
Alissa – Double (Throwback + Bookshelf)



283 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO

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Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: Various
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 19:54
Video Thumbnails: Above

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3 years 3 months ago

Awesome! Thanks for the bundle! Always a great day when an Alissa set (or two) drops!

3 years 3 months ago

As much as I’m looking forward to seeing her new hairstyle in an upcoming set and, even though I’m now used to her current hair, it’s still nice to see a throwback set of Alissa with her awesome long, brown hair!

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

Thanks, we are happy you like them.

I would like to make a comment on the small handful of people who made comments about the new Alissa look. I know we already talked about it, but I will try to be even more transparent now.

Any (long) brown hair Alissa sets are from almost 2 years ago, right before covid. As soon as covid hit Alissa’s country, she was very emotional and reserved, and was not ready to take on any new projects at the time. It took until December of 2020 for her to finally become more confident with herself, and the covid fears eased. I asked the photographer and her what she looked like now, and they sent me the photos below (attached some chat messages). Almost everyone here knows we don’t quit on our models, so we recruited her back, and she is now receiving enough income to support her family and relief a lot of stress from her life. There was no hidden deal or any persuasion to change how she modeled or looked. Not only is that illegal (force engravings on an individual), but we also prefer our models to be natural. However, though we prefer natural models, we are not going to get rid of them if they decide to make changes to their bodies. Times change, and we must accept that some models want to express themselves differently. If another business didn’t like how she looked and decided not to give her a job, that is their decision. We chose to keep her here, regardless of the flak I knew we would get from some on her changes. I don’t know the meaning behind her tattoo, but I can ask her if it would make some feel better about why she got it.

This is more towards newer followers. People who have been around for years understand us and our commitment to all who work with us. :)
Chatting with photographer (1+ year ago):

Here is Alissa now:

We will support her as best we can. But it is thanks to you all who have endured for so long. Being patient for so long will reward us. :)

3 years 3 months ago

Thanks for posting an older set, and I appreciate your transparency (and hers ). I know many of us are happy to support her, and I’m very excited for what the future holds based on her previews/tributes! She remains by far my favorite model and the crown jewel beauty of this site, tattoo/hair change or not! I hope you continue to release older sets mixed with new sets like this one, I for one want everything she’s ever done! Happy to hear she’s back and feeling better and supported after the crappy last couple years the world went through. Much love and well wishes to Alissa! Your loyalty to her means my loyalty to MC! More Alissa more often please!

3 years 3 months ago

That’s so interesting, thank you. Alissa is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen her in that last shot. I will always support her.
Much kudos to you for not quitting on her when she got her makeover at what was obviously a difficult time. But the thing is no one ever suggested that you should, at least not for the hair/tat issue, no matter how disappointed some fans have been about that. They just wanted her to go back to her natural beauty. The calls for her to be dropped, which were so unfair, were way before that and came specifically because of the hand bra issue. They came from a handful of disgruntled fans, but that also fed into complaints from you as well, like these from summer 2020:

“I have (repeatedly) given feedback and suggestions for her and those involved. Alissa is very difficult to work with. We’ve given clothing style suggestions, most get rejected. She has a large fanbase, but I am a believer that she was the best before the fame came.

It especially is disappointing when you are paying more for less in our case. We have never dropped a model before, and we are trying our best to make the relationship work. But I can only do so much. I have heard every excuse, from everyone involved at this point.”

The complaints kept coming and can’t have been very nice for Alissa during that difficult year. We just all now need to support Alissa. But yes, it would be good to know the story behind the tat – whether it’s something she got casually or whether it’s something personally important to her. That would help a lot,

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

I personally, have never said the hand bra needed to be dropped. There are plenty of models on our sites that do NN just fine, with the most recent being Heidy. My feedback is always geared towards creativity and unique sets, and I can tell when a set isn’t doing well based on sales. With Alissa, her sales have now essentially done a ‘V’ shape recovery and she’s doing better than ever. And it’s not all about money, but we have to talk about it because it supports her family in the end, and we want her to reach her max potential (without forcing anything on her).

We block rude comments. Constructive criticism is kept as long as it’s not demeaning. The comments from that set a long time ago where we discussed feedback was probably what saved the rebirth of Alissa. It showed me to not lose faith in her. I have since told the crew that the last shooting (which some have seen previews of and will attest to) are her best ever and I couldn’t be more happy for everyone.

