been a huge turn-off this year.
5-walks around the chair a bit and finally takes her top off to reveal the tattoo. That’s it.
6-spoiled Alissa’s beauty and hotness this year
7-any tattoo on her will always seem like vandalism and distract from her loveliness. (on the same comment, you asked that she cover up the tattoo.)
8?-(you indirectly implied it.) not part of the seven but could be considered

These are not very nice at all and I do not think she appreciates these types of comments towards her and her body (spoiled, graffitti scrawled, vandalism). This was something she wanted and this is what you call it. Since I have decided not to respond to any more of your comments, I decided to go out with a bang and I think I did, lol. 8 comments. wow. It is absolutely clear that you hate hate hate tattoos and that is ok. what is not ok are the things you are saying about her. Maybe you think you are only talking about the tattoo, but you are, in fact, talking about her because the tattoo is on her. Paul, I get a “good guy” vibe from you, although a bit misguided. I hope I am right. Be good to her. Be better.

3 years 1 month ago

Hi TC – I like your comment and, of course, I’m sensitive to the points you raise and totally take them on board. I suspect you’re right about the other modeling agency making infuriating false claims on their official account. I just don’t why they’d make such an ugly allegation, especially when they know Alissa personally and still work with her directly in her own country.

Just to clarify, when I said “this constant baying for more nudity/toplessness”, I wasn’t referring to your comments in isolation, which are only a small example, but to the tsunami of similar demands from others made especially in the year up to Alissa getting her dramatic makeover. It was very clear she didn’t want to go topless at that time and endless complaints about her not revealing more and ensuing calls for her to be sacked must have been very stressful for her. Dear God, as if she didn’t know already that people wanted to see her nude and more!! So I would simply turn the question you asked me to you and others who clamour for nudity and more explicit performances from Alissa: ‘How do you think she feels when she sees these types of comments either about her, her body, or her sets because of your desire for nudity?’ Or put another way, do you really think she enjoys reading comments like “We want tit!!”, to cite one recent example.
Along with all that pressure from so-called fans, there was also the implied but real threat of losing her job from MC who kept demanding – not for toplessness/nudity, as much as that was desired – but that she became more “fun and creative” to be more “like a true Marvel girl”. MC have recently been scrupulous in saying what they really meant by that phrase, and I believe them. But it really wasn’t clear at the time and may well have contributed to Alissa’s decision to change her look to keep her job. Yes, I know, even if all that pressure did feed into her getting the tattoo, it was still ultimately her personal decision and, as you say, “what is done is done” and I do accept that.

So yes, I will back off with the tat remarks, especially as MC have kindly offered to try and be more transparent on the subject and tell their models that that’s absolutely not what they want to be a “true Marvel girl”. And in the spirit of your “Be good to her. Be better”, maybe true Alissa fans of which I’m sure you are one could also refrain from the we-want-tit demands. Having said that, I very much doubt she reads the comments these days, but her photographers might, although they’ve never come below the line like other MC models’ photographers do.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

To clear up your first point, they do not work with her personally. Their photographer is Russian and flies into the country to shoot her. We know this because we worked with him on shooting her. Our photographer lives 20 minutes away from her. If you remember correctly, the very first photos Alissa ever shot came from our photographer and is the one who discovered her. That’s because they are local to each other. And always remember this, the less another competitive agency says, the better… because that will leave you guessing or assuming they are right. Notice how there was no follow up to the claims they made? The bottom line is, you are in the dark on they work with their models. You are only shown what they want you to see. We have nothing against any other agency, but we at least try to be transparent and give follow ups to any questions a person might have.

