Product Description
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 2667 x 4000
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:59
Video Thumbnails: Above
121 Pictures in ZIP Format + VIDEO
Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 2667 x 4000
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 7:59
Video Thumbnails: Above
Got something to discuss?
As always an instant buy! So excited for what’s to come based on that preview (and also what I have seen in my last tribute)!
Alissa looks so gorgeous, playful and happy in the video, it’s lovely to see. But the ‘sneak peek’ worries me and stops me instabuying. It would be really upsetting if it’s more tattoos or other cosmetic enhancements that have already spoiled Alissa’s beauty and hotness this year. Can someone reassure me?
You’re focused on the wrong thing. ^.- Look again at that sneak peek and tell me what’s different.
Did you actually get the set and see the sneak peak?
I think you need to buy the set. 😛
OK, you’ve sold it to me, fabulous that Alissa’s entering a new creative phase! But it would be really awesome if you could also release the unpublished sets from last year. I’m sure all Alissa fans would love to see them. Maybe in the run up to Christmas?
Agree with this! It’s be nice to get a few Alissa bundles with some of the older content! I have some tributes that still haven’t come out (even with her original brown hair) that I’d love to see the light of day.
Fucking gorgeous! been waiting months for it to release after getting the tribute and can’t wait for the set from the sneak peek to release!
P.S. you’re killing it with the latest releases! A new set with Alissa every week?! Amazing, Keep it up!
Anybody look close at THIS video?? If you squint really hard, you can see Alissa’s nipples since the material of her leotard isn’t entirely opaque. For me, she’s got to have the best skin, legs and feet of all the MC TM girls. Sneak Peek looks VERY interesting, but I hope the blur is just to tease us now and not in the actual video. Although I really dislike her tat, I’m learning to live with it. Please…no more graffiti pretty baby….
There is no blur in the video. No tricks, just pure Alissa.
Alissa’s such an awesome girl but, yes, the tat is so difficult to come to terms with and has put me off buying all the sets this year. I wonder if she would consider covering it for some of her shoots. There’s lots of easy to apply concealer makeup available which just washes off after use.
All of this over one tattoo? She is a grown woman and that is her personal expression. Please, respect her for that.
I have huge respect for Alissa, she’s my absolute favourite. For example, I really admire the way she’s resisted all the baying demands for her to go topless when she obviously doesn’t feel comfortable in doing so. She doesn’t need to show more to be incredibly sexy. But I do feel the tattoo can often distract from her gorgeousness like in the ‘Pastease’ set where it was very dominant. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to say that and I know other fans feel the same way.
Oh my, Alissa tributes are flying in…
Thanks for the support everyone, we are getting through them all.
Now you know why we did not give up on Alissa!
Can we expect 4k videos in the future?
Please thank Alissa, for everything. awesome beyond words
Sorry, but the promise of a sneak peak? She hasn’t teased enough over the years? I’ve been waiting for more, not another tease. I’ll keep waiting.
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We hope you like the sneak peek…? 😉
Dear God.. that sneak peek is amazing! I cannot wait! Thank you Marvel and Alissa!
Is the sneak peek i the video? (I bought the set but haven’t watch the video yet)
I really like her hair, looks amazing, can’t wait!
She looks like a certain Marvel character in that! Can’t wait to see that!