J. Smith
3 years 3 months ago

So basically, there is no bad hair for Alissa lol. Brunette, blonde, or two-tone. She makes an absolutely beautiful woman with that Rogue-esque look lol. So if I follow correctly, that is her hair style now? 😀

3 years 3 months ago

I personally like long, natural hair, but her new “Rogue” look is just flat out hot! Once a set with it comes out, I’m prepared to get wallet-burn reaching for my card. On a side note, I’m glad that her sales have rebounded the way they have. She’s just stunningly beautiful

3 years 3 months ago

She’s lookin’ good, I’d buy the set(s), just no funds & lots of medical expenses atm (yes, my condition(s) are worsening all the time :( ).

btw summer has hit here, how are you Alissa?

“She’s as cold as ice, cold as ice I know” (quote from a song and a comparison to Nth Hemisphere winter).

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

No worries. Just having you here makes me happy. :)

J. Smith
3 years 3 months ago

The tattoo almost looks like a compass or design for a map. Maybe it’s so she always knows where home is. <3

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

Haha, it’s the sun and moon. 😛 It represents yin and yang, light and dark, etc. Though for her, it may have a different meaning.

3 years 3 months ago

I personally loved her “old-new” hair a lot! But I what I love even more is to hear that she is feeling better, and that we are able to see more of her soon.

3 years 3 months ago

I have said it before and say it again. Above MC comment is yet again a reason I buy sets here and also will recommend other models enter the marvel family. . :)

3 years 3 months ago

The current picture is one of the most beautiful pictures I have seen of her so far.

3 years 3 months ago

Alissa is my favorite model. I buy all her sets on release. I love her old old look, her old-new look, and her new-new look (lol). The tattoo doesn’t but me one bit, I think its cute on her and some of the other tattoo’s you see on women are crazy and massive as well as greatly detract from their natural beauty. I am glad she has persevered and I will continue to support her until she decides to hang up her modelling boots.

3 years 3 months ago

Totally dig the 2K ‘Rogue’ look. Bring it, Ink and all!

3 years 3 months ago

Oh wow, thank you, more throwback Alissa please, so beautiful! Can we at least have another bundle soon? It seems incredible that you were thinking of giving up on her last year because of the hand bra issue.
Alissa is even more beautiful today with her curvier figure and with her upcoming hairstyle she’ll look amazing. I’d love to see her wearing more casual clothes for future sets – maybe something she would choose herself or something fun that she likes – not just suburban housewife lingerie.
Thanks again, please don’t leave any Alissa sets unloved in the archive!!

3 years 3 months ago

I have mixed feelings on tats.
Sometimes they just look good on a girl, and sometimes I just feel like certain girls look better without. Alissa was just so perfect, and has such perfect porcelain skin, I just liked her without. I still think she is amazing and I buy all her sets

I personally have tattoos and both have meaning and significance and are tied to certain low points in my life. It would be nice to know Alissa’s tats meaning to her, but that also may be very personal, so I would get it if she didn’t want to share. Or it could just be she wanted a tattoo and that image was one she liked and felt would look good. It would be cool to know the story though, if she felt like sharing.a

3 years 3 months ago

I think that’s right, Alissa’s such an exceptional top notch beauty that any tattoo on her will always seem like vandalism and distract from her loveliness.
That’s why I’d really like to know why she got it. Was it because she thought it would help with her modeling? If it has deep personal significance I can truly respect that. But if it was just a casual decision – “quite literally the same as someone picking out what shoes they want to wear on the night out” as TM said on another thread – then it would be amazing if she would consider covering it for some of her shoots. Tattoo concealer is widely available and takes no longer to apply than putting on some eyeliner or lipstick washing easily away after use.
In any case. it would be great to hear the true story behind the tat and finally put the mystery to rest!!