Even if you are one of her biggest fans, please try to refrain from speaking for a model. This goes for everyone, not just ones who are staunch defenders of their favourite model. They have a complete life outside of modeling. They have friends, boyfriends, obligations, and their own beliefs outside of the work they do for us. Every individual is unique, and their decisions, beliefs, and understanding of the world are shaped by millions of things each day. Never pinpoint a single decision on one thing (their modeling work, in this case). Every big decision you made in life, like what car you buy, house you decide to live in, or person you have relationships with was thought through. You may not agree with a decision, just like you might not agree when you see a pretty woman married to a man that you think has no redeeming features… but that is their decision. You don’t go around speculating the woman was forced into marrying that man, we live in a modern society where all individuals are equal for the most part. I understand though, that we all have our biases that we cling onto. It only becomes a problem when we do not admit when we are wrong. Always learn and try to accept, or understand a person better!

3 years 1 month ago

“Every big decision you made in life, like what car you buy, house you decide to live in, or person you have relationships with was thought through. You may not agree with a decision, just like you might not agree when you see a pretty woman married to a man that you think has no redeeming features… but that is their decision. You don’t go around speculating the woman was forced into marrying that man…”

Of course not. But, equally, so many of the decisions we make in life are full of compromises and sometimes regrets, few are pure… And in a country like Russia, where I think there are still less professional opportunities for women and generally more traditional attitudes, I’m sure many women have had to make difficult decisions as to their choice of husband based on financial need, family expectations etc.
But you’re right, ultimately you have to respect the individual’s decision no matter what factors or pressures may have fed into that decision. I concede that and said so in my last post.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

She is not Russian, but yes or course in countries like that there are less opportunities.

3 years 1 month ago

Really worried about Alissa. Can you check via her photographer that she’s OK and if there’s anything any of us can do to help her?

3 years 1 month ago

And Kayley too, of course, if she’s in the same country. Such a horrible situation.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

They’re okay, we’ll have an update on them later.

3 years 24 days ago

When will you post updates? Almost a week has passed since your comment and not a single word has been said about it, I even wrote to you directly but you ignored it.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 24 days ago

Please check the latest update we just put out.

3 years 24 days ago


3 years 1 month ago

First, Alissa and Kayley always look amazing. There’s virtually nothing these two could do that would detract from how beautiful each of them are in their own separate ways. Kayley, especially with the tan, is looking more exotic when juxtaposed with Alissa, who looks like the girl next door. Each has the ability to play into these themes well.

Having said that, there really needs to be some direction given either to the girls or to the photographer about the use of hand-bra/arm-bra. This is obviously more of an issue for Alissa. The use of either in various poses limits the motion of the body. If I were the photographer, I’d specifically tell them to find other ways to hide whatever they’d like to keep hidden. Alissa being behind Kayley is better, but there are clearly ways that the model can feel covered or not exposed that doesn’t stifle her movement, whether it is a turn to the side or back, the use of hair, clothing, etc. Hand-bra/arm-bra limits creativity and so limiting it should promote creativity.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 1 month ago

Yes I agree, I will relay your points to the team. We wanted Kayley to use her hands to cover Alissa’s breasts, but she needs to be comfortable with it first. They are friends at this point, so we will see if it will happen next time or not. We try to limit hand bra, because honestly it is better sometimes if the model keeps the top on, rather than having your hand stuck in one position the entire time.

3 years 1 month ago

That would be AMAZING! I mentioned before also the idea of facing each other and simply being close enough together to keep things covered. But yeah, Kayley’s hand/arms doing the job would certainly send the set in an entire new realm.

Oh, and thanks again to you, and them, for continuing to give us such wonderful sets! They are true beauties and we are fortunate that they share that beauty with us.

3 years 1 month ago

Outstanding stuff from these 2 beauties. I do hope Alissa continues to warm up and get more comfortable with her friend Kayley – I would love to see them get more touchy and use each other for cover up as was mentioned. As the two best models of these sites, I look forward to them continuing to ratchet up the hotness of their sets both together and separate as they have been.

Alissa remains all around perfection, tasteful tattoo and all, and as her confidence grows further I believe she has the potential to make even your newly upgraded servers burn out. Here’s hoping her best is still yet to come, and that she’s here for a long time to come! We are truly blessed to have her share her beauty with us at all.