
Alissa – Divine (Photo + Video)



128 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:29
Video Thumbnails: Above

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2 years 9 months ago

She really does have an unbelievable ass.

J. Smith
2 years 9 months ago

Truth! It’s just a shame that’s not America’s ass.

2 years 9 months ago

Yep,she got a nice big o juicy booty,imagine her and vanessa assets together ❤️

2 years 9 months ago

Alissa is making her best content ever. Doesn’t get much better than this.

2 years 9 months ago

Will always love Alissa and she’ll always be my favorite, but I much preferred the beautiful hair bra and slips tease she did in that perfect period before she got the big tattoo. I’d pay anything for a return to those days. With these new sets Alissa is beautiful as ever, more so now that she’s a little older and curvier, but she’s wearing something see through from the start so there’s no real build up or tease.

2 years 9 months ago

The build-up has already been happening for years. Her previous sets. She is evolving and not trying to stay stuck in one place. The climax is happening and it is time for that. Thank you, Alissa and I hope to see more

2 years 9 months ago

Actually, Alissa’s early sets were much more revealing both in terms of real toplessness (through numerous slips and glimpses) and incredibly sexy posing and close-ups. As she’s got older she’s wanted to show much less and I totally respect that. If she wants to show more again, then fine. As you say she’s an adult, it’s totally her call. But I do worry that she might be under pressure to reveal more to make money because of the terrible situation in Ukraine. And people constantly clamouring for more nudity as you regularly do just adds to that pressure.

One really positive thing is the success of her MF page which gives her the chance to make additional revenue and be more in control of what she does. I hope it gives her the confidence to eventually get her own website.

2 years 9 months ago

Slips are not the same. She is starting to show more frankly rather than appear as “slips” or accidents and appears more to say “yes I am revealing myself”. She is being bold like an adult. She is not a child and is not being pressured. She is an adult. I give her the benefit of the doubt that she can make her own decisions and cannot be pressured into something she does not want, rather than fearing that she is too weak to stand up for herself. By the way, the two up clicks on your comment were an accident by me, it was not two people agreeing with you. By the way, I have not clamored for nudity as much as you have scream, cried, complained, demean, and insulted over the tattoo. Wow.

2 years 9 months ago

Oh man the hair bra with those amazing slips were the peak (peek) Alissa era for sure. But at least until she grows her hair back out, the return to sheer tops has been excellent, though she might as well keep the top on the whole time in this type of set, or else the end of the set/video is actually showing less than the rest of it, and I think we’ve seen about all the handbra posing she can possibly do at this point. But since we’re on the subject of hot stuff she’s done in the past, I’m still longing for the day she takes off the thong in a video (and not just the pic set like before), or at least lowering them down her perfect booty (like most of the other models here do). Another good next step forward in the meantime would be fully transparent panties with some nice peeks, closest we’ve come so far is the recent Kaylissa TM set, Matching. In the end of course it’s all about what she’s comfortable showing us, either way she’ll always be my favorite!

2 years 9 months ago

She is so hot, i thing we are all ready to pay 30€ for a fully topless ! When will you make this dream happen ?

Marvel Administrator
2 years 9 months ago

She doesn’t do that. And if she did, it would cost more than that.

2 years 9 months ago

I’d do 30 for just a quick nip slip once in a while. That may be out of her comfort zone too, but that is something she has done in the past. She really looks incredible in sheer, I mean you can tell what is under that sheerness is amazing. Right now I’m just really happy she’s where she’s at, this set was astounding good.

2 years 9 months ago

Dude Im down for 100 Topless n 300 full LOL

2 years 9 months ago

I never want Alissa to go fully topless, it would totally ruin her mystique and charm.

2 years 9 months ago

We are all adults and none of us are her father. Fully topless would be absolute perfection. There would be nothing ruined and that includes the “big tattoo”. She is a wonderful woman who has her own mind and I love the fact that she got the tattoo despite her knowing others would think less of her. I respect her even more for getting the “big tattoo”. That is part of her charm. Topless would be absolutely and utterly fantastic and I would pay whatever she charged for it. This next statement is for Alissa. There is nothing wrong with you and nothing wrong with the tattoo. You are no less of a person because of it no matter what anyone says.

2 years 9 months ago

Alissa doesn’t read the comments here which is just as well probably! I think part of the point of her MF page, however, is that you can post comments that she’ll read and personally respond to. Why don’t you try it?
(If you’re reading this MC Admin, it might be an idea to pre-moderate the MF comments like you do here. There was a really insulting Russian-language comment on one of Alissa’s free pages yesterday which was up for 24 hours. If Alissa read it, that would be horrible).

2 years 9 months ago

I have been already on her page and I already did make my thoughts known and she already knows my opinion of the “Father” complex that is shown here. She doesn’t need a father here. You should think about that.

Marvel Administrator
2 years 9 months ago

Everyone behave or your comments simply won’t show up anymore.
And don’t bring up your personal disagreements with Alissa. I promise you she is not interested in your arguments with each other, especially with the current situation in her country. Though I hope our very clear transparency on her pages have erased any doubts about our relationship with her.

2 years 9 months ago

My apologies. Months ago, I did say that I would not respond to his comments, and yet I didn’t do that. It takes two for an argument and I should have stayed silent. despite what I felt. Not another word will be said and I will keep that promise.

2 years 9 months ago

She is always divine perfection! As evidenced by her popularity on MF, she needs her own site! And I’m pretty sure we’d all pay a good deal more if she ever wants to show us more..

2 years 9 months ago

She has a perfect body, I love her legs, her butt and her waist. But honestly the handbra already has me tired. If she doesn’t dare to topless she doesn’t and wear a top but change her poses, I say that as a positive review.

2 years 9 months ago

Wow,an amazing ass,guys you should look at this on a smart tv,AMAZING