3 years 3 months ago

Please leave her alone, in regards to the tattoo. It is only one tattoo. She made her decision and it is permanent. I really don’t understand this. Now, she is to be questioned in regards to her reasons for the one tattoo and a judgment if her reasons are worthy. if her reasons are good enough then she does not have to cover it up otherwise if the reason is not a worthy cause, then she should cover it up? Of course, you didn’t make a demand, but your constant insistence gives the same impression. There is no mystery to put to rest. She has that tattoo because she wanted the tattoo. she does not need to give any of us a reason regarding why she got it, she does not need our permission to have it or to have it visible in her sets, she does not need to cover it up, and she does not need constant pestering in regards to any of the previously mentioned. The horse has been singularly beaten to death, cremated, then beaten again.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

To add to this, we don’t ask models to hide their tattoo, because it implies we don’t like what they did. Then they begin to feel bad or are angry about us even asking.
Especially where Alissa is from, you don’t ask women that type of stuff, because you will get crushed.

3 years 3 months ago

I don’t like raising the issue and have only brought it up yet again because there was a claim from another modeling agency on social media in recent days that Alissa was persuaded to get the tattoo to continue working for Marvel. It was ambiguous who they claimed was doing the persuading – I took it to mean the photo crew/informal management who work with Alissa rather than MC – but they nevertheless said unequivocally MC was the reason she got the tattoo and blonde makeover.

I don’t know whether to believe that claim. It has since been retracted and of course MC have here strongly refuted that they had any influence at all on Alissa’s decision. But unfortunately it has some credence in the context of a year of unending complaints from so-called fans that if she wouldn’t go topless or nude she should be dropped – “Push the limit or get rid of the girl” was one not untypical demand, “Enough, if the model doesn’t want to get naked they should leave her behind!” was another.

MC also strongly hinted at dropping Alissa unless she became more fun, unique and creative and this was repeated again and again. Even an astonishingly beautiful and sexy set like ‘Milk Bath’ was criticised by MC because Alissa was not performing sufficiently like “a true Marvel model”.

I find it heartbreaking to think Alissa was told all this by her crew when she was already depressed in that awful pandemic year but needed to make money for her family, though without demeaning herself by going nude. She had to be fun, interesting, unique and creative for MC to keep her job. What was she supposed to do?

I also find it heartbreaking to think she got the tattoo to please her fans. That’s why I’d like to be certain that she wanted it for herself and not because she thought she needed it to stay working at MC. Only then will this issue be put to rest.

I hadn’t realized tattoos had reached some kind of sacred status where even suggesting they occasionally be covered causes huge offence. I don’t see why that should be the case. You could just say some fans love you with the tat but some love you natural. I think she would totally understand that and not be at all offended,

In the meantime, it’s apparently fine to start baying demands at Allissa like “We Want tit!!!! tit!!! tit!!! dont hide tit!!”. I notice nobody’s taken issue with that comment. Are you really OK with Alissa reading ugly stuff that?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

I don’t know whether to believe that claim. It has since been retracted and of course MC have here strongly refuted that they had any influence at all on Alissa’s decision. But unfortunately it has some credence in the context of a year of unending complaints from so-called fans that if she wouldn’t go topless or nude she should be dropped – “Push the limit or get rid of the girl” was one not untypical demand, “Enough, if the model doesn’t want to get naked they should leave her behind!” was another.

We don’t listen to any demands from anybody. I have read your comments elsewhere and other sites that have comments enabled from her leaks. We have provided much more evidence than their comments.
One of Alissa’s main issues was piracy. At the other modeling site, there was insufficient protection against her leaked sets. Having a models content freely available alongside hardcore content is the single biggest thing that can be hurtful to a model. The hardest conversation to have is with a model who is having this issue, it’s very emotional.

MC also strongly hinted at dropping Alissa unless she became more fun, unique and creative and this was repeated again and again. Even an astonishingly beautiful and sexy set like ‘Milk Bath’ was criticised by MC because Alissa was not performing sufficiently like “a true Marvel model”.
I find it heartbreaking to think Alissa was told all this by her crew when she was already depressed in that awful pandemic year but needed to make money for her family, though without demeaning herself by going nude. She had to be fun, interesting, unique and creative for MC to keep her job. What was she supposed to do? I also find it heartbreaking to think she got the tattoo to please her fans. That’s why I’d like to be certain that she wanted it for herself and not because she thought she needed it to stay working at MC. Only then will this issue be put to rest.

