
Nicole – Afternoon & Evening Dip (2 Photos + 2 Videos)



455 Pictures in ZIP Format + 1 Video

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Product Description

Downloadable photo album in zip format + Videos
Resolution: 3840 x 5760
Video Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Length: 18:25
Video Thumbnails: Above

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3 months 19 days ago

I balked on buying when I saw the price but when I saw it was for 2 sets I bought it and glad I did because both sets were very beautiful and sexy.

3 months 18 days ago

Amazing, thank you for this double dip of Nicole! Well worth the higher price. Photos and video are both spectacular. I love that she’s comfortable with no tape and she is great at teasing us with her long hair. The lighting in the evening dip was perfect for the photos and the shots of her bent over leaning on the side of the tub are truly spectacular.

Now I’m ready for more Nicole :)

3 months 4 days ago

Oh boy, what a beauty. Nicole is super hot in this set.

I dropped an angry comment in a recent Tina set about post processing. I stand behind my sentiment, but I may have been overly harsh. I want to drop an exact opposite comment in this one. The camera operator in the Evening Dip video is absolute pro grade. That’s the most crisp, focused, clear video I’ve seen in a long time. The entire video is as pleasant on the eyes as Nicole deserves to be. Nicole goes from extreme closeups to long shots in a single shot and there’s not a hint of autofocus. Good job camera operator! Very Gold Star.