
Alissa – Milestone Part 1 (Photo + Video)



144 Pictures in ZIP Format + Video

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Video
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 4K
Length: 8:27
Video Thumbnails: Above

Got something to discuss?

13 days 4 hours ago

She is the most beautiful model on this site or any site, I have nearly everythiing she has posted on this site. She is truly a godess. much more than HP

13 days 4 hours ago

Hoooooolllllyyyyyyy instabuy!

13 days 3 hours ago

Sooooooo lovely! Need that next part asap!

13 days 23 minutes ago

Seriously! Part 2 could come out tomorrow for $100 and I’m buying it no questions asked!

13 days 3 hours ago

she is a real goddess, I can’t wait to see what happens next

13 days 44 minutes ago

Is the video in 4K?

12 days 18 hours ago


Alie Liyu
12 days 16 hours ago

May i know why the video desctiption resolution is 1920×1080?

Marvel Administrator
12 days 9 hours ago

Fixing now.

John R
12 days 11 hours ago

Oh its not the set we all thought of! Nevertheless Alissa is the queen of beauty always. @admin Is there any other alluring Alissa set releasing during this event?

12 days 6 hours ago

Unless I missed something…. And please enlighten me. How is this a “milestone” ? She shown way more before (blue – which is fantastic!!! Get it while the event is going on) which WAS a milestone and been downhill ever since. She is the the most beautiful model on the internet to me…. I mean angelic when she first came on the scene with that long hair and all those MVP poses. Then she got stagnant and cut her hair off. THEN she came out with the blue and redeemed herself and left so much hope for the future. Nothing since even close. I fully understand models having “limits” and respect that. But Jesus, her signature pose for her first 10 sets at least was head down ass up, then basically showed everything in blue, then back down to pg13 for twice the price? There isn’t a decent shot from behind in this whole set. The definition of progression is to move forward, correct? I’m done with the regression sets.
I’ll probably be band for the negative reviews lately, but I would hope not. I’ve spent 1000’s of dollars here through the years without a single complaint . I have my favorites … Lili, Kayley, Alissa, and Vanessa. I’ve spent 100’s of dollars on all those the last few months and have been quite disappointed. Vanessa was killing it and just poofed. Lili and Kayley are going the Alissa route into regression as well. The only progress I see is Alice on Marvel fans. But jesus, the you would have to refinance your house to to keep up there. It’s just sad to me, this site was so dependable for great content just a short time ago. Bless you all who are satisfied with the current level of content.

Marvel Administrator
12 days 4 hours ago

Why would I ban you for a negative review?
Where do I start. First off, this is part 1. Second, I was incredibly vocal about her sets being underwhelming for many of her old sets a few years ago. Feel free to read all of my thoughts here:

I am trying to leave my opinion out of these sets now, because it doesn’t matter and also isn’t believable to many. But I believe you would be hard pressed to say the set I linked to is better than current content. There are many who believe there is lots of progression, and of course some who don’t. Any hardcore Kayley fan will tell you that there’s no way anybody can believe there is regression if you are on her MF or talk with the fans over there. If you are talking the main sites, I can admit that a lot of sets are not great or simply average. We can’t have every set be better than the last, it’s impossible.

A short comment on pricing. Yes, everything costs more and a set is twice the price as something from 5-6 years ago. That’s because a) we pay our girls more now because they are starting to show more (you will see soon), and b) literally everything costs more because of inflation. We rent a studio in Kyiv and it’s 200% more expensive than 2018 because of war and inflation. If I could charge the same price as when we first started, I promise you I would.

I also want to say that although you have to fork out more money to subscribe to a models MF to see better content, you are supporting them a lot with that. It helps way more than you think, since a lot of photo sessions are 3-4 months apart and that way you can support their job and also see sneak peeks at what’s to come (even if you have to wait months/a year to see it on our main site).

And last thing. If you don’t like what you see or have been disappointed for the past 5-10 sets: Don’t. Buy. This is not a subscription site, you don’t have to waste your money on content that you don’t like or if you think the model is regressing. Simply stop buying. I am glad you are vocal, because it shows you care about the content. And I’m not throwing your opinion in the trash, obviously there is lots of thought and care put into it. There will always be disagreements on the direction a model is moving, especially for Alissa. When she takes the next step, there will be claims about her being stagnant again, and this cycle will likely repeat. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Thanks for your message. :)

12 days 3 hours ago

Thank you for a very apt, timely, and frank response. The feeling I get from many of Alissa’s fans is not unlike the tension just before a hurricane hits; despite knowing that an incredible event is about to happen, the anticipation is wearing everyone down. Personally, I’m ambivalent about the Summer 2024 Event. I certainly appreciate all of the models parading by and don’t want any fans to miss their favorites, but I also want the finale to get here sooner, so that I can FINALLY experience Part 2.

12 days 44 minutes ago

Part 2 will be jaw dropping?

Marvel Administrator
11 days 18 hours ago

Depends who you ask. She’s not removing panties, so not jaw dropping enough for some.

11 days 13 hours ago

But she show us something directly without bra?

John R
10 days 23 hours ago

As far I understand Alissa, she may never go off panties. Hand Bra drop could be her ultimate I believe. So yes that is jaw dropping for her fans . I would be heartbroken not to see the part 2 soon

10 days 15 hours ago

Hand bra drop + sheer panties

10 days 4 hours ago

Hello, long time patron. Just a quick comment on MF, if I may.

I have also literally purchased $1000s of dollars of sets & stuff on here and TM over the years. I have my favorites & my insta-buys. When I do buy, however, it is usually an impulse buy. It’s the way I like to shop. When you impulse buy, you want that rush of instant gratification.
More to the point, I have very much enjoyed the content that I have purchased from MF but the wait- the sometimes LONG wait from purchasing credits to receiving them in your wallet keeps me from even bothering over there. I hate that I can’t just directly purchase sets and subscriptions from my card. The whole credit balance thing is super annoying but I get that it’s a money making scheme. I don’t understand why credit purchases can’t be instant, however. Why does it need to be processed by hand? When I spend $100+ on credits, it’s because there’s content that I want right at that moment, not because I look forward to buying something TOMORROW. You get me? Like, great job on all the content and sites but that really kills MF for me.

Marvel Administrator
10 days 3 hours ago

I understand this, I’m the same way. Impulse buying on content, subscriptions, unlocks is a very real thing. My excuse (let’s call it that) for doing it is because a small part being security concerns, but mainly that it runs on a different platform than our main sites. The solution for us is to integrate our payment platform onto MF (this will likely cost us tens of thousands to implement), or create some sort of handshake between the two sites TM and MF that auto credits you on a successful payment. But bottom line is credits should be instant, because the models lose money on it not being instant! We are performing some updates on MF in the next few weeks, but nothing on the payment end. If everything goes smooth, we will look at increasing the speed of credit purchases.

John R
9 days 18 hours ago

While we are on this topic, could Paypal be an option soon? And avoid filling my whole biography. It can be fast and easy to purchase. And you will definitely see the increase in purchase. Just saying

Marvel Administrator
9 days 16 hours ago

We can’t use paypal the same reason onlyfans can’t. I don’t make the rules, they do.

9 days 17 hours ago

Hi, admin, can you add in USDT, crypto payment method? I had trouble to make payment on your website for few years. All my card being rejected. hope you can reply my message.

Marvel Administrator
9 days 16 hours ago

It would be nice, but not worth the implementation cost. Maybe as a backup in the future.

4 days 18 hours ago

Part twoo, when?