Please reread my original post above where I explained the situation. Fun, unique, and interesting does not equal doing something you don’t want to do. And nowhere in our comments in any of her sets have I said she needed to go topless or more. Here is a quote from me where I explained this:
“A model can be NN while still being unique and creative. And there can be nude sets that are just boring and uninteresting. A model can keep their job forever with us and stay NN, just as long as things are interesting, fun, and unique. We push for creativity and artistry, we do not push for how naked can you get.”
or “Yes I would agree. Again, we are perfectly fine with her staying as an NN model. Implementing fun ideas is what MC a great place, and that’s all we’d like to see.”

If you believe that we define fun, interesting, and creative as changing your hair colour and getting a tattoo, that is definitely not the case. When we say fun and interesting, that means trying new outfits, shooting in different scenarios or with other models, etc. I don’t know where this conspiracy came from, I wish others could produce chat logs like us and try to prove it. I get it, you may think she made these changes to brand herself as a marvel model. Weird conspiracy, but okay that’s fine. Or it could be that we shoot her way more often, don’t care about how she looks, and that 2 whole years have passed since those old GM sets. The thing about old GM sets is it can continuously be praised as having the “old nostalgic” Alissa where everything was fine and perfect. No tattoos or bleached hair! Obviously, that’s going to be the case because it’s all old content, and you can simply claim that any changes she made were because of us and that we ruined everything. That’s like saying to someone that they looked younger 2 years ago… well, obviously yes. If you close your eyes, you can pretend that nothing happened and live life blissfully. That’s not the world we live in. People change and get older and may not do things you wanted them to.
We have provided the most information with proof, don’t have nearly the amount of piracy / theft of income, updates regularly, enjoys shooting with Kayley, and hasn’t needed to shoot topless or nude. On top of that, there is ample protection to stop the spread of her leaked sets, therefore increasing her sales revenue so she can provide for her family. Who is doing more to protect Alissa and give her the best chance of success? I do not care how she arrives to the studio, bleached hair / tat or not. If her fans want to see her and want to pay her, then that is all that is necessary. My goal is to only steer her in the right direction to success, which again, do not include any “do this or you’re fired” actions.

In the meantime, it’s apparently fine to start baying demands at Allissa like “We Want tit!!!! tit!!! tit!!! dont hide tit!!”. I notice nobody’s taken issue with that comment. Are you really OK with Alissa reading ugly stuff that?

That quote from aliisatit is funny even to Alissa. I wouldn’t take it so seriously. Obviously, we are not going to listen to a this or any mob demands. We are going to do what’s right for the model and what they feel comfortable with.

3 years 3 months ago

Thanks for your reply. It’s a shame you don’t once address why Alissa’s other modeling site would make the claim on instagram that you were the reason she made the changes. Why would they do that if there’s no truth in it? Just out of mischief? They’re also weird conspiracists? So unfortunately the suspicions will continue.
Anyway, what’s done is done and I agree with everything else you say regarding clamping down on piracy and how that’s so much better for the models. It’s great that Alissa’s in a good place and making money again.
I absolutely love her new hairstyle. It truly looks like it’s something she’s chosen for herself and not some glamour model look that’s been imposed on her. I’ve said many times I think she’s at her most beautiful today not 2-3 years ago, so there’s no nostalgia here even though it would still be great to see the other unreleased sets. Are sessions like ‘Stay Tuned’ and ‘Sailor Scout’ really 2 years old? Alissa looks a lot older in them than ‘Throwback’.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

I’m not sure what’s there to address, we already talked about it. We saw the original message, ask them to prove it? Logs? It should be easy to prove. Their word vs ours. We showed your much more evidence than them. It’s up to you to decide.
I agree with you too, she looks great now with the more normal hair. :) Throwback was done around the same time as those other two.

3 years 3 months ago

Did I just drop out of a time machine? Because I remember tons of comments on THIS site, over the years, by a bunch of people. All lamenting about spotting Ink or unnatural hair colour. To the point that site God-mothers like Valensia and Stella lost supporters. MC is not TM. ‘Press X’ on the entire Dollmaker story.

On that regard No Tits for Tats! Some girls are better NN.

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

Yeah, some people are new or don’t remember these things. Read comments here from Sarah on her eyes…

Or when Ariana had different hair:

I have been through this many times, my responses rarely change. I have known for years that people do not like ink or different hair.

3 years 3 months ago

“On that regard No Tits for Tats! Some girls are better NN.”

May I say something. I do respect models’ decisions if they want to go next step or not. However, let’s be honest and realistic here, how many models survive staying NN? All models who started with MC & TM from day one and are still modeling took the next step. I am not saying Alissa should take that step it’s all her decisions and I fully respect that. However, if she wants to survive for a long long long run she need show more skin. This is the world we live in now. The previous Allisa update and MC comment are enough proof of that 😉

“Oh my, Alissa tributes are flying in… :)
Thanks for the support everyone, we are getting through them all.

Now you know why we did not give up on Alissa!”

3 years 3 months ago

It is great to hear that Alissa is doing better, hopefully better than ever. Personally, I’m partial to longer hair, especially on older women. When many seem to cut it very short as they get older, the 50+ year-old woman with longer hair is instantly more attractive to me. For me, the hand bra was only ever an issue because it limited Alissa’s range of expression. And not to take anything away from the photographers – many of them have done great work – but it didn’t appear as though there was enough creativity to allow Alissa to feel comfortable in her posing, while maintaining that mystique she wanted to keep to herself, which came across as a lack of confidence. Having seen Alissa’s talent over the years, I suspect the appearance of lacking onfidence was only that, but it unfortunately reduced the quality of her sets. She is still one of the most astonishingly beautiful women I’ve seen. Her eyes and the slight smirk in a lot of her photos are unmatched.

3 years 3 months ago

We Want tit!!!! tit!!! tit!!! dont hide tit!!

3 years 3 months ago

Amen, yes yes yes yes. She has a few sets that give us a peek and MY GOD, they are absolutely positively divinely beautiful, sexy, awesome, gorgeous. I will stop at five adjectives.

3 years 3 months ago

Will there be more with kayley?

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago


3 years 3 months ago

lov u <3

3 years 3 months ago

pre-bleach, pre-tat; perfection

3 years 3 months ago

Perfection indeed, though for once I found the photo set hotter than the video because the posing was bolder and more varied. But both were fabulous.

With her latest hairstyle Alissa could *so easily* be perfection again if MC just grew a pair and asked her to cover the tat. Inked A list Hollywood actresses like Scarlett Johansson and Kristen Stewart are routinely asked to cover up theirs for their movies. They don’t take huge offence at the suggestion. They expect it, it comes with the territory. It’s completely understood they can distract from their performance. Same applies to Alissa’s performing. This ridiculous pearl-clutching and genuflecting before tattoos at MC is just that …Ridiculous!!

Marvel Administrator
3 years 3 months ago

Right, but those actresses are transforming to become another person / character, whereas Alissa is modeling as Alissa (herself). It would be easier to just photoshop it out of the photo sets.

3 years 3 months ago

Funnily enough, I think Alissa often performs a persona / character just like an actress. That’s what makes her so compelllng and versatile as a model. She’s naturally sexy but she performs the sexiness as part of a persona too. You can see her warming up and getting into character in some of the backstage clips that GM sometimes show. She’s done the adorable flirtatious smirk thing for some of her best sets with you (see grantiam’s comment above), but also moody and sultry for all the old GM sets and for you sometimes as well (eg Stay Tuned / Hands Free / Shower /Tiny Thong). She’s different again when performing with Kayley.

2 years 7 months ago

In regards to Alissas’ look, I have been following this young lady around since she first started and I know that she signed with GM in Aug of 2017 and while I don’t know exactly when she signed with you, I know that her first vid was released in Jan 2018 and your first was in Mar of that year. My point is that she worked her ass off for both of your companies for quite awhile and managed to go to university. I am very proud of her and I send her all love and respect. Her new look, while taking a minute to get used to was with her blonde hair, lovely and the tattoo while not a fan of them on women is small and not as obvious as some girls. I have grown to accept it and while it does take away a bit from her natural porcelain beauty it doesn’t really take anything away from that smile that starts out slow and begins to spread till that grin takes over her whole face and those gorgeous dimples come out and those blue eyes start to twinkle and blaze. Wonderful!!! I personally love the two tone hair and I sincerely say that she is my Goddess, and I fall in love with her each time I see her and hope too until the strokes finish me off or another heart attack. I just wish that one time before these things happen that I would meet her and tell her that she is the only woman I have ever wanted to say”I’m in love with you ” to. Thanks for listening, so to speak.